Complications (Vol 5)

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The following morning you awoke to Blake nestled in your arms, the feeling of waking up next to the woman you love was a feeling you couldn't put into words. Looking at her sleeping face you could see that this was the most at peace she's been in months, with a smile you kissed the top of her forehead.

???: Ara Ara.

You jumped at the sound to see Kali standing at the entrance to the room.

You: (panicked) Lady Kali, this is uh.

Blake: (waking up) Y/n what's the matter?

Blake sits up to see her mother standing at the door way, it takes a second for her mind to process it before she scrambled to cover herself.

Blake: MOM!? What are you doing back so early?

Kali: Dear it's already past 10, I went to check on you in your room but you weren't there, so naturally I figured this would be thenext place you would be.

Kali turns her gaze to you.

Blake: (embarrassed) Where's dad?

Kali: He's in his office putting the finishing touches on his speech, so It would be best if you two showered up, the meeting will be starting soon.

She starts to slowly close the door only to poke her head back in once more.

Kali: (smiling) Oh and we should probably make sure your father doesn't find out about this, wouldn't want my new son-in-law getting killed and ruining my chances at grandchildren. (Closes door)

You: So did I just get the green light from your mom?

Blake: (facepalms) I think you did but that was too embarrassing.


You peeked outside the window to see the huge crowd of people gathered around the Belladonna home.

You: Thats some crowd we've got out there.

Sun: Tell me about it.

Kali: Are you ready?

Ghira: Yes. It won't be easy for the people to hear, but the truth often isn't. I know they'll do the right thing.

Blake then comes up and places a hand on her father's arm, giving an affectionate snuggle. Suddenly, the three are taken by surprise when another hand pats on Ghira's back. He looks behind to see Y/n.

You: You used to be the former high leader of the white fang, you got this.

The three give a brief look at you, only for you to stand back and smile. Ghira then opens the doors as his family along with you and Sun step out of the home to greet the crowd gathering outside. Some people in the crowd are wearing press badges and holding scrolls up to record the event. Others in attendance include Corsac and Fennec Albain, who are bowing their heads.

Ghira: Recently, a spy from the same splinter group set their sights on this very home. My own daughter, Blake, and her friends did their very best to apprehend this individual. While they were unsuccessful after being physically assaulted and seriously injured, they were successful in obtaining the assailant's Scroll. (takes out the Scroll from inside his coat) With this, we have been able to ascertain that Adam Taurus has plans to overthrow the current leader of the White Fang, Sienna Khan, and take over the reins himself.

At this, the crowd starts to loudly murmur in concern. You could make out some comments about you. Feeling all the eyes on you caused you to shrink back until you felt a hand on your shoulder and another hand tightly grip your own. You looked at Sun who grinned at you and then turned to Blake who gave you a reassuring smile that made you feel relaxed.

Ghira: To do this, I think the answer is clear, we must go to Haven and protect it at all costs!

At this, the crowd suddenly stops cheering, showing some hesitance. Ghira sees this and clears his throat.

Ghira: Before we proceed any further, I'd like to invite my daughter to come and share her story. Not only as a former member of the White Fang but also as a survivor of the Fall of Beacon.

Blake lets go of your hand and steps up to the podium and faces her father.

Ghira: (reassuring) You can do this.

Suddenly, a familiar voice yells out from the crowd.


You: Damnit not now.

Ilia uncloaks herself, wearing her Grimm mask and clenching her teeth angrily. Blake gives a surprised look before glaring back at her. Sun glares at her intensely.

Sun: Ilia...

Ilia: Cowards... After everything the humans have done to us, everything they've put us through, you're asking us to help them?!

Ghira: I know we haven't been treated fairly...

Ilia: Where was their help when the Dust companies treated our people like slaves?! Where was their help when Kingdoms hunted Faunus just for being who they are?! Where was my help when my parents were killed in a Dust mine?! WHERE?!

Ghira: Young lady, progress takes patience and cooperation!

Ilia: The Belladonnas are the worse kind of Faunus! They want us to work with the same people that are trying to hold us down! If you truly, truly want to help your people... (as she speaks, Sun sneaks through the crowd behind her) ... now is the time to support Adam, not the Belladonnas! He will bring about the future that you deserve. And if you are unwilling to fight, know that the White Fang will do it for you!

Sun: SHUT UP!!

Sun leaps out of the crowd toward Ilia, but she uses her weapon to get out of the way and flee. When Sun lands, he looks around to see where she has gone, but no sign of her is found.

Saber Rodentia: After her!!

Saber and the rest of the Menagerie guards move to chase down Ilia, while Corsac and Fennec exchange a look. Blake and Ghira angrily glare from the stage, while Kali has a worried look on her face.

You: (fist clenched) .....Ilia.

House of Khan

Cheshire Khan sat in his forge putting the finishes touches on his latest sword. Striking the heated metal with his hammer he then puts in the water, steam enveloped the whole room as his the blade cooled.

Cheshire: And that should do it.

Selina: (entering forge) It's been quite awhile since I've seen you make a sword, what's the occasion?

Cheshire: (violent coughing)

Selina: (helps him up) You should be resting.

Cheshire: Heh there will be plenty of time for that later as for now I need you to do something for me.

Selina: What is it?

Cheshire: (coughs) Bring Y/n here, it's time for his final lesson.

Chapter End.

Descent into Shadows (Blake Belladonna x Male reader) Haven ArcWhere stories live. Discover now