13. Hometown glory

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A/n Am I allowed to say that I am so happy this story gets read by people? I'm writing so much right now as Archie's story is just demanding to be written down. I've nearly finished the last chapter I'll post this year and I've already two chapters written for next year. But to actually have people read it as well, is beyond amazing! Thank you so much for reading this. I love every single one of you!

St. John's Wood, 1 April '67, 10:47 AM

Until deep into the night, we rediscovered each other. Touches, kisses and calculated movements. It was like a dance and we were finding the perfect rhythm.

When I finally awoke the next morning a smile instantly came to my face. It had been a great evening and night and I was promised two more days of that; a weekend all to ourselves, just Paul and me. Dare I say, how it was supposed to be? It certainly felt like that.

Paul wasn't in the bedroom, but the smell of fresh coffee and toast gave me an inkling as to where he might be. After I dressed myself in one of his shirts, I found him in the kitchen downstairs, nursing a cup of Joe.

He looked up when I walked in and a smile spread across his face, but it didn't quite make it to his eyes. 'Hi, beautiful,' he said, his voice still raspy.

I smiled back. The way he looked in that morning light, Christ... 'Hi,' I said quietly and I sat down across from him.

He pushed a plate of buttered toast towards me and I took one, biting into it. It was clear this was what Paul was waiting for, because as soon as I sank my teeth into the slice of toast, he sighed and started speaking. 'So, I have to go into the studio this afternoon,' he said, grimacing.

'What?' I asked surprised. 'I thought you were off this weekend?'

'I was,' he said, the anger in his voice surprising me. 'That is, until John decided he wants us to record another song for the album. The prick knew you're with me as well!'

'You think he called upon you on purpose?' I asked, quietly nibling on my toast. He seemed very on edge and it was making me pretty uncomfortable.

'Knowing Lennon, probably. Tosser.' His anger worried me and I couldn't do much more about it than take his hand, hoping that would calm him down.

'I'm so sorry, love. I know this is not what we had in mind, but I can't let them down. We need the album to be perfect. We're so close to finishing it and this song might be the final piece,' he explained with a from, his thumb slowly caressing the back of my hand.

I shook my head. 'It's alright. It's not your fault. But do tell John that he's an arsehole,' I said with a watery smile on my face.

And thus he left, leaving me alone in his big house. I soon realised that without Paul, it was far from the perfect place I had thought it to be, yesterday. It was just a cold and empty shell without the owner to make it a home.

I didn't even know when he would be back, so passing the time was a hard task. I drew myself a bath and soaked in it for a good while, eyes closed and music playing on the wireless.

When I grew restless, I pulled the plug and got out. I dried myself off and put on some clean underwear, but debated whether or not I would get dressed. In the end I decided not to; I didn't have a key to the house, so once I was out, I couldn't get back in. Besides, Paul would hopefully return soon and then he would undress me faster than the speed of light. I just didn't see the point. Because it wasn't very warm in the house, I ended up settling for one of his shirts.

At last, I heard the girls outside the gate scream, indicating that my handsome man had come back home. When I heard the front door open, I made my way to the landing. 'Hey baby, you're home again!' I exclaimed, not yet seeing him, but knowing he would hear me regardless.

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