22. The scientist

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A/n Hiya, lovelies. A quick disclaimer for you; the chapters in this part of the story switch between two timelines, 1961 and 1967. All of them have the date at the top, so I hope that clears it up a bit. I'd imagine you read over that most of the chapters, so be warned that if you do, you might be surprised. Thank you again for reading this story!

Liverpool, 29 September '61, 13:42 PM

Brenda and Jackie had been delighted that I had enjoyed the Beatles on Wednesday. So delighted that today they had dragged me to yet another lunch time show. I had joked they had the band's schedule written down in their diaries, but apparently that turned out to be true.

I hadn't told them about sitting with the band after their evening show last Wednesday, because I knew they wouldn't hold their own. They really wouldn't hold their own. They would freak out, all over the place.

Another lunch hour was spent with dancing to the music of a band that was composed of four guys in their late teens. There was certainly something special about them. They were tight and seem to know exactly when one would deviate from the normal setlist. This was met with laughter and jokes from each other. The band radiated excitement and fun and a professionalism you wouldn't expect to find in boys this young. The way they performed, promised more success for the band in the future.

'We've got one last song for you, gents. After that we'll let you get on with your lives without having to listen to us nutters,' one of the guys in the band said. I wasn't sure whether it was John or George, but I knew it wasn't Paul or Pete the drummer.

'We probably have to go now,' I said, turning towards the girls. We had to leave now to make it in time for our afternoon lessons.

'Oh, just this last song. Please, Archie? We can't leave now. It's my favourite!' Brenda begged and with a look at Jackie, I couldn't do anything but relent. We could be five minutes late, right? And if we walked fast, we could probably make up the time anyways.

When the last notes of the song died out, I turned back to my friends. 'Shall we go now?' I asked and they nodded.

'Yeah, let's go. I hope it isn't as cold outside,' Jackie agreed as she took her coat. You could always trust Jackie to follow every sentence up with some pointless natter.

'Archie, hang on! Wait up!' came behind me from a voice I could only place by looking behind me. Paul, in all his sweaty glory, had clearly jumped right off the stage to catch me before I left the building.

'Oh my word, Paul. You... I love you! You'll have to introduce me to Pete!' Brenda nearly screamed all these words, but Paul paid her no attention as he made his way to me.

'Where are you going?' he asked as he lay a hand on my shoulder. What kind of gesture was that? Was it protective? Was it affectionate? Was he trying to stop me from going? Well, probably the latter.

'I've got to go back to school now,' I answered as I tried to shake his hand off.

His smile faltered for a split second, but then was back on his face, bright as day as if it had never left. 'Really? Can't you stay behind and have a drink with me? I had so much fun on Wednesday night,' he said, revealing it all to Brenda and Jackie who just managed to not scream out. Dang it, Paul. Couldn't you hold your gob for just a second?

'I have to go back, though. I'm really sorry. I can't miss class,' I apologised, ready to turn around and leave the Cavern again.

'No, you can, Archie!' Brenda protested. 'You can skip. You don't have to go!'

'Yeah, it's only Mrs Wilkin. You know we won't learn anything anyways,' Jackie added. 'We'll tell her you went home poorly.' Honestly girls, a little help here? Who's side were you even on? Paul's

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