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The next morning I woke up later then usual. I clambered out of bed and looked around the dorm room. Every bed was empty already. I looked out of my window to see it was a relatively nice day, when I opened the window however I felt a strong breeze of cold wash over my body. I forced the window shut and walked over to my trunk, but as I opened it I heard tapping. I looked up to see my chestnut barn owl, Romeo, was clutching a letter in his beak, and tapping against the window. I got up, walked over to the window, and pulled it open. I was greeted with the unpleasant cold once more as Romeo swooped into my room. I walked over to my owl as he dropped the letter onto my bed. I sat down and stroked his feathers. "Hey... Haven't seen you in awhile." I said quietly. He nipped my finger affectionately and hooted softly. I grabbed the letter and saw my mothers neat scrawl. Curious, I ripped open the letter and started to read.
" Dear Rosie,
How are you? We haven't heard from you in awhile, and your brother refuses to write to us. How is he? I don't know what's gotten into him. He use to be so sweet and now... I'm not sure, but you are watching him arnt you? I figured I would write to you and let you know that Scorpius will be staying with us during Christmas break. ("What!?" I gasped.) I know you two don't always get along, but his father and mother have business els where. Christmas isn't for awhile, but now you know. Please write soon.
-Love Mom"
I crumbled the letter and threw it in the dust bin. I sat grumpily on my bed thinking. "Why is IT going?" I said out loud angrily. 'Don't act disappointed.' A voice in the back of my head taunted. I dropped my face into my hands and groaned, "what am I thinking?" Not wishing to be left alone with my thoughts, I decided I would write to my mother later and started to get dressed. I pulled on some dark blue skinny jeans, a long black sleeved top, and a black coat. I brushed my red hair out and put a black winter hat on. When I looked in the mirror I was startled by how dark I looked. I looked pale under all the layers of black, but I decided I would at least be warm. I ran out of the dorm and as I ran across the common room toward the portrait hole I saw the common room was relatively empty minus a few first and second years, and couple of seventh years. I ran down the stairs, and when I entered the great hall there was a few people still left eating breakfast, including Harley and to my surprise, Albus. I walked up to the Gryffindor table and sat across from the two. "Where is everyone? And shouldn't you be with Malfoy" I asked Albus. The two shrugged their shoulders, "They all left for Hogsmead about half an hour ago, including Scorpius, you were sleeping in." I nodded, they looked a little awkward. "something wrong?" I asked as I started to eat a strawberry. They looked at each other then back at me. Albus's green eyes wouldn't quite meet mine. "We're kind of- you know- on a date? We're spending the day together?" Harley said quietly, and a little apologetically. "Oh! My bad!" I quickly stood up, "I'll get going- see you around?" I asked, they nodded their heads. I turned around and started walking towards the entrance hall. My hands tucked into my jacket, and my head lowered as I walked, all the sudden I ran into someone and was about to fall over but they caught me. I gasped with relief. "Thanks- my bad-" I looked up to see Scorpius looking at me intently, his eyes never leaving mine. I felt my heart quicken, I could feel his hands on my shoulders still. Realizing I probably look stupid just standing there, I quickly stood myself up correctly, and shrugged his hands off my shoulders. "I thought you already left?." I said quietly. He didn't say anything. "Thanks." I whispered, and I pushed past him, walking alone towards the entrance hall. I pushed open the oak front doors and walked along the path, the crisp ground crunching beneath my feet. My heart was still beating fast. "What is going on?" I groaned, rubbing my head. My feelings were so confused and I didn't know how to describe them. After awhile I finally made it to Hogsmead, still alone. I sighed sadly as I looked around the town, students from Hogwarts were walking in and out of shops all around me with their friends. "Well now what?" I asked myself quietly. I felt a huge rush of freezing wind surround me, "Three Broomsticks it is then." I mumbled. I started walking towards the Three Broomsticks, hugging myself. I was always a wimp in the cold. When I opened the door I heard the chime of a bell and the buzzing of many voices. I looked around the pub to see a lot of the students were all here, most likely hiding from the cold. I walked over to the counter where an old witch was taking orders. "What can I get yea dear?" She asked. "One