Chapter 13: Honeymoon Highs

Start from the beginning

We got ready to leave fairly quickly, Alice had made everything easy for us to get going. We took turns saying goodbye to everyone, my mother put on a brave face as she tried to hide her embarrassment and sadness. She'd be staying with Jesse and Scarlett for a few more days and then she'd take the brave journey back home to restart her life without Scott. I just only hoped she wouldn't go near him again.

"People are talking about us." I whispered to Jake as I leant back out of the kiss. I didn't really care about people's thoughts, I only cared if they got officials and we got thrown out for being indecent.

"Let them." He challenged, his eyes not leaving mine as he caressed my jaw and cheek with his fingertips.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared back into his dark eyes. How did I get so lucky? "I love you." It was all I could bring myself to say but we reluctantly let go of each other, now only connected by our hands.

"I love you too." He grinned down at me before leading us towards our gate, our hands swinging between us.

* * *

Flying first class was heaven, and to be honest Jake really needed the extra leg room. The first flight we slept for most of it anyway as we were still pretty tired from the day - and night - before. The lay over in England was okay, we had some lunch before rushing off to the gate for our flight to Nairobi. I can confirm we did not join the mile-high club on either flight much to Jake's annoyance. I was much too tired to be truthful, I just wanted to shower and actually brush my teeth. I had been getting by with my deodorant stick, Tic Tacs and chewing gum.

We arrived in Nairobi at 02:15 local time, Jake had to practically carry me through baggage claim as I struggled to keep my eyes open. Our wedding had been three days ago, we had been traveling for nearly two days, I had never been so tired in all my life.

Whilst exiting the airport I was shocked back awake by the coolness of the night air, it wasn't freezing, it just startled my system back into being alert, which I needed to be in order to spot our driver. Jake and I rolled our massive suitcases out to the arrivals depot where men is smart black suits and caps were waiting for their passengers. I caught sight of a sign saying MR & MRS BLACK, I did an internal happy dance because I still got excited about that, and dragged Jake in that direction, squeezing past other tourists, locals and businessmen that that were trying to catch their own rides.

Once we were greeted by the chauffeur, Michael his name was, he took my suitcase for me — I did ensure him I was fine with it but he wanted to be a gentleman — and led us towards a sleek Rolls Royce Phantom that literally had Jake jumping for joy. I swear any kind of car gets him excited. As Jake and I settled into the luxury car Michael explained that we were en route to Wilson Airport, there we would catch a significantly smaller plane to the Masai Mara.

As much as I wanted to let sleep consume me, I was far too excited now. The main airport was just on the outskirts of Nairobi and in the distance the glowing lights and bustling noises caught my attention as I used my heightened senses to take a closer look. There was so much going on but something that really drew me in was the sweet sounds of a woman playing a violin on one of the building rooftops, it somehow carried over the manic noises of the streets below, and then on the rooftop beside her, an elderly couple swayed to her music. It warmed my heart and I turned back to Jacob to see him already smiling at me.

Michael left us at the smaller airport after our thirty minute journey, he wished us well and a happy honeymoon before departing. We grabbed a coffee to perk ourselves up after we checked in and were then met by an air hostess who called upon Jake and I and two other couples who were also newlyweds; Larissa and Sebastian Becker from Germany, and Vera and Nico Mendes from Portugal, and took us out onto the runway where our plane was waiting for us. There was only enough room for the two pilots, one air hostess and six passengers. I had to stifle my laughter as the pilots looked at the bulk that was Jake, I just knew he was going to very uncomfortable on this flight.

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