54: alisa's ending

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     'Killer Queen...'

     A slender hand tapped your shoulder very gingerly, and then you noticed that the hand had very feminine-looking nails. Not that the boys didn't have feminine nails, but this one was more feminine. I should probably stop describing hands. I sound like Yoshikage Kira.

     "You have failed the vibe check," Alisa whispered, her face very close to your ear. She laughed and threw her head back when she watched you jump out of your skin. "Just kidding. You live for today."

Supposedly, you'd pulled a face because she burst out laughing. "For today?" You questioned, almost genuinely worried for your life.

The Russian shook her head and pat you on the shoulder somewhat reassuringly (as reassuringly a pat on the shoulder can be after having your life threatened). "You'll be alright. I mean, with all these boys after you, who wouldn't be?"

"Yeah." You felt your heart sink as all of the text messages from the boys came back into your thoughts. It's not as though you didn't appreciate all of this love you were getting, but it was all a bit overwhelming and you were beginning to think that you didn't really want any of them at this point. You couldn't see any of them as more of a friend.

As much as you'd like to imagine Ushijima taking the stroller out on his jog in the morning, you couldn't imagine the stroller to be your child's. As much as you'd like to imagine Oikawa in a suit on his wedding day, you couldn't imagine it to be yours. As much as you'd like to imagine Kuroo with wrinkles and grey hairs, you couldn't imagine yourself sat next to him, equally as grey and wrinkly.

Nevertheless, there was someone out there for you. And perhaps it wasn't any of the boys.

Alisa, feeling awkward, sighed and plonked herself down on the floor next to you. You noticed this and sat down with her, although not as plonk-ily. "Damn," she whispered, looking around the arena, "that's a lot of people."

"It is," you replied. The gymnasium had almost filled up with people excited to see all these high schoolers compete. You wouldn't have thought that so many people would've come for just a high school tournament, but here we are.

Alisa normally stared into your soul with a bright grin on her face (which was normally a terrifying combo) but today she was looking through the crowds as though she was keeping an eye out for something. Perhaps she was keeping an eye out for any of the boys who were coming after you.

She was a good friend like that.

But only now did you remember what she'd said before you'd left the hotel room:

     "This doesn't sound like the perfect time to tell you what I was originally going to tell you, but... you should probably go and get some air. It must be stressful having so many people love you like that."

     At the time, she sounded really downtrodden, and you still couldn't figure out why she felt like that. In fact, she still looked rather upset right now.

     "Alisa, what was it that you wanted to tell me?" You watched as her face went red. "You wanted to say something but you said it wasn't the right time."

     If it was even possible, her face turned even more red and she gingerly tucked a few strands of her blonde hair behind her ears. She truly was a beautiful girl, with bright blue eyes that quite literally sparkled in the sun and long legs that were to die for. Not that you'd taken notice of how nice her legs were, but she did have nice legs.

     "Oh, right," she began, taking deep breaths, visibly nervous. "Um. We should probably go somewhere else for me to say this."

     She began to get up and then walked off outside of the gym. She led you through some doors and then you both found yourselves outside of the building, leaning on some railing while looking out onto the city. Alisa's face was still red and she was uncharacteristically quiet.

     "(Name)," she said, for once not addressing you by some weird nickname she'd made up. "(Name), did you know that I'm- actually no, nevermind, go find Ushijima or someone."

     "No, Alisa," you put your hand on her arm, "please tell me."

     Alisa's heart was thumping so loudly you could almost feel it yourself. The gentle breeze was making her hair flow backwards as though she was the main character of a Disney movie and the dimming colours of the sky shone down on her face as though she'd morphed with those Instagram filters.

     Seriously, why couldn't you stop pointing out these things about her?

Hm... maybe none of those boys were for you. Maybe... boys weren't for you...?

"Fine," she huffed, "but don't look at me funny when I do say it."

You held up your little finger. "I won't."

She shakily breathed in and leaned even further on the railing. "I, um, remember when I got those messages and then I wanted to say something?"

"I do."

"I just wanted to say that... I like you, and, uh," she was getting quieter by the second, "I like you in the same way that they do."

You paused for a minute, thinking about how to respond. Did you like Alisa? Did you like girls?

One look at Alisa told you quite a bit. She was beautiful, had loads in common with you, she was Russian, smart in her own way, and looked like the younger version of Victor Nikiforov.

You liked her.

"Alisa," you gently found her hand with yours, "I think I feel the same way."

She gasped, almost pulling her hand away from yours but remembering that this was probably her chance. "You do?"

"I do."

"'I do'? Are we married now?"

"Yes." You laughed and felt your heart practically flutter when her hand gripped yours. She was grinning up at you with that million-dollar smile which was almost taking your breath away.

All of a sudden, she threw her arms around you and embraced you as tightly as she could. "Thank you," she whispered into you, "because I never thought that you'd love a girl like me when you were surrounded by boys."

"Who needs boys when I've got a Russian memelord who looks like Victor Nikiforov right in front of me?"

"Victor Nikiforov?" She looked up with a questioning look. "How did you know the name of my uncle?"



oh crumbs this has been a ride!! i'm so happy it's over but at the same time i'm so sad
also my next story is called "honey" & it's a kuroo x reader :):) (and the reader is kenma's sister, as per popular demand hehe)
(it's also going to be a little bit angsty oops)
(i also have a persona 5 story called 'dear goro akechi' if anyone's interested in that)

i'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has kept up with this from the start, those who found it miraculously while i was writing it, those who are here now, and those who have finished this story some time in the future!! i love you all :)

and also a big thank you to all of your funny comments. honestly, those made my day (especially the one on chapter three, about who's the sexiest in haikyuu - that cracks me up)

but yes!!! thank you everyone!! thank you for 105k reads (as of 09/03/20) and thank you for over 100 followers :):) see you all soon!!

The Killer Queen (haikyuuxreader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora