Forty eight

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"This might be a little hard to believe but; I was hiking in the forest, and I happened to discover your bones, I collected your bones in this cauldron you are." Jiro says. 

"How long have I been...dead?" Momo asked while shivering. 

"Well, from the decomposition around...three or four months, it's near the end of spring." Kyoka says. 

Then She realized that Momo was still shivering. "Your body temperature hasn't regulated yet. Here, let me help you." The smaller girl grabs a giant blanket and wraps it around the taller girl as she stepped out of the cauldron. 

"This way." Kyoka says as she helps her to the bathroom. She turns on the hot water for the bathtub and turns on the hot water, then adding chamomile essential oil to the bath. "This should ease up your muscles, your body is still very stiff." 

Yaoyorozu was placed in the steaming hot water as the small witch doctor grabbed the needed toilettes and bandages. "I've noticed that you've got a nasty wound on your neck, I want to clean and patch it up." 

After bathing, Jiro found something for Momo to wear. "You can wear this cloak until I can buy you some clothes. It's too big for me but I think it can fit you just fine." 

"Thank you." She gets dressed. The cloak smells like different oils from flowers. 

"You know, I never even asked for your name. What is it?"

"Momo Yaoyorozu."

"Mm, can I call you Yao-Momo for short?" Jiro asked.

Momo nods. "Sure."

"Ugh! Where are my manners, you must be hungry. It's not often I have visitors." Jiro searches the pantry for ingredients.

She made some soup and bread. "Eat as much as you like. I don't mind." Jiro takes a seat at the table across from Momo and watched her eat.

"Where are you from?" Jiro asked after a moment of silence. 

"I honestly can't remember." She says. 

"Well, do you remember how you got that bite on your neck?" Jiro asked. 

Momo rubs her neck. "It's...I think it's from..." Then she suddenly remembered.

"Oh shit. Oh shit, what have I done?!" Momo covers her face. 

"Wait, slow down...what happened? Start from the beginning." Jiro asked suddenly getting concerned. 

"I did something terrible." She says. 

"What did you do?" Jiro asked again.

"I was an apprentice at the palace and...and the prince...I...I had a crush on him and...well...he found his soul mate and...oh God...I was so awful to her..." Momo says. 

"You were jealous?" Jiro asked. 

Momo nods with guilt. "I was...and that young woman didn't do anything to me...I said awful things about her...I even tried to hurt her...all because I was jealous." 

"And then what?"

"And then...then I...Oh my God...I tried to rape Todoroki." Momo covered her mouth and choked on a sob. "Oh my God, what have I done??"

"I see, the prince bit you until you were deceased in self-defense." Jiro says while putting the pieces together. 

"You should've had found me Jiro, after what I did, I deserve to be buried in the ground." Momo says looking away in guilt. 

"Well, what you did was horrendous and there isn't really an excuse for what you did. But, I believe I've found you for a reason and you were given a second chance of life...and you just have to find a redeem yourself." Jiro says. 

"There's no way I can change what I've done."

"Don't say that Yao-momo. There is a way to fix all of this, I won't let you drown in your guilt like you are now. I can help you."

"You'd do that even when you just met me?"

"Yeah of course...I-I's the least I can do." Jiro says. 

"That's so kind of you." Jiro felt her cheeks turned hot from Momo's statement. 

"T-thank's" Jiro gets up from the table. "Well then, I should go into town and...get you some clothes. I won't be long, help yourself to the pantry."

Jiro says while grabbing her satchel and her witch's doctor stick and heading out the door. 

I prefer the Dark (A Fanfic I Wrote Back In High School)|| A Todoroki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now