26. Slow down

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Liverpool, 31 December '61, 10:06 PM

No one knew I was here. At home they knew I was going to a New Year's party with some friends, but I think Ma assumed that was with Jackie and Brenda. Those two thought I was celebrating the new year at home. Both were wrong as I was in some random house in Wavertree. Paul had given me the address just yesterday night, together with the promise that a certain girlfriend wouldn't be there.

By the time I made it to the house, I was frozen to the bone. It had been snowing all day and the few busses that were still running, didn't bring me all the way to the address, so I had to walk the rest.

However, all was forgotten when I got to the house as the party seemed to be in full swing. The music was clearly audible from the pathway to the front door, but no one seemed to complain about that. Several people were smoking on the grass out front, none of which I recognised or seemed to recognise me. No one batted an eye or tried to stop me from walking through the front door, either, so that was great.

I took my coat off and hung it over the banister of the staircase, with the rest of the coats. I guess that was the cloakroom for the night. Beggars can't be choosers, right?

I still couldn't believe Paul had actually invited me to this party. It clearly wasn't his party, but he had assured me that none of his friends would bat an eye or tell anyone about what happened tonight. He had told me I was save to come, even if we were still a secret.

I couldn't avoid a smile from reaching my lips, just thinking about it. I felt special, being the girl Paul wanted to spend the last moments of '61 with. He had explicitly asked me to be that girl. It wasn't just an off-the-hand mention of the address. No, he had actually given it to me to invite me.

With a tug at my dress to pull it down a bit more, I walked further into the house. I found myself in the living room, which was filled with loads of people, none of which paid me any attention. I recognised a few faces from the Cavern; John, who was lip-locked with a blonde; one of the girls that often worked the cola bar; and was that the Hurricanes' drummer in the corner?

Before I even had the chance to fully look around the room, I was engulfed in a hug by someone who's smell and arms I would always remember; Paul. 'Archie, my love, you came!' he exclaimed, his speech slightly slurred, telling me he had been drinking for a while already.

I turned around to face the guy of my dreams and there he was; slightly fuzzy look, that mop of hair that was finally growing out a bit and a lopsided grin on his face. Even looking like that, he managed to take my breath away. 'Hi,' I let out, a huge smile on my face as well.

He pecked me on both cheeks, before crashing his lips on mine, not at all faced by the people in the room that could see us. His hands were on my cheek and in my hair and down my back and everywhere, while he deepened the kiss, drawing me closer to him.

When he finally pulled away for air, I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks. 'Paul, stop it. People can see,' I giggled. I actually giggled!

'Let them see. I don't care,' he announced, diving his lips down to my face again. Soft and sweet kisses as quick and light as butterflies were left along my jaw, while his hand was slowly caressing the other.

I couldn't help but smile at that announcement. It didn't mean anything, but it was nice to hear. 'You don't mean that, but I appreciate you,' I whispered, all the while holding in a moan. His lips could do magical things to you and he was really showing me now. Drunk or not, he still had it.

'I do. I missed you,' he protested, still nibbling away at my jaw. By now people were definitely staring at the public display of affection, but funnily enough, no one made a comment.

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