Chapter 92: Longing-Part Three

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Wei WuXian sighed within his heart, Never mind about these further investigations and whatnot... I'm more worried about if being cut-sleeve is contagious through sacrificing one's body!

As he thought, the fatigue of the past few days began to rise. Wei WuXian rubbed his temples. Lan WangJi, "You should rest."

Wei WuXian, "Okay." As he spoke, he sat onto the bed, kicked off his boots, and lay down, "HanGuang-Jun, you should also..." At this point, he discovered quite an awkward problem.

There was only one bed inside the room. If Lan WangJi was going to rest as well, he had to sleep on the same bed as him. Despite the number of times they'd slept on the same bed in the past couple of days, a lot of things had become delicate after Jiang Cheng's words at the ancestral hall of Lotus Pier. Now, much less tell Lan WangJi to sleep on the same bed as him, he mulled things over for so long even when deciding how many rooms to take.

Lan WangJi, "There is no need."

Wei WuXian somewhat propped up his body, "How could you do that? You've also been..." Just as he finished, he started to regret it. What if after he said so, Lan WangJi thought that with so much hassle, it was best if they had two rooms? Wouldn't it be more awkward?

Lan WangJi, "I am fine. You can rest."

Wei WuXian touched his chin, "... Oh. Then I'll lie down for a bit. Wake me up at three."

Seeing how Lan WangJi had already shut his eyes and begun to meditate, still seated at the table, Wei WuXian finally lay down again.

He lay on his arm and stared at the ceiling for some time, turning around for his back to face Lan WangJi. Even after a while, he was still wide-eyed, unable to fall asleep. He couldn't help but become irritated.

Back when he was playing the madman, he said something like he could only sleep when he was beside Lan WangJi. Of course, all of that was nonsense. But ever since however long ago, the nonsense seemed to have become a reality. Wei WuXian thought, What should I do now? Don't tell me from now on I really won't be able to sleep in a bed that doesn't have Lan Zhan in it?

After a long struggle, Wei WuXian finally managed to clamp his eyes shut.

Having slept hazily for who knew how long, when Wei WuXian woke up, the light had already disappeared from the window. It was probably past five already.

Wei WuXian sat up at once. A noise came from behind him. Turning around, he saw that Lan WangJi had just closed a book. Wei WuXian, "Lan Zhan, why didn't you wake me up? Didn't I say I'd get up at three?"

Lan WangJi, "Let both your mind and your body recover fully. Do not rush."

Wei WuXian had been sleeping for almost half the day. Within the day, Lan WangJi had probably only gone downstairs and brought a book up here to read. He felt a bit sorry, so he hopped off the bed, "My apologies. I really slept too heavily. You should also lie down for a while."

Lan WangJi, "There is no need."

At this point, somebody knocked on the door. The owner's voice came from outside, "Young Masters, I've brought dinner."

Wei WuXian finally realized that it was seven already. Lan WangJi opened the door. Atop the tray that the owner brought up were a small pot of liquor and two dainty cups. She said as soon as she came in, "Huh, looks like you slept all the way 'til now?"

Wei WuXian felt even more guilty, laughing drily. The owner put the tray on the table, "Young Masters, where are you from? If you're visiting from elsewhere then it really is tiring. You can only keep on going after some proper rest, am I right?"

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