04: oikawa tooru

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      friday, the thirteenth of june, 2009
   kitagawa daichi
      a flashback to Oikawa's first year

     "Listen, Anzu, I-"

     "No, Oikawa, I'm done. We're done. I'm tired of you and your fangirls who chase you around, and I'm tired of you going after them back. I don't like how you don't chase me anymore, and I don't like how I don't feel like chasing you."

     "Please, just hear me out-"

     "No, Oikawa. I can't be in love with someone I don't love myself."

     And she was gone like that. Oikawa was fooled once again, and now he'd have to explain to his mother why his second girlfriend of the year had dumped him.

     Dragging himself to the train station to get home, Oikawa began to think about his now ex-girlfriend, Anzu. He had really believed that she was the one for him; when she confessed, she promised to never be jealous of volleyball or his fangirls. She was smart (in the class higher than Oikawa) and was also kind. Anzu also had some sort of sly glint in her eyes that made Oikawa fall for her in the first place. Not to mention, Anzu was also drop-dead gorgeous; most of the guys in Kitagawa Daiichi were after her. She even had a fan club of her own.

     Oikawa got jealous. He could admit that, and it wasn't something he should hide. He was jealous of Anzu's fanboys, he was jealous of all the attention she got from being his girlfriend and he was jealous of how much better than him she was. But he loved her for who she was, and was convinced that the emotion he was feeling was love. However, he wasn't sure as to whether she felt it too.

     He had caught her laughing with other guys. He had caught her kissing another guy. He'd caught her blatantly flirting with another guy. On the inside, he was enraged, but he kept his cool on the outside.

     To first-year Oikawa, this was love.

To first-year Oikawa, love was watching your loved one go off with other people and show them love instead of showing you any.

Love was war, he had read in the many books that he owned, and love was often a one-sided battle.

     The truth was that Anzu didn't give a damn about Oikawa and she never would. She knew him to be childish and naïve, and she knew that he'd fall for anyone if it meant that he had a girlfriend. To her, Oikawa was just a doll in her dollhouse. One of the many, many dolls.


The next day, Oikawa came to school by himself. The walk to school was incredibly lonely and every turn reminded him of Anzu. As he walked through the school gates, his eyes immediately went to where Anzu normally stood. They widened to the size of saucers as he saw her kissing someone else - and that wasn't just someone else.

It was one of the boys from the volleyball team.

Oikawa couldn't have this - well, actually, he could, but he knew that if he didn't do something, the team would suffer. Oikawa Tooru didn't take things lightly, and when he needed to act, he made a giant fuss.

So he did what he needed to do.

He talked to the captain of the team in private and asked if the boy could be kicked off. With some over exaggeration and fake tears, Oikawa got his way, and the next day the boy didn't have a girlfriend. It turned out that Anzu was also using him for attention.

And the team wasn't affected at all, really - it turns out that the boy was an asshole anyway.


wednesday, the twentieth of may, 2010
   kitagawa daichi

"No, Kirika, I'm sorry-"

"No, no, Oikawa-san, I'm sorry."

"Please, just let me explain-"

"Oikawa-san, it's ok. You'll be better off without me."

But the truth was, he wasn't. Kirika Sato was the kindest girl that Oikawa had ever met. He'd been going out with her for three months before she decided that she needed to go. Kirika was nervous, constantly shaking, and Oikawa was the one who confessed.

It was annoying, really. Oikawa had only had four girlfriends during his time in Kitagawa Daiichi, and each of them were indeed fangirls.

First, Nisbett Baba, who was one of the weird kids at the school. Oikawa had started going out with her because he thought that a girl like her couldn't possibly be a fangirl. He was incorrect.

Then, Anzu Fukuda, who was one of those girls who flits from man to man. Oikawa was enamoured by her, but she was only seeking attention. He went out with her two weeks after Nisbett, and was desperate for love at the time.

After that, Hisa Kojima. Hisa wasn't the prettiest of girls, definitely. Oikawa thought that Hisa wouldn't be one of his fangirls because she was ugly and ugly girls often think that they are no match for handsome men. Oikawa often thought to himself, 'it's time to make her day - she'll love having attention from a popular kid,' - because his ego was already sky-high. She broke up with him because the popular girls started bullying her. Oikawa never spoke to her again.

And then, finally, was Kirika Sato, who Oikawa was surely in love with. By this time, May 2010, he was well-experienced in love. Oikawa knew what he was doing - look for a kind hearted girl that wouldn't throw him away and look for a girl who wasn't after him because of his looks or reputation. Kirika wasn't a fangirl, nor was she after him for attention. She was perfect, and he made sure to show that to her everyday. In the end, she broke up with him because she felt bad for him - she never showed him any affection because she was too nervous.

Oikawa sighed. Love was a one-sided battle after all.

The next day, Oikawa walked to school alone. He was rather used to this - perhaps he should stop walking to school with his girlfriend. Every corner reminded him of Nisbett, Anzu, Hisa and Kirika. He'd turn one corner and see Nisbett reading her book. He'd cross the road and see Anzu waving seductively at another man. He'd stop at the lights and see Hisa almost run into a car. He'd see the trees lining the road and see Kirika trying to save a cat stuck in the branches.

It wasn't fair, he told himself.

Walking through the gates, he expected to see Kirika smuggling another cat into the school, but no.

She was talking to Anzu, and stopped to gawk at him as soon as he walked into school. Kirika was wearing heavy makeup and her skirt was shorter than what it normally was. She'd become slightly skinnier overnight. And running up behind them was Nisbett Baba, his first girlfriend. She now had dyed blonde hair and looked ten times more popular than what she was. In her hand was one of the twilight books (she'd become one of those girls) instead of The Lord of the Rings or the latest volume of Naruto.

It seemed as though all of his ex-girlfriends had teamed up on him. His heart dropped at this thought - he hadn't done anything wrong, and only apologised when they broke up because he didn't like the feeling of being alone with nobody to love. He never cheated, he never lied, and he made sure to make time for his girlfriend whenever he wasn't practicing volleyball or with his parents.

The world was unfair.


Oikawa didn't do much work for the rest of the school day. He only thought about what his dream girlfriend would be like.

She would be beautiful, inside and out. She would tolerate his passion for volleyball and even play herself - and she'd be damn talented at it. She'd be friends with his friends. She'd show him affection and not be afraid to do it. She wouldn't go off with anyone else. She'd forgive him like he would forgive her, but not that he'd have to. She'd be funny. She'd be intelligent. She'd be perfect.

     And on Monday, the third of April, 2012, Oikawa's third year,

     You came into school.

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