When I felt relieved and I felt the tears gone I had cleaned my face very well. No evidence of crying. I checked my teeth as cleaned a little bit with my finger. I then walked out of bathroom with a big smile as I headed back to my table. Julian must be dying with Savanna over there.

"I never got your name?" I jumped slightly

"I presumed you had gone back to your family" I spoke gently as I looked at his smug face

"No... I got curious... Its not every day a girl bumps face to face..." He tells me gently with a bit of comedy

I rolled my eyes as a gentle giggle escapes from my lips so I say calmly "The names Gwen... What would be your's?"

"Adrien..." He says gently

We walked side by side as he had a gentle smile on his face. He seems pretty calm and pretty cute. If Julian is able to scare this chick away. I might try to date this guy. Adrien. Sounds cute. But I can't think like this in first impressions. I don't know if he is some rich snob. Or some type of son of mafia. Or some mexican guy who is the dominant type. I know I know am being an idiot and racist.

Am not racist. But I have noticed here and there dominant men not just mexicans. I have three mexican friends all males and only one of the three doesn't like when a girl talk back at him. Usually its me and he never tries anything because me being stronger than him. As well as I shut up because his dad is very strick on him so its understandable. I wonder how Hector has been doing. Haven't heard of him over a month know.

What if this guy is abusive? What if he likes to torture? What if he is some type of rapist? What if he is a kidnapper? I want to live to see another day. I want to stay virgin for a bit more. I sighed out I needed to get all this out of my mind. My mind isn't a gutter for dark thoughts. I closed my eyes gently and inhaled deeply.

The moment I opened my eyes my heart drops and what I saw broke my soul. Julian and Savanna were kissing. Julian's eyes were open. His body wasn't tensed. He didn't push her away. He just stayed still and relaxed. I can't be acting like this what if she kissed him and he doesn't know how to react. But he holds her shoulder and it broke me. I should have guessed this is all a game for him. I clenched my jaw but I smiled lightly.

"I'll see you around Adrien... My mother must be waiting at the parking lot..." I lied smoothly

"Would you like me to accompany you?" He asked gently

"No its ok... We should meet up again..." I tell him with a smile

"We should... Meet me here Friday at five in evening..." He tells me with a big smile

"Ok then... I will see you then" I tell him with a smile

Before I can even turn around he spoke "Wait... May I have your phone number... Just for incase we can't meet up"

I shrugged my shoulders and I say lowly my phone number to him. He gave me his phone and I placed my name on it. I smiled and handed his phone back gently. He has the biggest smile and I walked away.  I looked back at Julian and I am so pissed of. He always liked to toy with me as a revenge for all the things I have done to him. If that's the case it worked. Am pissed. Am annoyed. I bid my thanks and good bye's to the waiters and waitresses.

I walked out the door and walked towards my home. I heard a few whistling but I didn't care. I heard my name but I ignored the caller as I just looked around. Acting as I haven't heard anybody call my name. I take a corner and there was a lot of people waiting for the light. I squissed my way through. I heard my name again but I started recognizing the voice. 'Fuck come on change... Change!' This being a short cross the light always changes quickly.

The moment the walk sign popped up everyone rushed. I basically jogged because of all the people. I bumped here and there but was able to get across before the light turned green again. I kept walking home until a car screeches at my side. I froze panicked that an accident is about to happen and I am right beside it. But my eyes landed on Julian's car. Parked right beside me.

He gets out of the car angry slamming the door loudly. I thought the window shattered from the force but it still powerful. He stalked my way and I didn't see Savanna in the car.

"Get in... We need to talk" he says angrily

"No... Go tell Savanna that so she can fall to your lap and kiss you more" I snapped at him as I walked away

"Are you jealous?" He asked me with a playful tone

My heart raced but I say "No you crazy... It annoyed me that you did nothing to push back from being kissed by that ugly ass snake!"

"How can I!? One moment am thinking of you the next thing I know her lips slam to my own!" He almost yells back at me

I stop middway and say "Thinking of me? Julian we aren't even officially fianceè's here and some whore is taking her fucking time to ruin everything! I was having so much fun and the next thing I know her slithery disgusting tongue is slidding down your throat!"

He looks stunned by my outburst but he snaps back "If it was you what would you have done! I saw you speaking with some dude when I went to check on you..."

"Know who is jealous know!" I snapped angrily "I like making friends... Girls Boys Trans I don't care whats their shape and size... People are people!"

"Am your future husband and I don't like seeing you with any other male except for me!" He covered his mouth when he finished his sentence

His eyes wide open and I was shocked to the bone. I looked around panicked as people had stopped to look at us. Shocked and surprised I am with his words. How can he think that way? We're not really fianceè's. This is all a trick to help him find the one who he loves. But his outburst made him look crazy in front of everyone. I sighed out and I just walked slowly to him.

"Looks like we were both jealous..." I say as I cross my arms

He sighs out and he gets on his knees hands curled together "Please... Lets speak of this at home... I don't want to lose you..."

My heart flutter to life as I saw how he looks. A heard a few girls awe at us. It made me blush darkly. My heart raced and I didn't want any other girl to keep looking at him.

"Fine..." I say quickly as I walked to his car

His face brightens and he stands up quickly. Everybody around started walking away. Julian opened the passenger door and I entered. Eyes burned into my soul and I looked around panicked. It was the whore. She was across the street angry. I looked at her seriously and I flick my finger at her. It made her more furious and it is very enjoyable seeing a whore angry. Am not beautiful as her but man did I get Julian wrapped around my finger. Julian shuts the door gently and I never left my eyes from Savanna. A big smile on my face as she just clenches her hands.

The car starts and I looked to his side and he was already buckled in. I buckle in and I felt my face heat up knowing know that we are all alone. In his car. Oh god. Wait. Why am I even thinking like that? Julian is not that idiotic to fall for me. Still in mind that I am enjoying the torture but I will get my revenge. To him and to Savanna. This is just the beginning of my plans.

I felt his hand slide under my own as he hold it tightly. His fingers in-between my own and I felt surprised. He holds my hand tightly as the other hand by the wheel as he grips the wheel tightly. Is he battling in his mind or something?

Why is he holding my hand tightly though?

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now