butterbeer please." I said quietly. She put a bottle on the table and I gave her the money. I looked around the pub and saw that all the tables were full and I was starting to feel embarrassed. "Hey! Rose!" I groaned inwardly at the sound of that voice. I put on a smile and looked around to see Jake Peck, a fellow Gryffindor and keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, waving me over to sit with him. Not wanting to be rude, I walked over. "Hey." I said quietly. "Hey! You here alone?" He asked. His eyes were looking me over and I felt the familiar feeling of weird. "-no actually- I'm not. With a friend.." I lied. "Oh- that's too bad.." He mumbled, still looking at me. His voice sounded crest fallen, but his brown eyes looked- well angry... "I better get going." And I walked away, heading out of the pub, not wanting to be near him any longer. When I stepped outside flecks of white were falling gracefully from the sky. It was snowing. Clutching the warm butterbeer close to me, I started to walk up the sloping hill that led to the shrieking shack. The wind whistled in my ear, and my red hair was billowing behind me, reminding me a little bit of fire, or blood. When I made it to the fenced area, I could see the black worn down building. My uncle had told me many story's about this place... How his his father and his friends would turn into illegal animagous, how Teddys father turned into a werwolf here... How a man named Peter Pettigrew escaped, how a man named Severus Snape died here... I examined the building, vines were crawling up the side everywhere, windows were so stained you couldn't see inside, and the wood was black from age. 'So much about my family has happened here...' I thought to myself. However I know the village thinks it's haunted, I know other wise. I looked around me to make sure no one was watching me, and I climbed over the fence. I walked up towards the large house, making sure to watch where I step. When I made it to the rundown building I started to walk around it. It was amazing how damaged it was, and no one had taken it down, or bothered to fix it. I saw a warn down wooden door on the side of the house. I walked up to it, already knowing it was locked. But why not? I walked up to it, and pulled. To my surprise the door actually opened... I looked around to make sure I wasn't being watched, and I stepped inside. Layers of dust rose wherever my feet stepped. While I looked around I saw the wallpaper torn in shreds, the furniture was destroyed, and the floor boards creaked. I pulled out my wand and muttered "Lumos Maxima" and started to walk around. I took the bottle of butterbeer that was in my hand and shoved it into my jacket pocket. I walked into what looked like a sitting room. I was expecting more torn furniture and dust, but instead I found two poofy bean bags, and littered wrappers of food. I found this very odd. I stopped moving and listened intently, careful not to make a sound. The air was abnormally quiet, and I had an eerie feeling all the sudden. "Hello?" I called loudly. There was no response. I walked out of the sitting room and into the hallway. I saw tracks in the floor board, as if someone had been walking around. I gripped my wand tighter and started to walk down the hall. Suddenly I heard a creak that came from upstairs. It stopped abruptly and the eerie quiet was back. I saw a landing of stairs and began to climb. When I made it to the top of the stairs, I saw a door. But the thing that made my stomach drop and heart quicken was that it was ajar. I walked slowly, but stopped. I thought I heard a creak come from somewhere, but I decided it was just me. I walked slowly towards the door. 'Do I open it?' I asked myself in my head. I gently pushed open the door, it creaked on its hinges as it slowly opened. I stood in the threshold, peering into the room, but I didn't see anyone. "Petrificus Totalus!" I heard someone bellow. My arms and legs went stiff, and I fell over painfully. I was looking at the floor, and I could hear footsteps. I heard a door close and then two voices, they sounded oddly familiar. "About time! Much good I would have done without a wand!" A man with a croaky and raspy voice said. "Well you try having to come up these damn stairs without anyone noticing!" A second, much younger voice spoke. 'That voice...' It sounded so oddly familiar, but I couldn't think of where I had heard it before! I was starting to panic. "Why does all your lot need to be so nosy?" The raspy voice asked, and I had a feeling he was speaking to me. But I was frozen solid and still staring, not blinking, at the floor. I had landed in a very awkward and uncomfortable position, and I couldn't do anything about it. My arms were close to my side, and one leg was bent up, as if about to run. "Now what? Arnt we ahead of schedule?" The younger voice asked. The older one grunted. I could feel my wand still clutched in my hand, pointing towards my stomach. 