25. Let's hurt tonight

Start from the beginning

'Shit, no, that's not good. Fuck, why did you do that? I don't want to see him again. I told him that as well. What did he say?' I shot out, now terrified of the answer. Also angry with my sister. Deep down I knew it wasn't her fault as she couldn't have known it was Paul I was talking about when I told her about the affair. But somehow that wasn't coming to mind as I asked her these questions. How could she be so stupid?

'I know, I'm so sorry, Archie. But I didn't know it was him. Why didn't you tell me?' she apologised again.

'Why would I?' I countered. 'It's not something you hang on the door, is it?' Was I ashamed of my affair with this guy? Yes, yes I was. Especially because it was Paul. Any other guy would be fine, but Paul not so much.

'Well, no, but it's Paul McCartney. The bloke's a legend. It's insane. Not to mention that he's your past. Weren't you friends in grade school?' Maggie exclaimed, now more excited than anything. And this is why I don't tell people about it.

'Okay, saying that we were friends is really pushing it. But we did go to school together, yeah.'

'That's what I mean. You go way back!'

'That doesn't matter anything now, does it? What did he answer when you said we would talk about it tonight, you fool,' I sneered, a little angrier than I perhaps was. I was annoyed, though. How could she be so foolish? You don't go telling other people's exes that they talk about it that night?

'He thanked me, so I think he's coming over, Archie. I'm so sorry. But please try to work something out. He seems like a really nice guy,' she answered, completely missing the point. Didn't I just tell her two weeks ago why I ended it? Honestly, this girl could be so stupid.

'I can't talk about this right now. I'm sorry. I'll talk to you later,' I said and hung up the phone, not even giving her the chance to answer. I was too angry right now.

I turned around with a huff, only to see an amused Fran looking right back at me. She had only heard my side of the conversation, but I guess that was enough for her to figure out what was going on. It amused her, at least.

'So, she found out about lover boy?' she asked with a smirk on her face.

'Don't call him that. And yes, unfortunately.' I took a cup from next to the sink and filled it up, taking a big sip of water, before continuing. 'That's not it. She actually invited him 'round tonight. So he'll apparently be here in a bit.'

'Good,' she answered, surprising me with her tone. When I raised my eyebrows, she elaborated. 'Then I can give him a piece of mind on how he used my best friend as a cheap whore.'

'Easy on the language there, Fran. That whore can actually hear you,' I snapped back. My patience with the entire world was wearing thin right now. She just happened to be on the receiving end of it.

He barely gave me time to change out of my work uniform, before a short knock on the door announced his arrival. I was still in my bedroom, but I could hear Fran using a few colourful words as she opened the door.

'Pipe down, Fran. Archie actually invited me to come over,' Paul calmly answered her. I could hear their voices coming towards me. Dang it, Fran, don't actually bring him to my bedroom!

I panicked and quickly walked into the hallway. If he would step one foot inside my bedroom, he would assume we would be back to where we were; back to square one. If there was one thing I was sure about, then it was that I didn't want that. 'Paul, hey,' I quietly greeted him.

Looking at him actually hurt me. He looked dashing in the slacks and white shirt he was wearing. Both the trousers and shirt were hugging him in all the right places; giving me a great opportunity to imagine what exactly was under there. Okay, maybe I did actually miss him.

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