
"Beca!", he'd pound on the bedroom door, "Wake up! You can't be late!", he'd shout again, before pressing his ear closer to the door.

"Urghh", Beca would sit up slowly hearing her Dad calling her on the other side of her door. "I'm up, old man, don't worry", she'd rub her eyes, yawning before falling out of bed to get ready.

Beca was stood under the shower, readying herself for the day to come at school as she'd think over the events from the weekend. She sighed as she remembered watching Chloe dance in front of her and just as her anger and jealously had boiled to the point of getting up to claim a Chloe as hers, her idiot of a brother just had to step in. Beca rested her head against the tiled wall in front of her as the water would rain down on top of her, closing her eyes and picturing Chloe kissing Tom that night but not missing the look of sadness and jealously shown in the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. Watching Chloe walk away from her and telling her not to speak to her ever again sparked something inside Beca that she had never felt before. But she knew that she couldn't let that happen, for the sake of this bet she had made with Stacie, but also an underlying feeling she hadn't felt before. When Beca saw the drunk guy forcing Chloe back against the wall and act as if he could do whatever he wanted with the cheerleader, Beca didn't think twice about ripping him off of her and sending him to the floor with a warning. Beca then smiled and ran her fingers through her hair as she thought about the next few hours she spent with Chloe on her own, away from everyone else. It felt like there was no one around who could judge or create a rumour, where the two of them could be themselves and not worry about anything or anyone.

"Shit, why did I do that?", she'd mumble to herself as she remembered flirting with the girl behind the counter at the end of the night before driving Chloe home and seeing the defeated look on the redhead's face.

Getting out of the shower Beca would dry herself and her hair off, convincing herself that it didn't matter. "She likes Tom, I mean she kissed him that same night", she'd pick out some clothes to wear. "I can't get in the way of them, Tom would kill me if I messed this up for him", she'd sigh once more while grabbing her leather jacket. "But then again, he needs a bit of a challenge if he wants to have Chloe all to himself. I can't let him win so easily", Beca would smirk, leaving her bedroom now.

As soon as Beca stepped into the kitchen she'd look around for her twin brother, frowning slightly as she'd only notice her Dad sitting at the breakfast bar with a cup of coffee and a newspaper. "Morning, old man", she'd smile and greet him before walking over to the fridge to grab a drink, "Where's the golden child?"

"Beca", Ben would roll his eyes, "He is not the 'golden child' as you put it", he'd use his fingers to put quotation marks, "And he's already left", he'd then turn back to look at his newspaper, "Something about picking up a girl and driving her to school"

It was Beca's turn to roll her eyes this time, knowing exactly what girl he had gone to pick up. "Let the games begin", she'd whisper quietly to herself.

"Did you finish that book report?", Ben looked up once again, smiling at first but then feeling it quickly disappear as he'd watch Beca smirk and then look away. "How many times do I need to remind you that you're a senior now Beca? You need to start taking school seriously if you want to be accepted into a college"

"Dad, don't start with this college bullshit again-"

"Language!", he'd snap, watching his daughter hold up her hands apologetically, "Look kiddo, I just want you to have the best chance at life once you leave high school. Do you want me to hire a tutor? Someone that could help you study or help you with your homework?"

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