'I had practiced non verbal spells! Maybe-!' I thought to myself. I concentrated on one thing only, thinking only of the spell I was to use. The two voices were still arguing, and I felt sparks fly out of my wand. They hadn't noticed it apparently because they continued to argue. I felt a tingle in my body, 'Maybe I'm regaining movement?' I thought to myself hopefully. "Well why did you bind her?" The raspy voice asked. "Why the hell do you think?" The younger one asked sarcastically. "Don't be a smart ass!" The raspy voice growled. "Fine!" Suddenly I felt my limbs go limp, I was no longer bound. I was about to stand up until, "Incarcerous!" The younger one yelled. I felt ropes circle around me. My hands and feet were bound. I lay on the floor still. 'At least you can move?' I said hopefully inside my mind. 'WAIT! You can move!' I thought quickly. "HELP!!!! ANYONE!!!" I screeched as loud as I could. I felt a horrible pain in my stomach as one of the men kicked me in my gut. I coughed horribly as the wind was knocked out of me. "Wretched girl." The raspy voice spat. "HELP!" I croaked hopelessly as I struggled with the ropes that bound me. This time the kick was directed at my face. I felt the warm blood swimming in my mouth. I coughed it out as I felt my eyes sting. 'Don't you cry! Do NOT show weakness!' I thought to myself angrily. I tried to sit up and take a look at who these men where, but one of them kicked me in the ribs saying, "Nice try sweetheart. Stay down if you know what's good for you." I stayed on the ground, my red hair now spread over my face. "Don't call me sweetheart." I growled angrily. "I see what you mean, feisty one isn't she?" The raspy voice laughed. "And she is nice looking... Who would have thought that gangly red headed doof and bushy haired filth could have produced her?" The raspy voices laughed again. I felt anger surge through my body, "Don't you DARE call my family filth!" I bellowed. This time it was my head that was kicked. I felt dazed, trying to remember what was happening. I already knew who the raspy voice belonged to. I forced a harsh laugh, "what's wrong Dolohov? Still soar about my father putting you in Azkaban?" I felt the most horrible pain, I felt a kick right against my elbow, which was already bent awkwardly, and I heard a snap. I screamed in pain. "You know every time you talk I like you less and less?" My teeth were bared in agony, and I felt the tears of pain escape my eyes. "What's wrong?" I gasped. "I hear you talk a lot of shit. But what about your friend?" I forced out, I let out a sob of pain but quickly stopped. I was shaking with pain, anger, and fear. "Oh you mean my son?" The raspy voice asked. He forced a cruel and cold laugh, "He's clever enough not to speak, what with identity problems and such." He said simply. "But seeing as you know who I am..." I felt someone grab my arm and force me into a sitting position, I screamed in pain. The younger man was behind me, holding my broken arm in place so I don't move. "Merlin! Has anyone ever told you-" he kicked me in the gut- "how loud you are?" I looked up with blurred vision at the man. Dolohov was at least 6"ft he was skinny, with long greying brown hair. He had dark brown eyes and yellow crooked teeth. I felt movement behind me, then I saw a hand reach up past me and hand Dolohov my wand. "OI! That's mine!" I yelled. Dolohov swished my wand and ropes shot out of it and gagged my mouth. "Much better." He sighed in relief. "Arrgharre!" I made in distinct noises. "Now..." He started to pace the room. "We are ahead of schedule, now the question is, is this good or bad?" He asked himself. 'Oh merlin... He's crazy!' I thought to myself. "I guess it couldn't hurt... Either way I get my revenge..." He said quietly. 'That voice...' I kept thinking trying to remember where I heard it. Then it hit me, 'THE SCHOOL!' I thought. I started trying to yell but the gag made it come out weird. "Er! Er yer! Ber hwr?" I yelled. He stopped pacing and gave me an annoyed look, "can't you see I'm thinking you incompetent wench!" He yelled. He waved my wand angrily and I felt pain on a whole new level. I screeched in pain and flailed on the ground. I felt like my insides were on fire, it was horrible. The person behind me was laughing horribly. I went limp on the ground, panting, sobbing. Then I heard a bang downstairs. "What was that?" The person behind me said abruptly. "Quick- we need to apperate!" "This is your fault!" I felt a blow in the back of my head, heard the drop of my wand, the pop as they disapperated, and the bang of the door open. "ROSE!" Is all I heard before I blacked out on the floor.

Rose and Scorpius, A True LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora