11: match two

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wednesday, the twenty-seventh of april
sendai city gymnasium

     The gym had the same atmosphere as before. The constant chatter of the people watching the match going on and the loud chants of the opposing school. It had a strange sensation - your heart felt as though it was being squeezed gently and your throat felt dry. No, this wasn't really nervousness, even though you were quite nervous, but this was excitement.

     Your team looked as ready as ever. They'd played an actual match before, and although it was easy, they were prepared for harder opponents. Everyone was stretching and warming up - not a single person was slacking off or doing otherwise. As a proud captain, you walked up to them and called them into a huddle.

     "Alright guys," you began, your arms around Rio and Rin, "We're going up against Chidoriyama. They look experienced, so we should be cautious. According to Oikawa, their strength is defence and they have an amazing Libero. Spike and block with more power, alright?"

     Everyone nodded and then immediately went back to practicing. As you'd already warmed up, you looked over to where Chidoriyama were warming up. Their Libero couldn't have been over five feet tall and their tallest member was probably around five foot four. However, judging by how efficient their blocking was, they could jump. And they could jump high.

     You zoomed in onto the captain which just so happened to be the Libero. Her jersey read 'Doi', which you assumed that was her last name. She had short, blonde hair which looked really silky and she also had brown eyes. Her red uniform stood out the most - it was red all over, unlike yours which was dark blue and black. Her number, written in white lettering, read '01'.

     She looked determined. This Doi caught your eye and glared right back at you. She didn't smile or blink once. Her cold gaze made you shiver. As Persil the washing detergent company once said; small but mighty.

     You turned back to your team just in time for the whistle to blow. All of you got into your formation while Chidoriyama finished up stretching. As they got into formation, you watched as Doi looked over to the referee and give him a very small nod. They were going to cheat, and you couldn't really do anything about it unless someone else catches on.

Once more did the whistle blow, and before you tossed the ball Rio made flashed one finger and then two fingers, meaning that she was going to set the ball to you, as you were in the top right corner. Nodding, you grabbed a volleyball and walked behind the serving line to begin. Tossing the ball into the air, you ran towards the line and leaped upwards, the ball falling nicely in front of your palm and shooting itself neatly to the other side of the net. Doi quickly received it over to her setter. The setter tossed the ball to the wing spiker and it went back over to your side of the net. Swiftly, Rin received it and sent it to Rio, who set the ball to you as she signalled. The ball soared in a clean arc and hit your palm perfectly. With such force did you hit it, and it went straight onto the other side of the court, earning your team your first point.

Aoi immediately ran up to you and gave you a high five. "Hell yeah!" She exclaimed, visibly happy, "the milk is in the bag!"

"First of all, what the heck," you said, staring at her confusedly, "and secondly, milk does not belong in a bag."

Aoi took a step back. "It does. I went to Canada and the guy who I asked for milk from gave it to me in a bag."

"I have just lost my faith in Canada," muttered Rin, believing everything that Aoi said. Once, Aoi told everyone that Rio was a spy who came from Russia looking to start WWIII. Rin avoided Rio for a whole week and constantly looked alert in practice.

The Killer Queen (haikyuuxreader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin