Chapter 110: Concealment-Part Four

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Wei WuXian, "Coffins are used to hold corpses, of course. I'm guessing that what had been buried here was the corpse of Jin GuangYao's mother, Meng Shi. He came here tonight likely to retrieve his mother's corpse and travel to DongYing with her."

Lan XiChen said nothing. Nie HuaiSang exclaimed with an 'ah', "Oh, yeah. It sounds very reasonable."

Wei WuXian asked, "What do you think the person would do after they dug out the corpse of Jin GuangYao's mother?"

Nie HuaiSang, "Wei-xiong, why do you keep on asking me? No matter how much you ask, I don't know anything." With a pause, he continued, "But..." Slowly, Nie HuaiSang brushed together his storm-drenched hair, "I think that if this person hates Jin GuangYao so much, they'd probably be entirely merciless towards something he cherishes more than his life."

Wei WuXian, "Like cutting apart his corpse and keeping his limbs at different places, like what happened to ChiFeng-Zun?"

Nie HuaiSang jumped, stumbling backwards, "Th-Th-That's... That's a bit too much, isn't it..."

Wei WuXian stared at him for a while before finally averting his gaze. Conjectures were conjectures, after all. Nobody had evidence.

Perhaps the confusion and helplessness on Nie HuaiSang's face right now was all pretense. He didn't want to admit that he used others as pawns, treating human lives as nothing. Perhaps this wasn't the entirety of his plan. He had to hide his true colors to do more things, reach higher goals. Or, perhaps it wasn't at all so complicated. There was someone else who sent the letter, killed the cats, and pieced together Nie MingJue's head and body. Perhaps Nie HuaiSang was a complete, authentic good-for-nothing.

Maybe the last words Jin GuangYao said was a last-minute lie after his intention of attack was seen through by Nie HuaiSang, so that Lan XiChen's thoughts would be disrupted while Jin GuangYao dragged them towards the same death. After all, Jin GuangYao was a big liar with countless past offenses. It wouldn't be strange no matter when he lied or what he lied about.

As for why he changed his mind at the last moment, and pushed Lan XiChen out of the way, who could know just what exactly he was thinking?

Veins suddenly lined the back of the hand in which Lan XiChen placed on his forehead. His voice sounded muffled, "... Just what does he want to do? I once thought I knew him well, and then I realized I did not. Before tonight, I thought I knew him well once more, but now I do not." Nobody could give him an answer. Lan XiChen repeated in frustration, "Just what does he want to do?"

Yet, as even he who was closest to Jin GuangYao didn't know, it was impossible that others had an answer.

After a while of silence, Wei WuXian spoke, "Let's stop standing around for nothing. Get a few people to go find assistance. Save a few to stand by here and watch the thing. The coffin and the guqin strings won't be able to seal ChiFeng-Zun for long."

As though to verify his judgement, loud noises echoed within the coffin again, along with a nameless fury. Nie HuaiSang shivered. Wei WuXian glanced at him, "You see? You have to switch to a firmer coffin right now, dig a deep ditch, and bury it once more. You won't be able to open it in at least a hundred years. If you do, it's guaranteed it'll continue to haunt, resulting in endless consequences..."

Before he could finish, a loud, clear bark came from afar.

Wei WuXian's face changed at once, while Jin Ling managed to gain some energy, "Fairy!"

The thunder had died and the pouring rain had become a sprinkle. The darkest part of the night had already passed. Light could be seen.

Sprinting, the soaking-wet dog flew in like a black wind, throwing itself at Jin Ling. Its round eyes were damp as it stood up on its hind legs, clinging to Jin Ling's lap and whimpering. Wei WuXian watched as its crimson tongue extended from its white, sharp teeth and licked Jin Ling's hand. His face paled and his eyes glazed over. As he opened his lips, he felt that his soul was about to become a wisp of green smoke and fly to the Heavens through his mouth. Quietly, Lan WangJi placed himself in front of him, blocking the line of sight between him and Fairy.

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