Chapter 1. Beginning A New Life ~Katrina~

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Katrina couldn't take her eyes off of the novel she had been reading. She couldn't find the words to describe how angry she was at the characters in the story.

She took off her glasses, and looked at the time, "Great." She thought, now it was getting close to work.

Luckily this time, she took a shower before she picked up the book. She sighed, and put the book down, grabbed her key's off the counter, and looked around her one-story colonial home.

"How did I manage to get here?"

She missed her apartment in Catalina.

She is currently residing in the state of Minerva, It wasn't like she didn't like it. It was simply the fact that she didn't need three bed rooms; A large kitchen, with two spacious living rooms, and an open back yard, it is only herself...

To make matters worse, she's so shy, that she can't even talk to her neighbors without stammering and looking down. She needed someone to talk to, or someone to actually come home to...

Minerva had a thing for beautiful homes, all different colors. The fall tree's scattered everywhere, even in the summer, them blossoming seemed like heaven.

The town was so small, and at a slow pace, that she didn't understand how people moving from cities, to towns can deal. She didn't even know any of the people living in it, besides the people she worked with, and maybe some of the employee's at the diner.

To tell you the truth, it was getting pretty lonely...

Moving there was her dream, and now, she's beginning to think, if it was a mistake or not.

She needed to get away from Catalina though. The city was too huge, the people were rude, and... She had some deep family history there.

She left, because most of her family treated her like she was garbage. She felt like she was never needed, and her old friends had gotten caught up with opening their own businesses, or becoming something bigger than her, more so, that she felt stuck... Everyone was moving on with their lives, and she was just there, like an empty space.

There was an old saying her grandmother told her, before she passed... "Don't turn your back on family, even if they do." Well,
she did, and it hurt, but she had to find herself. She needed to live, it was time she left the birds nest, and begin creating her own life.

Katrina has four sisters, the smallest is Helen.

At age thirteen, Helen was the littlest she adored. Her second favorite sister Melanie; Is happily married, and also taking care of Helen, and her two daughters. The other two, are what you called snobbish, and self centered.

Morena and Catherine, at ages twenty-five and twenty-seven are unbelievable. You'd think that they would mature, but since they still live their lives as teenagers, the drama never ends.

Catherine always seemed to like all the of men that Katrina liked, Morena stole Katrina's ex-boyfriend, when they were nineteen. She had caught them one time when she came home from work, her sister wanted her to bring over the clothes that she borrowed from the night before, Katrina happily told her to head over, and she'd meet her there. The two didn't even notice, because they were too busy having sex.

Closing the door slowly, and leaving the house, she didn't bother to make a scene. When he had came back to the apartment, she told him... A part of her always knew that her sister did it on purpose.

Her ex Christopher was caught... He tried to explain, but then gave up, and decided to scream at her, and tell her, her sister was a better lay than she would ever be. Better looking, and skinnier; He compared all of Katrina's flaws, and made it seem like Morena was better than her, and that she should be honored, that she even had him in the first place.

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