Family Matters

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Christopher could hear them laughing together. He grew extremely impatient, and scratched at his legs.

"She never laughed like that around me..." He clenched his teeth.

He heard her other friend that he recently met; On the phone, he couldn't distinguish the voice; But knew that it had to be a lover, he sighed, then stood up. This was going too far.

Katrina heard a light knock on the door. She tried wiping at the pasty stuff; But it wouldn't come off, she bit her lip, and then decided. "What the hell, It's just my family.. We've seen worse."

She slowly opened the door. At first she couldn't see into the darkness of the hallway, and then looked up; And seen Christopher's impatient face, staring down at her, she gulped. "What did I ever see in him?"

"You almost done in the-." He abruptly stopped; Staring at her mouth, and then her chin, he cleared his throat. "What the hell?" He was enraged. "While I'm out here patiently waiting, she was sucking this guy up?"

She wanted to give him the: 'It's really not what you think it is; Look.' But she stopped herself, and slowly smiled. "This is payback. And payback, is best friends with karma."

"Yes?" She said coolly, removing her hair from her face.

"Are you almost done in there?" Seeing her in a towel did something to his stomach, he didn't like it.

The shower turned off, he heard the remaining water, drip from the header. He also heard feet patter from behind her, then finally; Her man joined her, wearing nothing but a towel as well. His hair was pitch black; Soaked, and scraggly, it had reminded him, of those models on the magazine covers, that he used to make fun of. To him; The man seemed way too huge for Katrina, Devlin flexed his muscles, while Christopher glared at the veins pulsating on this man's hands.

The European male raised his brow at him. And Christopher scowled.

"It pisses me off, that they're so comfortable around each other.. And around me."

"I'll just wait, a little bit." Christopher angrily bit out, retracting back into the dark.

Devlin snorted. "Of course.. You piece of shit."

Katrina slowly closed the door then smirked.
She went over to the toilet and took a seat; She could smell his man soap, it smelled exactly like his father's study.

Devlin cracked his neck, and began getting dressed without telling her to look away. "He trusts me." She humbly thought; She began putting on her pajamas as well, and waited.

She didn't care what Christopher thought at this point. "Who cares, he screwed you over." Her subconscious thought smiling. She was happy that he had given them the look.

A year ago, her old self would have squirmed underneath his look. She would have apologized, and had gotten into, an awkward conversation with him even. But that's why God gave her Jared, because she was learning from him. The cold, distant personality, she set aside for herself; Her sister, and her ex. Was to show her, what she always wished would happen, when she first found out about them two.

But her only reaction and emotions were empty, she was so hurt, that no words left her lips. She had to physically remove herself from their presence. Every time she saw them together, it made her feel stupid, it made her more shy around others, and it definitely made it even more difficult to trust or talk to anyone.

For all she knew, Christopher was probably hunched over on the floor still, blinded by her mouth, and the paste, she silently laughed to herself. It's beginning to become, an interesting vacation, because she knew Christopher.. Everything; Was a challenge, to this childish man.

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