Chapter One

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It's good to be alone. Days passed and the money was being put into bus transfers and tons of snacks. I've been riding for a very long time. I was clear out of state by now, and I had one place in mind that I needed to get to.


There I could live on the streets and fend for myself. It'd be dangerous, and maybe even worse than where I already was, but I was willing to take my chances for now. And maybe find a better one in the process.

I couldn't risk getting caught for my parent's deaths... Even if they deserved it. In fact, it even made me nervous to know people might be looking for me, although I doubted.

Still, it was good to keep low profile. I didn't know why, but I didn't feel the slightest bit guilty for what I did. They took my sister out of this world. My only sister. I felt justified.

On the other hand, there's no place for me in this world, without any of them. So I guess I had to find one. Maybe I could make something of myself. Maybe I could even go back to school.

But now, I couldn't feel anything. The sky was dark out the window, and I felt depressed and alone. I felt like an empty shell. Emotionless and broken. It was a tiring drive and it wasn't even close to being over.

I felt sick to my stomach. My seat covered in empty chip bags and soda cans, and my face was covered in hot cheeto powder.

I looked at my bag and saw a bottle of red Nyquil in the outer pocket. I opened it and peeled back the fresh wrapper. I untwisted the top and smelled the stingy, bitter, cherry-scented stink of the medication. I eyed the driver. He sipped on a cup of Starbucks coffee as he drove along the dark road. There were about five other passengers. Three of which were asleep or about to be. It wasn't any of their business what I did anyway.

I looked back at my bag and saw my baby sister's stuffed bear hanging out of the top pocket. I looked at it and sighed, before picking it up. I pressed my thumb against it's blue button eye.

" was too soon, little sis..." I said quietly. I squeezed the bear's head painfully between my fingers. I swallowed hard.

"I wish... you could be here with me..." I trembled slightly. "W-We should've left sooner.. I'm sorry.." I whispered with a small tear running down my cheek. I sniffled and held up the cough medicine a bit.

"To a better life, soon to come... And hopefully a better afterlife for you, buddy.." I sighed, glugging down a good fourth of the liquid. I winced at the bitter taste, and leant back as I already started feeling buzzed. I sipped on the bottle for maybe another hour, staring into the dark night sky. The stars twinkled in the far distance. Everything went whirly until my eyes gently fluttered closed.

"Hey.. Hey kid..." I heard a distant voice. My eyes pryed open to face the bus driver. The sun was rising and my fingers and lips were coated in the sticky red substance.

"Hey, kid, what's with the cough medicine?" the driver questioned. I looked at him and blinked. I looked down dizzily at the empty bottle in my hands.

"Uh... I have a cough..." I told him.

"Oh I guess that makes sense. Well, anyway, you gotta get off, kid. It's the end of the line, we've gone as far as I can take you." He told me.

"What?" I questioned, sitting up a bit. "Where am I?"

"You're in South Park, Colorado, kid. And this is my last stop. I don't think there's any other transfers around here."

He stared at me. South Park? I wasn't supposed to be here....

"Wait- p-please, Mister! I'm only fourteen, and alone! You have to take me back with you!" I pleaded.

Jilted Junkies :||: Kenny x Reader || South Park FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora