Five days away from the graduation and I had spent two days sleeping. I needed a really long nap as memories of my own best friends pissed of at me for what I have chosen. My walls have holes on them and I became compliant when Savannah had returned apologizing. Even if her apologies weren't real. I have until Graduation after that I will run far far away from here. Vanish from the face of the earth. Nobody will know why I left. Why I did it or anything. Nothing. I will just vanish. 

I lost my friends and I lost the only thing that was keeping me happy. But that was the problem. I can't go on with being happy knowing that she is not completely mine. I growled out angrily as I had ripped the covers off of me. I had stood up and my whole body sore for being lay down for so long. With the same amount of anger I had ripped out a drawer from the cabinet and my clothes went flying. I groaned out loudly as I threw the drawer to the wall. Making a crack on it but in the process breaking the poor drawer. 

I basically lost everything. I don't even completely remember what happened after I saw Gwen at the bar. My mind made me imagen something else but deep down I know something had happened. But I can't fucking remember what it was. What did I do? What did I say? I know after a few hours that my friends left and Savannah had completely left. I noticed cuts on my knuckles with dried blood. It had a male scent on it as well. Did I punch someone? I had grabbed a pair of pants from the floor and placed them on. I have an excuse to speak with Gwen at least. 

I walked out of my bedroom with phone and headphones. My shoes are beside the door. My running shoes. As I do not want them stinking the whole house. Running and accidentally bumping into Gwen is a good excuse. The things we will speak is about what I did at the bar that I don't remember. I don't remember basically anything so finding out what happened that night would be a reassurance. I neared the front door and my whole body frozen as I see Savannah kicking black dresses. A box on the floor. 

The maid looking panicked as she had her head down a red print on the side of her face and the Butler doing his best to get Savannah off of the dresses. I felt annoyance spread inside of me. I recognize those dresses. Her scent is all over them. Her magnificent scent. I felt so much anger seeing what she is doing.

She steps on one black dress. 

She walks out with a big smile on her face. Hope in her eyes. Her long hair swayed a little as she walked towards me with it. 

She kicks the one beside it. 

They chose it to be Halloween style just for the fun of it. She reached me and does a slow spin. Just to show it off. The way it had hugged her ass it made me want to take her here and know. But I must calm down.

"Do you like it?" I asked her with gentleness

"It is a bit tight... But I do like it" she says with a big smile

"Ok... Know go change we have to chose what you will wear at the party" I tell her as I lay back against the chair

"So... I am not getting one?" Her innocence at times drives my heart into insanity

I coughed a bit as I say "Yeah... We are here to shop so this will not be the first store we will be entering"

Her eyes brightened up in excitement as she tries not to run back to the changing room. It made me smile widely at her excitement. 

The anger I had earlier had sprung up again as this woman is stepping on the memories Gwen and I had when shopping for that bunch of dresses. The one I bought her for a surprise wasn't in that pile of dresses. I felt relieved at least. A few dresses were missing though. Meaning she stayed with the one that made her the happiest. I even remember when she stared at a specific dress. The glimmering in her eyes was what made my heart beat so hard. 

The way she stared at it. Her dreams and illusions were seen there and in some odd way my heart knows it. So I clenched my jaw hard and I knew my fangs had finally come out as all anger is shown as well as felt. The presence of my anger can be completely felt.

"What in hell blazes do you think you're fucking doing?" I quickly snapped anger noted 

Savannah looks my way as she lets her foot drop on the dresses once more as she spoke "Showing my anger to this ugly dresses..." 

"So you are making the maid bow while the butler tries to get you to get off of them to pick them up... You know very well from who this dresses are from" I snapped at her once more as I take a menacing step towards her 

"Who do you think you are talking to like this? This are pieces of cloth that need to be burned!" she snaps at me in return 

"Things that I said I will handle if they had been sent... I could have resold them or have given it to people who need clothing..." I snapped at her as I take another menacing step 

She tenses up a little as she knew my orders so she spoke "I will not tolerate this... This is my business as well..." 

"No it will not be... The moment you and I marry all we will survive on is a huge house and that is it..." I snapped at her as I take another menacing step 

"Your lying again Julian... No more lies... You know what happened to your first lie..." she says with a nasty grin on her face 

A little joy is felt in this lie in some way "What do you mean? I ain't lying this time... My father and I have an old contract were if I am being forced by marriage he will take care of me for all my life including my children and their grandchildren..."

Her heart jumps in fear as she says "Your lying... Where is that contract?" 

"I hid it from you..." I tell her a dark smile spread across my face 

"You lying!" she squeals out 

"Why would I give you something that I know you will just destroy just for me to earn the business by force" I tell her with crossed arms 

I also noticed that I am completely shirtless and a few maids were spying around listening on the argument. Savannah kept on screaming nonsense and the floor started to shake a little. I am completely angry but this shaking is from someone close by who is angry as well. I looked at the piece of trash I now call fiancée. She is making the earth shake right know and it is completely annoying. I just stared at her unfazed. The trembling stopped as I heard her say Father. I did my best not to groan out in annoyance. 

Wanna know something? I am getting completely tired of all this bullshit. I turn around to look at the man who created this stupid bitch. I can feel the presence of my father nearing by but why is this man in here anyways. Did he hear everything? I hope he has. So this marriage can be stopped. I can go back to Gwen and try my best to win her over. 

I will end this and so I look up to the man who is hovering down from the second floor. Savanna waiting for him at the bottom like a pesky roach. I had given the order to take this dresses clean them and to be placed in my car. The Butler bowed and with great speed he picked all dresses up and vanished. I stared at father and daughter as they were talking about wedding plans. My father's presence felt strong so I looked above them to notice his annoyed expression. But I know father heard me. We looked at each other and he nods at me. 

I will get my life back even if it means killing this man and his daughter. I will do so.

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now