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Ivan sped to Devlin's house.

She clenched her teeth together, and frowned.

Devlin began to rub her belly in a circular motion, and it eased the pain, he kissed her forehead; She softly sighed, and let out a tiny moan, and laid her head on his arm. "I think it's working." Jared murmured at Devlin. "What ever you're doing, keep it up..." He smiled and nervously looked ahead.

They were almost there and Katrina began to worry.

She felt the baby shift again.

"No more sex for you two." Jared whispered, as he stared at her in shock. "You're baby is threatening you." He lightly joked, Devlin smiled at him. "You might be right abot dat.." Devlin slowly chuckled, he bent down. "Papa want's you to stay in there until after d shower." He murmured on her belly, Katrina felt tired, she slowly breathed in and out, as Devlin rubbed her belly, they stopped in front of the mansion.

They all jumped out, and Devlin picked her up and carried her to the door, Tigranui and the doctor had the door open waiting for them.

"Come.. Come.. Come, let me see." Her doctor rushed, and they moved to the living room, she laid down on the couch on Devlin's chest, and another sharp pain caused her to moan and huff, Devlin softly rubbed her waist. She embarrassingly flushed at all of the people in the room, she moaned, and scrunched her face, Ivan escorted Devlin's family away, then Jude and Ivan went in the kitchen.

Jared stayed because he was worried for her.

Katrina wanted to go up stairs and wipe down her area, she looked up at Devlin as the doctor prepared the instruments. "Hold on." Devlin grumbled, and he quickly picked her up. "Where are you going?" His mother rushed. "I be back..." Devlin muttered, Jared sat down on the couch and waited, smirking at them.

Devlin took off her dress and grabbed a towel, he ran the sink water and grabbed a wash cloth, he pulled out his soaps, and waited till the water got warm, he placed the soap on the cloth and turned on the water and wiped her down, she was slowly breathing in and out, and continued to rub her belly.

He gently washed down there and kissed her belly. "Sorry little guy." He murmured on her belly, Katrina gave Devlin a worried smile, he went in the room and pulled out one of Katrina's maternity dresses that he saved from his other closet and placed it on her.

She had no underwear on, and figured it was better that way.

He walked down the stairs carrying her, Jared smiled wide at them, as he sat back down on the couch, Katrina moved down and laid her head on Devlin's leg, the doctor went over to her.

"Okay, let me take a look."

"This is soo embarrassing."

The doctor had her nurse place a white sheet over her so she could have privacy.

She furrowed her brow, and gently stuck her hand in her vagina. "Woah.. Looks like little man was ready to come out.. What happened?" She said in a high pitched baby voice, she felt around, and Katrina furrowed her brow. The doctor listened in on her belly, and smiled, she moved her hand around in her. "Are you ready for him to come out now mom? We can force him out... Rent's due." Her doctor lightly joked, Katrina nervously giggled and shook her head. "Wow.. You're the only one I know; That want's him to stay in there." Her doctor exclaimed, with her eyes widened, Jared chuckled, and scooted closer to Devlin.

"Baby showers tomorrow." Devlin murmured.

The doctor smiled. "Well dad.. Whatever you did worked.. He's calm now." Devlin smiled down at Katrina. "What did you do earlier before the pain happened?" The doctor asked her, she blushed and nervously swallowed and looked around the room.

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