I Work For You

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Katrina awoke the next morning to coffee and something not familiar to her, but smelled delicious. She stretched and then quickly got out of Devlin's bed.
"Devlin's bed?" She registered. The thought of her even waking up in his bed shocked her with a thousand bults. Looking around the room she didn't know what to think. "What time is it?" She peeked at her phone and realized it was two in the afternoon. She went to his closet mirror and looked herself over, before she emerged to the living room.

Devlin and his mother were seated at the bar stool, laughing and going over work, Katrina gave out a nervous smile. His mother was wearing a flowery romper with classic gladiator heels. She had on a blue neckless, and was smoking a cigarette.

"Good Morning Beautiful!" His mother exclaimed, jumping up from the chair and giving Katrina a heart crushing hug.

"Would you like breakfast?" She politely asked.

"Yes please." Katrina answered softly. Walking slow towards Devlin, then sat down next to him on the third stool.

"I apologize for what happened last night doll." His mother spoke in a firm voice. "Never 'gain' will you see dat; I promised Dev I will change my ways." She smiled and poured a cup of coffee, and handed it to her. Katrina slowly took a sip, and nodded her head at the tasty pumpkin spice, melting in her throat.

She smiled.

"What is it Chutik?" Devlin asked her, with a wide grin on his face, like he knew something she didn't.

"Nothing.. I just really love pumpkin spice; Is all." She smiled at Tigranui, then Tigranui gave her an approving look. "You're not d' only one baby." His mother said with a smirk, she nodded her head towards Devlin.

Devlin rolled his eyes and began putting paper work in a black bag. He also gathered his laptop, and put in extra to-go coffee packets.

"When do I start working with you?" Katrina asked determined, she wanted to get the whole thing out of the way. Devlin took a second before he answered.

"Actually.. I wanted to see if you would join me today in a meeting that is being held this afternoon."

He scratched his chin and looked at his watch. "Do you have time today doll?"

Katrina was speechless, she didn't think after getting off from visiting family, that Devlin would want her to start work immediately, but... She knew better. He seemed professional, so she nodded her head and accepted another cup of coffee from his mother.

Katrina asked Devlin to give her some time to go home and change and shower. He offered a shower at his house; But, she respectfully declined, she already felt uncomfortable enough with Tigranui bombarding her with questions.

Devlin had informed Mr. Roderick that she was going to be working for him on the phone.

In a mocking tone of voice at that.

She shrieked in her chair, and listened as Mr. Roderick coolly spoke. Devlin hung up the phone and grinned at her. "What happened?" She frantically asked him, Tigranui chuckled, and Katrina nervously stared at her. "Time to work for a real man doll." He murmured, grinning at his mother. His mother winked, then rubbed Katrina's back, smiling wide.

It wasn't until later, when she caught up with Jared. He wanted to walk her to D.I since his work didn't start until seven, she then realized his new ringtone.

"What's that from?" She curiously asked. Jared quickly swiped his phone, indicating he forwarded the message. "It's.. 'If You Can't Hang.' By Sleeping With Sirens.. You've never of heard them?"

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