And Who Shall You Be?

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Katrina and Jared stared at Jacopo in shock.

"But the video.. How? When he choked Katrina!?" Jared angrily growled. "He didn't kill, nor rape those women Jared... His brother did.. And someone else.. But it wasn't Brian." Jacopo murmured, Katrina widened her eyes, and wondered who? She did see Mr. Roderick in the video, it might have been him. "Well then who did?" Jared questioned. "I can't tell you son.. This is between us, and it should stay this way.. Understood... That means, you cannot tell anyone else what I just told you.. Including your partners." Jacopo whispered. "Dad.. Did you see what he texted his brother?" Jared grumbled, Jacopo nodded.

"I know son.. Maybe he was afraid of his brother and was playing along.. Bloody Hell.. He could have been with them for all we know, but we do know one thing.. And that has to be kept quiet." He murmured, Jared snorted at his father's accent. "What's so funny?" Jacopo furrowed his brow at him, Katrina smiled and grabbed Jacopo's hand and squeezed. "Thank You Jacopo, for all that you do." She murmured. "Katrina.. You are such a sweetheart.. Please help my son understand that it'll be alright." He grumbled, Katrina let go of his hand and glanced up at Jared. "He's always so rough with him." She thought, as she stared at how angry he was, Jared sighed. "He looks like he's going to die dad." Jared whispered, swallowing down tears.

"Trust me.. He's going to spend some time in jail, but we can't hold him much longer for domestic violence.. He didn't kill anyone so we can't put him in prison.. And let's pray, he's not talking about suing..." Jacopo snarled at Jared. "When we find Bryce, he'll be held accountable."

Katrina's heart throbbed, she just wanted to be with her family, and not have to stress today, they heard Tigranui shouting in Jacopo's room. "So.. He locked you out huh?" Jacopo grumbled, Tigranui came back in the room and pulled a chair closer to Jared. "Please don't be mad at me Jared." She murmured, her eyes widened and she looked scared, although Jared was very angry, he sighed. "I can never be mad at you tiggy." He joked, and Tigranui gave Jared a hug, Jared awkwardly rubbed her back, while she hugged Jared, she reached out her hand and Katrina took it.

"Katrina.. Next time he locks you out.. Call me, so dat I can come open d door for you, okay?" She murmured down at her, Katrina nodded, since Devlin seemed like he had no intentions of getting back together, she didn't know if she would even be able to sleep in that house. "Please have d party at home.. I love you so much baby girl.. It'll be fun." She pleaded, Katrina slowly smiled. "Okay.." She nervously said. "Now go right away and change in d house we'll meet you there." Tigranui exclaimed.

When they were in the car, Jared blew out a large breath and shuttered. "I can't believe my dad and Devlin's mom..." He quietly spoke, Katrina seen it coming. "Well they are grown Jared." She groaned, and smiled at him. "If they get married.. Me and Devlin would be step brothers." Jared grumbled, Katrina laughed. "That'll be cool.." Katrina exclaimed, he widened his eyes at her. "Cool.. Devlin is already my boss..." He paused and stopped at a red light.

"He said when they find Bryce... That means they don't know that he's dead." Jared quietly whispered at her, Katrina moved her lips to the side and rubbed the back of his head. "Let's have fun today and forget about this.. At least for now." She murmured, Jared nodded and sighed. When they pulled up in front of Devlin's house and got out, Katrina began to feel nervous, her knee's felt weak and she held on to the car door.

"Are you okay?" Jared rushed to her, she didn't know, she had the door still open and she was clutching it. "Yeah I'm fine, let's go." She sighed, Jared knocked, and it opened right away. "Hey! What took you guys so long? We need to set up." Jude impatiently rushed, they walked in and the whole house smelled like food.

Soul food and Armenian food.

Most of the maids were quickly putting up decorations.

Katrina felt her chest and went over to the kitchen.

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