Chapter 75: Distance-Part Two

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The three rushed toward the direction of Burial Mound. When the black peak broke through the clouds, Wei WuXian felt more and more worried

The roars of fierce corpses came from the dark forest afar. It wasn't only one, but an entire group. Lan WangJi made a sword seal with his hand, and Bichen immediately began to fly even faster, although still steady.

As soon as they landed, the two saw a shadow dart from within the woods, screaming as it threw itself toward someone. Bichen cut it in half with one single stroke. The person on the ground was pale-faced. As he saw Wei WuXian, he shouted, "Young Master Wei!"

Wei WuXian tossed out a talisman, "Uncle Four, what's wrong?"

Uncle Four, "All... All of the fierce corpses in the Demon-Slaughtering Cave got out!"

Wei WuXian, "Didn't I set a restriction seal? Who touched it?!"

Uncle Four, "Nobody! It was... It was..."

Suddenly, a yell came from in front of them. It was a woman's voice, "A-Ning!"

Within the forest, around a dozen cultivators of the Wen Sect stood before a figure-Wen Ning, bearing a hideous pair of white pupils. Not many of the talismans that once covered his entire body remained. In his hands, he was dragging two other fierce corpses, which had already been torn up by him, blackish blood cascading off what had almost become two sets of skeletons. Wen Ning was still beating them up, as if he wouldn't rest until they had been turned to dust. The person who stood at the front of the group, holding a sword, was Wen Qing.

Wei WuXian, "Didn't I say not to touch the talismans on him?!"

Wen Qing didn't even have the spare seconds to be surprised that Lan WangJi was here. She answered, "Nobody touched them! Not a single person went into the Cave! He tore them off on his own when he suddenly went on a rampage. Not only the ones on himself, he destroyed the restriction seals at the blood pool and the Cave as well! All of the fierce corpses in the blood pool got out. Wei WuXian, go save Granny and the others. They won't be able to hold up much longer!!!"

As they spoke, strange hissing noises came from above them. The group looked up to find a few fierce corpses that had climbed up the trees. They curved around the top of the trees as though they were snakes, snarling as sickening mucus dripped from between their teeth. When Wen Ning looked up, he saw them as well. He tossed away the crushed limb in his hand and leaped onto the tree at once!

The tree was at least twenty yards tall. To be able to leap up to such a height directly was an indicator of extreme explosive force. Soon after Wen Ning went up the tree, he tore the corpses apart, limbs flying everywhere and blood raining down on the ground. He still wasn't satisfied yet, going off the other side.

Wei WuXian pulled out Chenqing, "Lan...!"

He wanted to entrust Lan WangJi with saving the others as he stayed to deal with Wen Ning. When he turned around, he had already disappeared. Just as he was beginning to panic, sounds of the zither vibrated through the sky, sending off a murder of startled crows. Before he could even ask, Lan WangJi had already gone over. Wei WuXian felt his heart settle. Putting Chenqing to his lips, he released a long note. Wen Ning's body, having landed on the ground, paused shortly.

Wei WuXian seized the opportunity, "Wen Ning! Do you still remember me?!"

On the other side, the zither sounded three times before it went silent, meaning that Lan WangJi was able to control the fierce corpses with just three notes. Wen Ning lowered his body slightly, deep growls coming from his throat. He was like a wild beast on alert, prepared to attack at any moment. As Wei WuXian was about to play his flute again, he suddenly realized that Wen Yuan still hugged his leg tightly, too scared to make a sound. He'd forgotten about him the whole time!

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