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" should be sleeping."

"Momma, what's going on?"

"Make him leave."

"Shoto-kun...Just go back to sleep my love, mommy's okay."

Todoroki opened his eyes and groaned tiredly as he sat up in his bed. "How long have I been asleep?" Todoroki asked himself. Yawning and stretching, Todoroki got up from his bed and made his way towards the bathroom. 

"I feel refreshed but...why did I have that memory again?" 

Todoroki stripped from his pajama pants and briefs and made hot bath water. He poured some peppermint oil in the water and got in. He sighs and dips his head back closing his eyes letting out a soft moan from the hot water consuming him. 

"That feels good." He sighs as his muscles loosened up and the hot water along with the oil making his skin soft. 

He sunk further into the tub until his full body was under the water, then surfaced and swiped his wet bangs out of his face. Afterward, he grabbed his soap and a cloth and started to bathe himself. 

After his bath, Todoroki grabbed a towel and dried off his body. He washed his face and brushed his teeth and went to grab some clothes from his wardrobe. Just as he was buttoning his shirt there was a knock on the door. 

"Enter." The door opened and Iida appeared. "Oh, you're already dressed." He said. "I got up early." He said. "Well, in that case, would you like to begin this morning's lesson?" 

"Actually Iida, I would like the day off of studying. I'm not really up for it." Todoroki said. "As you wish my prince. Breakfast is ready; Bacon, English muffins with lemon curd, and crepes." He said. 

"Thank you Iida, I'll be down in a moment." Iida bows and then leaves the room. 


"Do you notice something different?" You asked Deku

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"Do you notice something different?" You asked Deku. "Different like how?" He asked you. "Well, different like...something's missing." You said. 

"Mm...well, Momo left unexpectedly last night from what I heard." Deku said. "Really, that must be what it is then." 

"Well, at least you don't have to watch your back now." Deku said. "Deku baby, I wasn't afraid." You said as you flipped your hair. 

"So, when are you and Todoroki know... get closer?" Deku said wiggling his brows. "Deku!" You blushed and covered your face. 

"I'm telling (y/n), you're probably missing out. You got that nice tall drink of water to yourself and you're not taking a sip."

"Deku, you're so freaky." You laughed. 

"I know that sis, and I love it." Deku gave you a wink and blew a kiss.  

You looked in the mirror and messed your hair up a bit. "That's good." You told yourself. "So, what's happening with you and Yagi?" You asked Deku as you two made your way out of your room.

I prefer the Dark (A Fanfic I Wrote Back In High School)|| A Todoroki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now