15. Maybe I'm amazed

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Paul P.O.V.

Notting Hill, 22 April '67, 16:55 PM

Time seemed to pass by slowly but surely. I managed to close my eyes for a bit, but when they opened again, the light in the room had barely changed and Archie was still fast asleep in my arms.

Blimey, she was beautiful in her sleep. It was beyond me how she managed to look that gorgeous; hair tousled, face crinkling up every now and then from obvious dreams, slightly pouted lips that begged to be kissed. She was a dream.

It struck me to be strange that only four months ago I scarcely ever thought of her. Even more, before we re-met in August, she barely ever crossed my mind. But now, now she seemed to be on my mind all the time, even when I was with Jane. Especially when I was in Jane.

No! I shouldn't think of Jane now. I was with Archie. This beauty of a girl, who could even give Aphrodite a run for her money, deserved my undivided attention.

It wasn't about anything anymore. I could tell myself it was just about sex, but that wasn't true, was it? I was perfectly fine with laying here, just watching her sleep. Completely and utterly content. I didn't have to do anything, nor did she. Just being with her, being in the same room as her, was enough.

It wasn't just about sex anymore. God, definitely not. It was about her. She was the one it was all about. About that slight smile on her face, even now when she was fast asleep and cuddling into me. She.

It never used to be like that. We used to get it on in backrooms and never once did it cross my mind to lie with her in bed without doing anything. I don't think Archie thought of it either. We were just having fun and that was all there was to it.

She had never met my family back then and even though she hadn't now, I couldn't push the idea away either. It were the simple things that she said or did, that made me sure she would get on greatly with Mikey. I wanted to introduce the two, but knew I couldn't.

My thoughts were finding their way back to their normal lines whilst I lie next to Archie. By the time I was having problems keeping my eyes open, I felt the girl stir next to me. She was finally waking up.

Her eyes fluttered open and a confused look flickered on her face. It was gone within a second as her eyes landed on me. The moment we made eye contact, tears sprung to her eyes and she started crying.

'Hey, love, what's wrong? Don't be scared. It's just me. Just stupid old me!' I tried to calm her. My arms had already been around her, but I pulled the crying girl even closer.

She clung to me while she sobbed, crying her heart out The sound of it completely broke my heart. Why was she crying? What had I done wrong? Well, probably a lot, but not today, right?

Was it because I was here without warning her? Didn't she want me here? Or just didn't want me anymore? Being here with Archie was what I needed, but maybe I wasn't what she needed.

I continued to shush her, until, finally, her grip on my shirt loosened and her crying stalled. 'I'm so sorry,' she apologised. 'I'm such a fool. So sorry! You must think I'm silly, crying like this.'

'No, that's alright, love. No worries,' I told her, still not convinced it wasn't about me. She must be crying because I was here. 'What's on your mind?'

'It's just...' She stalled and took a deep breath. When she started again, the worlds poured out. 'Just had a tough shift at work. I lost two patients in ten hours, got home and couldn't tell anyone. I wanted you this morning, but couldn't call you, obviously. And then I woke up and you were here. Exactly what I needed.'

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