Chapter Twenty-One

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"It's almost time, Butters!- Wh- Butters...?" Cartman paused at the top of the basement stairs after seeing Butter's dead-lift the sofa. His swolen arms pulsed as the chair came over his head. He grunted, throwing the sofa back to the floor.

"Oh. Hey Eric." Butter's said in a low, grainy voice, before cracking his manly neck.

"Dude! What the fuck! You can't just go around throwing my furniture like that!" Cartman scolded him in response.

"O-Ohh.. s-sorry Eric, I won't do it again..." Butter's nervously assured him, tugging at the shock collar around his neck.

"Hm... anyway, everyone's joining the server, and the boys will be upstairs any minute!" His chubby cheeks stretched with delight.

"O-oh... hey Eric... are you sure I can't come upstairs with everyone else?" He questioned, making Cartman scoff.

"Butters, you'll have your headset, you'll be talking to everyone! Just stay down here so no one else realizes how big you've gotten. Then, once everything is ready, we'll head on to phase two." Cartman held up his two sausage fingers.

"Wh- right... uh... What happens in phase two again?" Butter's stuttered.

"Ugh- Butters, not right now, okay? Here, just put on your headset and log onto the server. Oh- I think that's them." Cartman handed the beast his headset as the doorbell rang.

"If you got stranded at sea...?" Kenny repeated my theoretical question in thought.

"Yeah. But I mean like, serious, like, if you had to use your normal resources that you'd have right now to find me."  I said, resting my face on my hands with my legs in the air behind me.

"Wait, would I still be in South Park, or would I at least be near the ocean?" He asked.

"Hmm... nah. You're still in South Park." I grinned.

"Okay... so like, if you got on a plane that crashed above the ocean, and I had to come looking for you?"  He reworded the idea. I giggled, and went with it.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Well... first I'd uh... find out the location of the place crash. Then I'd hitchhike all the way to the nearest coast from where it landed. I'd uh... sneak into the coastal police station... hijack one of the helicopters, and scan the ocean for days until I'd find you. Oh- and I'd steal fuel too. I'd find a way." He told me with confidence.

"Well what if the police track the helicopter and shoot you down?" I hypothesized.

"Huh... then... I'd get a boat instead! I'd just steal it off of one of the docks. I'd search forever if I had to, Y/n." He told me, sitting up from his leaning postion against the wall.  I just grinned at him.

I got off of my belly, and moved from his bed onto the floor next to him.

"Why are you so nice to me?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Why are you so important to me?" He shot back, making my cheeks flare red. I started to giggle like a little girl. I reached for his hood, and pulled it back from his face. He smiled back at me. He's such a sweetheart. I started to kiss him. He grabbed my face with his dirty hands and sighed.

I crawled onto his lap and laid arms around his shoulders. He ran his hands along my thighs, and around my butt. I was starting to feel a hot feeling in my gut, one that I've never felt for anyone before. I've only kissed a few guys in my short lifetime, but he was by far the best out of all of them.

"...I love you..." I whispered, to him. I was hesitant, maybe a little embarrassed... but I very gently began biting on his earlobe. I felt goosebumps crawl up his neck, and he sighed.

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