"DRINKING DRINKING DRINKING!" Keith cheers as he became single

He wanted a night out to try to forget his ex so we went to the new bar far from my house. When we arrived there and parked the car. It's full. You could even hear the music blasting on the outside. The vibration of the beats can be felt. I smile spreads on my face and we headed inside directly. We usually cut line as our names are always in the list. Before opening Keith or Esmeralda would pay I don't know how much to get all our names on the list every night. People looked annoyed but this huge man shut them up quickly with 'their on the list!' kind of crap.

Jacob had dragged Esmeralda to the bar to get drinks while we just walked there. Jacob just strays away as a girl called his name. Maybe his date? But he did leave Esmeralda alone but she was already laughing as her own date appeared. I rolled my eyes and I just kept walking towards the bar. I need a drink. A cold drink. Maybe a few shots of rum. Raven had returned to me with a beer and in a way I wanted something strong. Weird. So I accepted it as she went to the rest and gave them one as well. Maybe she got what she had left behind. Being that it was already opened I smelled it just for in case but nothing weird. So I started drinking it. Damn the taste is strong. I feel the mixed shot in the beer.

Raven knows me well. I sat down by the bar as I saw the sports while I kept drinking my beer. I looked to the side as I noticed Raven talking with someone. I felt confused.  Maybe I should introduce myself to her friend as I need to get distracted dancing. So many people were here today so I wanted to just have fun dancing. But the moment the crowd moved. My whole heart froze. It's Gwen. Why is she here? What did she do to her hair? It's so short well not completely it was neck length. Her brown hair is all red. Did she do that out of anger or is it a new style? Why is Raven talking with her? How did she get in? She looks so nervous. But she had a smile on her. She had gloves on though. It matched the way she dressed so she looks very beautiful right now. I suddenly felt a little tipsy. But I have to ignore her.

If Savanna finds out how will I fix what she does. Fuck. Fuck. I drank my whole beer in one go and I asked for a whiskey shot platter. The moment he placed a platter of like ten shot glasses empty. I saw how he filled them up in seconds. I quickly gave him tip. Ahead of time but he is fast. I started drinking. One by one. The burning sensation on my throat was helping me ignore the most amazing scent in the world.

I slowly started to wake up as I am completely tired. Damn my head is killing me. What happened? I sit up as I did my best not to fall off of my bed. I left my eyes closed as I scratched my head. Fuck I drank too much. I am a complete idiot. The door slams open and I see a pissed of Savanna. I groaned out with the pounding pain in my head. Why is she here? What does she want? Did someone take pictures of me by the bar? Did someone took pictures of Gwen when she was at the bar? I closed my eyes again and rubbed them a little as they ached a bit.

I sighed out and just spoke with a groggy voice "What do you want Savanna?"

"Where were you last night?" She protested

"At the new bar across town... Before you ask doing what" I mimicked her annoying voice I say "Drinking with friends..."

She looks more annoyed know her question made me glare at her "Was Gwen there?"

"So what if she was? You have my phone... All access to my accounts..." I tell her coldly

"Did you two kiss?" Her voice cold

"Kiss? I broke it off with her in front of you... Why in fucking hell will I kiss her" I snapped at her

She huffs and fucking almost slaps the phone in my face "You did you fucking idiot! We have a deal!"

I pushed the phone back to look and my eyes wide as I say "I kissed Gwen!?"

"Don't act stupid!" She snaps at me

I stand up as I am in only boxers and I get close to her "How fuck would I have known I made out with Gwen! I don't even fucking remember anything from it... All I fucking remember is seeing her with a different style and that was it!"

"Different style you must be imagining things... She has long hair and it's basically a nasty brown! What style can she do with that nasty hair of hers" she snaps at me in return

I looked at the picture again as I noticed her hair style and I just burst in laugher "This picture is Photoshop... Gwen cut her hair very short and dyed it red... That's not even Gwen... I didn't even use those clothes last night... I almost got fooled by a stupid picture..."

Savanna looks stupid right know and she spoke "You think am stupid this is her!"

"No is not..." Still in laughter I say "Why don't you call Raven? Gwen hung out with Raven that day... Or all my friends... I stayed away"

I stopped laughing as she says "I will!"

I sighed out and tried getting my breath stable. Laughing while talking hurts when your sober. The pounding in my head was what made me take deep breaths. I closed the door locking it and then out of my closet like four bodies fall out. I jumped back in terror. Did I just murder somebody? I looked as those bodies started groaning in pain. But I recognize the bodies. These are my idiotic friends. I groaned out even more as I had sat down as they slowly stood up.

My closet has so much space how did they even fall on each other. I shut my eyes with realization. They heard everything and know they will bombard me with questions. Fuck. I already have a pounding sensation on my fucking head and these guys will just make it worse. Raven had stood up and she looks at me with worried eyes. I looked at them as she looks sad and worried about me. It made me question my own sanity know. 

"You made a deal?" She asked confused

"I did..." I had looked down

"But why?" Keith was the one who asked as he got out from under Alex

I sighed out as I answered "I... I didn't want her ruining anybody's life... She threatened you guys life as well as Gwen's life..."

"Like murder?" Keith says confused

"No..." I sighed out hard as I continue talking "She promised me that she will make your lives a living hell and blame me for it..."

"But why?" Raven was the one who sounded hurt

"For having friends that are not vampires and... For falling in love with a human" I answered a bit hurt

The silence was thick but this time Alex spoke "Your an idiot... You know damn well vampires have no power over wolves..."

"Nor dragons!" Keith snapped

"Not even sirens! How dare she threaten us for just being your friends!" Raven sounded very pissed off

"We snake folk can be very dangerous as well! It is annoying how she can just do that and you follow! You should know better!" Esmeralda snaps at me

A sting is felt on my face and I had my eyes wide open as the next words hurt "You even fell in love with someone who loves you back and all you did was hurt her even more! Again!"

I clenched my jaw and say "A human... Against a powerful vampire is no match! I am doing her a favor!"

"You already ruined her life by breaking her heart a second time" Raven spoke again but coldly I felt shocked at the way she spoke to me

"Let's go... He has much to think over by himself... Teleport us out of here Keith" Esmeralda was the one who spoke

I looked at them with wide eyes as pain has entered my heart a second time. Guilt is all I have now. It is mixing up with my broken heart. They had teleported out of my room. All four left angry and betrayed. When I saw Gwen at that bar I felt my heart glow. I love that woman so much but I will not risk her life. If I stay away she will be safe. I fell on my knees as tears streamed down my eyes. I am an idiot. 

I don't even know if I am doing the right thing.

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now