50: daichi's ending

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'Killer Queen...'

The gentle brown eyes of no one other than Daichi greeted you when you spun around, and he gingerly waved once he realised he'd caught your attention. His grin was just as soft as his face, and it definitely gave off a warm welcoming feeling. However, something was definitely up - Daichi's grin looked a little bit less happy than his grin the few other times you'd seen him...

That thought made you think back to the message he'd sent Alisa; do you think she'll be happy?

...of course you were happy, but you just didn't know why he wanted you to be happy.

Daichi's grin widened once he realised you'd noticed him. "Long time no see, huh."

Sheepishly, you nodded. "Yeah. Just been a bit busy with practice for the internationals, and we didn't have any time for practice matches." You took a few steps forward so that you weren't practically yelling at him from a distance that wasn't optimal for conversations. At this, Daichi laughed.

"I suppose you're right. Congratulations on getting here though," he continued, "you finally got to show your school who's boss, and you managed to persuade someone as cold hearted as me to come and cheer for you."

"Daichi, you're not that cold hearted. In fact, you're not cold hearted at all." Daichi went red - he knew that he was basically everyone's dad, and that dads were almost never cold hearted.

Daichi scratched the back of his head. "In any case, would you like to come for a walk with me? It's nice and warm outside."

     You nodded and followed him. The brunet waited for you to come beside him before walking away towards the exit. On the way there, he held open all of the doors and let you walk out first. Daichi was, by nature, a gentleman.


     The August air was warm, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. All of the people that had come to cheer their respective teams on had left through the front entrances, and all was quiet at the back entrances where you and Daichi were currently stood. The pair of you were looking out at the scenery of your capital city, and all was quiet apart from the hum of the cars below.

     After a few minutes of quiet, Daichi turned to look at you tenderly. I say 'tenderly', but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. You supposed that was what was wrong when you first turned around to look at him - his smile showed that he was happy, but his eyes told a different story.

     was this some sort of wattpad fanfiction?! no wait-

     "(name)," he began, his eyes not leaving your face, "I, erm, have something to say."

     You nodded, allowing him to keep going. He took a deep breath in, and, all of a sudden, his smile melted from his face.

     "I've always considered myself to be privileged. I didn't have a tragic childhood - I grew up with my brother and my sister, and both of my parents, in a nice house, and I went to nice schools with real friends. I was never out of the ordinary. Although I had a great childhood, I didn't really see myself getting anything better, in a sense. I thought that because I already had everything, what more could I get?

     "And then, all of a sudden, my family moved from our old home in Tokyo to a bigger house in Miyagi where my father had a better job. The only downside to that was that I left all of my old friends. I sat in my room all the time, looking out of my bedroom window. Only then did I realise that there was someone living in the house opposite mine, and the time that I finally realised that was when I made eye contact with a really pretty girl."

     You thought long and hard about Daichi's story, trying to figure out why on earth he'd be saying something like this to you now. And that was when you realised.

     The day you'd moved into Oikawa's house, as you were staying there until you got to Shiratorizawa, Mama showed you to their spare bedroom which just so happened to be the one facing the garden, and also the one with a window directly opposite someone else's bedroom window. You remembered that while you were looking around, you looked out of the window, and saw a boy who very gingerly waved at you.

Your jaw almost touched the ground. That boy was Daichi. How did he remember that...?

"Weird that I remembered, huh?" He shyly smiled. "I just remembered that it was a pretty girl that I waved to. Didn't specifically remember it was you at first, but when I saw you when I was talking to Iwaizumi and Oikawa back in Izumidate, I knew straight away."

     "I'm sorry, I-" you panicked for a moment, seeing the smile fade slightly from his face, "-I had no idea it was you! I feel bad now."

     He shook his head. "Don't be. It's fine." He leaned on the railings and wistfully scanned over the surroundings.

     "Also, you... you think I'm pretty?" Like one of those cheesy anime girls, you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.

     Daichi softly laughed and tucked another one behind your ear. "Of course. Hasn't anyone ever told you that before?"

     Thinking back to when you were called 'smoking hot' by the Miya twins, you internally gagged and shook your head. "Er, no, not really."

     "Well, they have now."

     You let your mind wander off to the other boys who were literally begging for your attention beforehand, and, before you knew it, you'd completely forgotten what it was that you and Daichi were talking about. "Who? Who has?"

     Daichi laughed again, but this time it sounded slightly more happier. "Me. I have. You beautiful, beautiful girl."

     Feeling your face turn red, you quickly slapped your hands on your cheeks in an effort to cover it up. "Oh," you whispered, feeling rather shocked that Daichi would come out with something like this.

     The brunet beside you sighed and looked at you again. His eyes met yours and you could feel your heartbeat quicken just by looking back.

     "I think I'm in love with you, (name)," he said quietly, his hands moving to stand stationary at his sides.

     You were silent for a while before smiling back at him. "I can't say that I feel the same way, Daichi," you replied, "but I'd be willing to try."

     The Karasuno captain-to-be let out a huge breath of relief and then proceeded to throw his arms around you. "You almost gave me a heart attack then, window girl."

     "Window girl?"

     His hold on you tightened. "Sorry. But, erm, how about I take you on a little date first to start things off?"

     Your arms finally reciprocated Daichi's embrace and you nodded into his chest. "That sounds nice."


YIKES thanks for 80k 🥺🥺
also i'm sorry but these endings are going to be shorter than the chapters
- have you figured out who the secret ending is?? i'm having a fun time reading all of ur comments btw 🙃🙃

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