safe spot

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It's been a few days since you went to Rhodes with John. You've tried to act like nothing happened but he had been acting much different. He always sits close to you while at the fire, and he's always finding time to talk with you alone. You can admit it's nice having someone who's interested in you, which is why you haven't told him to back off, but you feel bad about it.

Your sitting reading a book that Dutch gave you when Arthur comes over and sits down next to you.

"What are you reading?" He asks

You look up and smile at him. His bruises are all gone and he looks even more handsome than before.

"Some book Dutch gave me, all though it's not very good" you chuckle.

"Yeah he's aren't the best, try Mary-Beth, she likes the romance ones.. if that's what your into." He tells you

You look up at him, noticing he's staring at you. You both look at each other for a minute until he snaps out of it, leaving you blushing.

"So John told me about what happened when you went into Rhodes." He says.

You start to freak out. "What if Abigail finds out" you think.

"Oh I-" you start but are cut off.

"I think that's awesome." He says

"... what?" You are slightly thrown off by this. Maybe he didn't like you after all.

"I can't believe your that good with a gun! John said you just started shooting." He says.

You sigh, relived he was talking about the O'Driscoll encounter, and not the kiss.

"Oh yeah, my dad used to say I was a pretty good shot" you chuckle.

"Well I came over because Dutch told me to meet Bill, John, and Sean over in Rhodes, and I thought maybe you would want to go along, just as extra help." Arthur says.

"Yeah that sounds great" you reply.

"Okay get ready, we will leave soon." He says getting up and leaving.

You recollect yourself and get ready to leave. You meet Arthur at the horses and mount up. You head off to Rhodes.

"So... do you like it here?" Arthur breaks the silence.

"Honestly, I love it. Although most people don't trust me yet, you, John, and Dutch are treating me nicer than anyone has my whole life." You say.

Arthur smiles. "Well I'm sure soon, everyone will make you feel like family"

"That's what everyone keeps saying and nothing had changed" you laugh. You continue talking until you get to Rhodes.

"You brought her?" Bill complains as he sees you ride up.

"John says she's a good shot" Arthur answers.

"What makes you think anyone's gonna get shot" Sean says.

"You never know." Arthur answers.

Everyone starts walking up the main road. Arthur, Sean, and Bill go ahead and talk. While John falls back to you.

"So little one how have you been?" He asks smiling

"Happy to be our of camp" you reply. You don't really know what to do about the John situation, you were hoping it would die down by now but it hasn't.

"This feels weird" Arthur says turning around.

Sean starts to say something when all of a sudden a gun is heard, and he falls to the ground.

"No!" Arthur yells.

Suddenly gun shots are coming from all over. You still have the shotgun John have you so you start shooting. People are shooting from all directions and it's scary as it's the first time something like this has happened to you. You all work together to shoot all the attackers. Once the shooting stops, everyone walks over to Sean's body. Although to didn't know him will, it hurt you so bad to see him die, you tried to hide your tears but everyone saw them fall. John was going over to hug you until he told him and Bill to move Sean's body. They both picked him up and walked away. Arthur turned to look at you, he saw the sadness in your eyes and brought you into a hug. All your worries instantly disappeared. He smelled like fire smoke and wood. He was much taller than you so your head rested right on his chest.

"It's okay y/n. I promise you'll get used to this" he says.

You always knew this lifestyle brought sadness like this constantly, but you weren't used to it. You stood there a little longer until you calmed down. Arthur's arms were your safe spot. Nothing could hurt you there.

"We should go before anyone else shows up." Arthur says breaking the hug. He looks you in the eyes. "Are you sure your okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yes. Thank you Arthur." You smile. You both hop on your horses and head back to camp. When you arrive, you head to your tent, exhausted from the day. You see Arthur go to Dutch to tell him what happened. Karen runs up to them. Suddenly she breaks out in tears, they must have told her what happened. You lay down and roll over, not wanting to see her heart breaking into a million pieces.

"Hey" you hear as someone sits down next to you. It's Kieran.

"Hey" you smile.

"I heard what happened. Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, but can you stay with me a little? I don't want to be alone." You ask.

He agrees and lays down next to you.

"So, what's up with you and John?"

"What." You asked shocked

"Don't pretend you haven't been sneaking around with him, I've seen it." He says

You trusted Kieran, he was like a big brother to you. So you told him everything. From your trip to Rhodes, to him always getting you alone.

"So you don't like him?" He asks.

"He's an amazing guy, it's just feels wrong, and there's someone else..." you trail off.

Kieran smirks at you. "Arthur?" He asks.

All you have to do is blush and he knows the answer.

"Just be careful y/n. He's a big bad outlaw and your... you. You like genuine connections and I don't know if he can give you that." He tells you

You understand his concern, but your not going to give up not knowing what Arthur wants. You roll over and fall asleep with Kieran by your side.

loose ends { Arthur Morgan x Reader } / rdr2Where stories live. Discover now