I yawned lowly as I just looked around my head had this pounding pain with each movement. But its normal every morning but my whole body felt sore and a bit hot. I looked around and my whole body froze. Its Monday. I looked at my clock on my night stand and it was already Ten thirteen in the morning. I skipped! I took in a deep breath and that hurt a lot it got me coughing a bit strongly but I felt confused.

Wait? How did I skip? Didn't my alarm go off? Mom usually wakes me up if am late? I get out of bed got a bit dizzy but was stable and walked out of the bedroom with my wonderful and comfortable. Giant shirt.

The house is so silent and I felt confused. I walked to the kitchen and no mom. Walked to the living room noticed a body. I felt confused and walked towards the couch.

"Mom are you?" I asked worriedly

"Yes am ok..." Mom spoke tiredly

"Know I see..." I spoke calmly

"See what?" Mom asked as she sat up from the couch

"Its like... Ten something right know" I tell mom gently

She looks my way "We over slept again?"

"Yep... But I can understand my side because am lazy and I love sleeping but you?" I asked curiously and with a gentle laugh

"Got late from work... But you were overheating this morning so I let you sleep..." Mom says gently

"Overheating? As if I was getting a fever?" I asked her gently but confused

"Yeah... I tried to wake you up for breakfast but noticed your breathing weird... So I turned the air conditioning on for you because you weren't feeling well" mom tells me gently

"Maybe that's why my head aches and my body is sore..." I tell mom gently but say confused "But how do I not remember waking up sweating or something? Weird that I skipped school"

"Sweety your on vacation remember... When one is sick only the worst case scenario... You will remember that type of sickness" Mom jokes gently

I looked at her and laugh at myself. I forgot that I finally finished school. August is when we graduate. I never expected myself to forget about being in vacation. Man I need medicine. I feel so lazy to even remember the month and date. I groaned out angry at myself but all mom did was laugh at me. I just smiled widely at her even if my head pounded like crazy. I am so happy that I don't get to worry about College or University until a year or two. 

Someone knocks on the door and I looked at mom as mom looks at me. Our funny moment ended with some unknown person knocking on the door. I felt confused and I moved my head. 'It's not me... Then who is it?' I walked to the door I felt a bit dizzy. My breathing was heavy and so I held the door knob. I opened the door and standing there was Julian, Raven and Esmeralda. 'Weird why are they here?' I felt confused and I tilt my head to them.

Julian smiles and Raven is her serious self. Mom poke her head and smiled widely. Why are they here? Of all days to annoy someone else why are they here? I hate these two and more Julian. I can't be mad at him but I have to. I have to be strong. 

"Julian!" Mom squealed

Forgetting my head it pounded loudly 'Fuck...' "Mom... I can't believe you"

"Oh am sorry honey its rare to see Julian visit..." Mom apologizes as she looks my way

"Is she sick?" Esmeralda asked curiously

"Yeah... She has a fever but not to cronic" mom responded quickly

"Yeah... But my head feels cronic... I always hated migranes... Any loud sound annoys the hells out of me" I say gently

I noticed Esmeralda with a gentle lip curve but she did nothing. Am not happy with these type of visitors. Julian. Raven. Esmeralda. They are all annoying and stubborn. Why are they here anyways? Are they here to annoy me? Did they think that mom was not here? Are they idiots or something?

"We thought Gwen was alone... We wanted to hang out with her a little" Esmeralda say with a smile

"We're going to the movies later so it's very rare to see her so we decided to invite her as well" Raven says with a fake smile

'Bullshit...' But mom believed it "Oh my then come in come in... I'll get everyone a cup of Coca Cola... So you can all talk"

I took a few steps back as mom basically pulled them inside. I rolled my eyes and just looked around. I didn't want to make eye contact with Julian. If I do he'll just smirk that annoying grin he has. Raven is just preppy know as she looks around my home. Its not rich. Its humble. A home is still a home. I crossed my arms as I started to feel a gentle itch at the back of my throat. They had the strongest perfume I can ever smell.

Thats so annoying to smell. Rich people can be annoying and Julian is even more annoying. Am still mad at him. Raven moved a bit and I felt confused. Very confused. Why is she moving like that?

"Hey Gwen where's the bathroom?" Esmeralda asked curiously

"Upstairs second door to the left" I say as I pointed upwards

Esmeralda held Raven and pulled her upstairs towards the bathroom. Surprised? No. No I am not. I always seen Raven and Esmeralda together. Always. I sighed out a bit frustrated and I tried walking away. My arm was grabbed and I looked at the hand holding ny arm. My heart raced and I felt even more dizzy. What is wrong with me? Maybe I am sick and just moved to quickly. I should take medicine I must be really sick and I just feel this weird churning in my stomach.

I looked at Julian who looks worried and I walked to him gently and looked at him. He looks down at me and he bites his bottom lip. He tried to speak but he closed his mouth again. I sighed out and so did he. In a way I can't stay mad at him. But I have to. He is an idiot and I don't feel any empathy for him. I like to have fun. I like to annoy him. 

But know recently I can't stay mad at him for more than two hours. Back then I got mad at his smug face and didn't even look at him for days. Maybe months. Because his an idiot that I just want to slap that smug smile from his face and laugh at him when I prank him.

"Look you must still be mad at me for what happened yesterday..." Julian started as he looks away

"Yeah so..." I lied so calmly

I can't admit that I am not mad not to this idiot "Look am sorry... How many times would you like to hear it?"

"I don't... What that whore did yesterday is still glued to my mind and I detest it with all my heart!" I snapped at him as I yanked my arm in return

Julian looks surprised "You're still jealous..."

I looked at him with wide eyes and snapped "No!"

"You are... You're jealous!" He says with his smug smile

I glared at him and gave my back to him as I headed towards my room "Good bye... Don't let the door hit ya in the face"

My heart raced as my mind swirled. Annoyance deep within. He is such a prick. An idiot. A ridiculous spoiled brat. I hate him so fucking much. I am not jealous of some whore. She can suck his dick if she wants it's his body and if he wants a virus he can keep it. I don't want him. I don't want his bullshit. I don't care. He can suck a big thick dick that can stretch his throat until it explodes. 'Nasty...' I can't believe I just thought that and imagined it. Nasty.

He grabs my arm again and spins me around. Holding my back as he pulls me closer to him. This is so clichè. I glared at him as he looks at me with warm eyes. He looks so sincere. I almost believed he is apologetic for something the whore did. 

"Look am still sorry... I need you I really do..." He basically begs me

"Then when that whore is gone... GONE... Then you leave me alone..." I tell him guilt washed over me but I didn't care

"Deal... It will be for this week...  Sunday night I promise" he says as he smiles gently "But what happens if you fall in love with me?"

"Nothing... Because I will never fall in love with you..." I tell him with anger laced into it

"That's true... But what if you did?" He admits and let's me go

"Well... I don't know you will tell...Deal?" I extend my hand

"Deal" he shakes my hand

I am taking my revenge on him one way or another. 

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now