Days had gone by so fast as I hadn't heard of Julian in a while. Raven kept her communication with me because she had an argument with Julian and since then they hadn't spoken. I stared at the box as the after party was coming up. So seeing how Julian just vanished I will go to the party but with the dress on. The only memory I have of him and it will be the last. This night will be the last time I will think of Julian. But I don't have the heart to face him nor even put the dress on. After the bar thing I had gave my back to him after he apologized. I ignored his apologies and thought about leaving him all alone. Ignoring him. When he needed my help in the past all I wanted to do was help him. 

But know I don't want to know anything about him. My phone vibrated as I saw another message. A video? What's this about? I ignored it completely as I just brushed my bangs a little. I had dyed my hair black this time. I dyed it brown once but I didn't like it. Red looks good but not for tonight. I won't put what Julian had placed in the box. I will wear something else. My heart is aching so much as I didn't have the heart to return certain dresses back. Not even the box with the mystery clothing inside. I miss Julian so much. 

But I won't give in. The door to my room opened slightly and I pulled down the sleeves of my sweatshirt in panic. I had hurt myself a few times and I don't want mother to find out. They weren't on purpose but I do have to have the mirror in the bathroom fixed. Mitsuki has been texting me more lately and not just her. Obviously Raven and Esmeralda with Keith text me as well time to time. It is weird how one part of Julian's friends has been texting me.

But an unknown number has sent me a video. Curiosity is growing inside of me but I need to be attentive to my mother who looks very much worried. Julian's voice emitting from her phone and he sounded so pissed off. What? Julian would never speak to my mother like that. 

"Why didn't you tell me Julian was protecting you?" mother asked as she looks very much tearful 

My heart drops and I asked confused "What do you mean Mom? I... I don't even know what your talking about?" 

"Everyone... The neighbors... I can't rule myself out but we all received a video of Julian arguing with the Daughter of the Oil Company..." mother says as she looks at her phone 

"Oil Company?" I was confused until I heard Savannah know 

My heart is racing now and then I grabbed my phone. I clicked on the video as quickly as I could and I saw it. An angry Julian and an angry Savannah. I felt completely surprised.


"Gwen is no longer going to be a problem... I sent a friend of mine to make sure she will stay away from you..." Savannah says with poison and disgust

"Look I accepted my fate with your bossy ass! But didn't I tell you leave Gwen out of this! All this... She is to be left alone like promised" Julian says very pissed off

"So what!? I can ruin her life if I want... She could die all I care... You are mine now... I always get my way so if I want her dead I just need to send a text..." Savannah snaps back as she raises her phone

"Don't you ever fucking say that! If I hear you curse or even threaten Gwen I will fucking murder you!" Julian points at her as he yells in her face she puts her cellphone away

She gets in his face and says with an evil smile "Aw I hit a nerve... I thought you didn't love Gwen why so much attention to her?"

"That doesn't even fucking concern you! Just leave her alone!" He snaps

I Kissed a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now