16: semi-finals

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     friday, the eleventh of june, 2012
     sendai city gymnasium

     It was cold and rainy, even though it was almost the middle of June. Your earphones were in and you were on the fifth replay of your most favourite song, Despacito. Oikawa was very loudly chanting along to 'everywhere we go' while Kageyama (right at the back of the bus) sung with him. Surprisingly, Kageyama was good. A bit creepy though, he was, because whenever Oikawa sung something, Kageyama would join in immediately. It was as if he knew when Oikawa would do it.

     The bus ride wasn't as quiet as the bus ride after the incident. Aoi and Rin had gotten much closer and had convinced the coaches to let them sit together. The boy who used to sit next to Aoi was very relieved by this. However, Aoi was twice as loud as before and Rin was surprisingly very giggly. You couldn't help but feel your heart tug downwards ever so slightly: was this jealousy?

Suddenly, the bus came to a halt and you looked back outside the window to find that you were parked in the gymnasium car park. There was another bus, just opposite you, with a bunch of rowdy and rough looking kids piling out of it. The kids appeared to be primary school children - they were watching. Somehow, knowing that primary school children would be watching you added extra pressure.

     As you walked into the gym talking to Rio, you noticed Iwaizumi looking extra awkward walking beside Oikawa. His cheeks were somewhat red and he refused to look Oikawa in the eye when he spoke to him. Oikawa looked fine, however; obviously, it was a problem that only Iwaizumi knew about. You'd ask him about that later.

     The gym seemed to be even more full than before. Perhaps it was the primary school taking up almost one quarter of the seats, or maybe because Yako was a gigantic school. Fortunately, you were against Yako and not Shiratorizawa. It would fuel Aoi's anger even more, and you'd feel especially awkward if you lost.

Yako was, as I said, a huge school. Their black uniform somewhat stood out in the crowd of people observing the match. Their cheerleading squad had yellow and black pom-poms and yelled their school's chant at the top of their voices. They took up half of the gym. Thankfully, your school managed to fit in the remaining seats. The primary school, you later found out, was the Yako Primary.

They were training small children to be their evil minions...!

     Well, anyway. There was only one net on the court, contrary to when there were around three nets as there were three matches going on at the first three rounds. And the gymnasium was ten times louder than what it was before. Mixed in between the ear-piercing chants of Yako and the constant yelling from your school, the only noise was the volleyballs bouncing on the floor and the murmur of the crowd. It was exciting.

     The vice-captain of Yako came up to you. She had strawberry blonde hair and eyes that were as blue as the sky. Her genuine smile calmed your nerves - she was like some sort of angel. "Hello," she greeted. Her voice was quiet and gentle. "My captain's too nervous to talk to you. Quite frankly, we're all quite intimidated by your school. My name's Mary Kajiwara."

     "Mary?" You replied, "where are you from?"

     "My mom's American. My dad's Japanese. Also, you never told me your name."

     "Ah, sorry. My name's (name) (last name). I'm from (country)." Mary nodded in acknowledgement. "I wish you luck in this match. But not too much luck - I do hope we win."

     Mary laughed. "Right. And I wish you luck too. But not too much."

     She shook your hand and left to return to her team. Mary seemed nice - her appearance was soothing, and her voice sounded like a choir of angels. But was she really this nice? Probably not. Nobody's that heavenly.

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