Chapter 67: Tenderness-Part Five

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The wife spoke again, "Let's just hope that he knows who did him wrong. If he wants to seek revenge, then seek revenge on those cultivators. Please don't come harm us normal people."

Her husband, "Who could possibly guarantee that? When he killed over three thousand people in Qishan, I was very young, but I can still remember that back then, not only the immortals who cultivated, even normal people were scared of him. He's a bloodlusting demon who has no heart."

Wei WuXian's grin gradually faded.

He had been quite interested when listening to the couple talk about their daily lives. However, all of a sudden, he felt that his head was as heavy as a thousand pounds. He couldn't raise it to see the expression on Lan WangJi's face. What the couple chatted about next, he couldn't hear any of it.

Suddenly, a chilling roar came from outside of the farm. The family in the yard had been having dinner, talking and laughing. When they heard the unhuman roar, they were so startled that even one of the bowls smashed onto the ground. The child began to cry. The young man snatched a hoe from the side, "Don't worry! Don't worry!"

Not only were they surprised, even Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi flinched. Lan WangJi was about to get up when Wei WuXian thought of something and grabbed the clothing in front of his chest, "Don't move!"

Lan WangJi's eyes widened slightly. The roar had definitely come from some dark, cruel creature. If the owner of the farm went to deal with it alone, he'd most likely not come back alive. In spite of this, Wei WuXian repeated, "Don't move."

A scream came from the yard, along with more of those unhuman roars coming closer and closer. It had already entered the door. Lan WangJi couldn't stay still any longer. Bichen unsheathed at the speed of lightning. Yet, the family of three had already fled, running as they screamed. The stack of straw had been messed up by Bichen. Amid the straws raining down on them, something entirely black stood in the middle of the yard.

Its hair was tangled and it was still flashing its fangs. The disordered points that seemed to grow out of its body made it look both terrifying and somewhat funny. Lan WangJi had never seen such a monster before. He paused in surprise, while Wei WuXian had spoken already, "Wen Ning, you haven't opened up your throat in too many years. Your shouts are really getting worse and worse."

Human speech came out of the mouth of the dark monster, "Young Master... I'm a fierce corpse after all. All fierce corpses sound like this... when they shout."

Wei WuXian patted his shoulder, "Such strong energy."

Wen Ning glanced at Lan WangJi. Probably having recalled that the GusuLan Sect's people disliked those who didn't dress neatly, he smoothed his hair a couple of times, sheepish-looking. As Wei WuXian saw how many branches stuck out of his hair, he almost couldn't bear it as he plucked one out, "Why did you suddenly jump out? And you're like this. Were you robbed? What's that on your face?"

Wen Ning, "The dust and dirt on the ground... After I watched you two go inside and didn't come out for a long time..."

Wei WuXian, "You've always been following behind us?"

Wen Ning nodded. Wei WuXian understood. Wen Ning didn't dare meet with anyone except for him. And so, after they went down the Cloud Recesses, he secretly followed behind them. When he saw that nothing happened for a long time after they went inside the farm, he went to listen in and heard that the couple was talking about him. He felt awkward and wanted to scare them away so that Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi could come out. Probably feeling that how he had looked wasn't daunting enough, he stuck a bunch of strange things to his face and his body.

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