I waited for Julian to get us something to drink and snack on as I stared at the dark skies. It looks beautiful and amazing. Even though I can't see much stars but I can still see a few. I love the night. The cold breeze touching my skin. The sound of the crickets mixed into the wind is so peaceful. The gentle clouds moved revealing the moon. It was a full moon and it shone with such grace. It made a smile come forth and I just inhaled deeply at the moist cold air.

Filling my lungs with such freshness. I looked down as the moon gently shown at the pavement bellow. It was decorated and lights were dim. A fountain was there also and the most gentle music played. I think it's a more romantic area. If it wasn't because the drinks snacks and food were up here. Julian and I would have been sitting there just enjoying the silence. It's been rough this couple of days. Weeks even. But now I know how he feels. For some reason. I have been wanting to hear him tell me for so many years that it just stayed in the back as we got older.

Problems got worse. We learned more of errors and life. But now this is a new chapter. We're gonna learn the hardships of jobs. Learn about marriage and divorce. Learn about children. Learn about sex. Learn about finances. Well not everyone will learn much as many already plan to keep studying. Others want to invent. Some want to even sing. Everyone will learn so many things but their lives are different. Mine will be different from what I planned.

I wanted to work. I wanted to have another study. Simple but fun. I want to learn more of life. I want to learn from others. I want to learn more of myself. I love this fool. I want to marry this fool. But will it work? We are so different. In some way it feels so good to be with him and just embrace him. Maybe learning his likes and dislikes more as the years go by will make our love stronger. I now so much and in some way he does too. He has shown it to me. Presented even. It made me lean a little at the ledge as it was almost stomach height for me. For Julian a bit waist. Almost let's say.

In some way I want to enjoy this time. This time. We will make this work. This is real. Marriage is a commitment. A responsibility. We might even have sex. My face heats up at that thought. 'Get your mind out of there...' I pay my face as I stand straight.

"Seems like you are having fun..." I heard a familiar voice

I turn around to glare at Savannah she had a tight glittering dress and her hair is a bright blonde. Almost yellow. She had one leg opening. But I just wanted to vomit as she looks slutty. Flat. Skinny. No curves. A bunch of make up. It made my skin stand to no end. But I don't want to get her under my skin so I must act nice. A lot of graduates are having fun. So am I. She will not ruin such glorious day for Julian and I. But what do I say to this whore? I can't compliment her. She looks so gross. I don't body shame but the way this woman shows off her body. Acts the way she acts.

The way she thinks of people of lower income as trash. In some way made me sick to my stomach. My body shivered but I must speak or she thinks that she is above me again. I stand tall and brave.

"I was..." I say as I just glanced behind her

Julian was nowhere to be seen yet "Aaawww... Did Julian abandon you?"

"Actually no... He went to get drinks while I get some air..." I say realistically

She scoffs and spoke again "Seems abandonment to me... Do you really think he loves you?"

"What's your point?" I asked a bit sarcastic

"He did tell me he doesn't love you... No feelings at all" she tells me as she looks at her dark red nails

I roll my eyes and say "If you are here to play games I don't care... If he loves me or not... Then boo hoo... It is up to him to tell me..."

She looks pissed at me so she takes steps towards me "Lookie here bitch... I had my eyes on him first... A gold digger can recognize another of it's kind so back off!"

"Gold Digger?" I say but laugh as I stood my ground so I spoke "Lookie here bitch... I want a job... I don't need a man to tell me what to do and what not to do... Do you even now who Julian is?"

She stands right in front of me "Of course I do... His dad owns a few companies and industries..."

I made an error noise and say "Wrong! Julian is a person who hates super sweet treats... He loves dancing but does not show it... He drinks in occasions but when he does it is hard for him to get drunk... He loves his friends and even more when it's pranking wars! He loves animals and his favorite animal is the most dangerous but beautiful white tiger! His favorite food various but last time I checked he loves sushi... His favorite sport is Basketball but he enjoys playing football with his closest friends... I now so much more than you will ever now! I didn't even now his daddy owned so many things as I didn't CARE! He is who he is and I love who HE IS!"

I snapped at her I was so angry. I didn't even notice I took a few steps towards her. She had her eyes wide open. I could see anger in them. I did notice the different colored eyes earlier but payed no attention. She is wearing contacts. It's a costume party after all. But this woman literally pissed me off. She literally thought I was a gold digger. A gold digger. She even admitted herself she is a gold digger. This woman is nasty. Her aura. Her physic. Her emotions. It is all nasty. Even her soul must be nasty.

She had clenched her jaw and just pushed me back. I collided with the ledge but I held on. She just pushed me. She didn't have anything to say. She didn't even accept she failed. She is spoiled and rotten to the core. She was close to me so I fucking raised my hand and punched her as hard as I could. Her head even moved a bit. I heard a growl. 'Where did that growl come from?' She screams at me nails at the ready. Basically tried my best for her not to claw my face. I hear a few people close by. Fuck. I push her back but she charged at me and I kicked her in the stomach.

She falls back groaning a little. Damn. That was hard. My hand is shaking from the punch and not my ankle hurts like hell. I may have miss kicked and twist my ankle without noticing. She stands up jaw clenched. I could even imagine the red aura emitting from her as well as her hair raising. But this is real life so I now it's not real. It's my mind already warning me that this woman. Is in rage mode.

"How dare you!? Do you now who I am? Do you now who my daddy is? How fucking dare you?" She snaps at me

"I spoil brat who throws a fucking tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants!" I answered her questions with snarky remarks

She basically pushes me as hard as she could. Or what I thought. I couldn't hold back that push. That skinny little body had such strength. But my eyes noticed Julian by the entry way. The cups falling from his hands. Everything felt slow. I saw him raise a foot but that was all I saw for just a melee second. I was free falling from that ledge. I heard screams in the background. They say. I was so surprised that I couldn't tell my body what to do. I wanted to brace impact with my arm or legs. Its better than having a concussion or a painful death. But I couldn't move.

My body not following orders. I looked up at the dark sky but I noticed the terrified Julian. His hand stretched out. I could even hear my name escape from his lips. I outstretched my own arm but everything went dark. Darkness is what I feel. But I could still hear the faint screams of everyone. I think I could even hear my mother's screams. But one scream stood out. Julian had screamed out my name. I felt cold. The noises started to numb out. In some odd way I couldn't feel pain. Is this how it feels like when you go unconscious.

Or is this how it feels like to go in a coma? Not being able to do anything. No movement. No vision. No sound. Not even be able to feel mostly anything. In some way the sounds were still dimming away. It's as if the deeper I go. The less ruckus I hear. I couldn't even hear Julian anymore. I can't even distinguish anybody's sound from the other. I did feel for a quick moment warm skin. Maybe hands. But that's was a quick moment of sensation. But the cold pulled me back.

I wanted to move. I wanted to stay just a little more conscious. But I feel something is escaping from my body. Something is escaping my grasp. My breath even feels uneven.

Am I dying?

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