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🍯Honey pov

It had been six months and I'd swear Johnathan and I were on the brink of divorce. All we did was fuss and fight and fuss some more. We hadn't had sex since lord knows when and everytime I brought it up that just led to another fight. I was over it. I wasn't going to beg him to love me nor make love to me. Whatever bitch had occupied his mind and his body could have his ass.

I looked as he slept next to me looking all peaceful. I just wanted to smack his ass out his sleep. I mean damn, when did he fall out of love with me. And what did I fuckin do? Insecurity weighed heavy on me as I wondered if  I had gained too much weight. I was always a bbw but maybe he didn't find me attractive anymore. Maybe he was blinded by the size 2 groupie hoes that flocked to him now that he was a pro.

If that was the case I swear on everything I love I was going to murder him. My mind and my heart played tug of war over this. I mean I cared but I didn't give a fuck. I was heartbroken but distraught. If y'all get what I mean. We had been together for forever . I was still in love. I wasn't ready to let that go. But if I had to I would.

I had been hanging tight with my best friend Eunique and this new girl named Sunny I met a while back. She was a cool chick. She was so down to earth and she was from Memphis so I knew she was a thoroughbred. We had been hanging out a lot. We went shopping or out to dinner at least once a week. The three damn amigas. One thing I didn't like about her was she was kind of secretive. When we were out her lil boo thang would always call her and she's sneak off to take her calls.

The most we knew was that he played  pro football on the same team as Johnathan but she never would tell us his name. She said they didn't want to jinx things until it was really real. But hell I'd known her for six months how much more real could it get? Either way I was happy for her. She had a little glow Everytime her phone chimed. I must admit I was a bit jealous. I missed being like that about my husband. Whenever I texted or called him while we were out I'd get a dry ass response, if I got one at all.

Something had to give. And fast. I was tired of feelin like this about him. If he wasn't going to love me correctly I was going to take the kids and move out and find me someone who would. I mean how much more did he think I could take?

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