•Proverbs 23:6•

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      Proverbs 23:6- "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it

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      Proverbs 23:6- "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."
                    ~Four Months later~
                           ~Sin's POV~

         There are some things you expect when raising a little girl like being deathly afraid of them for a few days out of the month and walking them down to some piece of worthless shit that doesn't deserve them. What I never expected to do was tell her I'm not her dad. No matter what in my heart she's my daughter; I've raised her, I've earned the title of being her father blood or not.
    Kole could have stood up at any time in the last seven years of Emmy being alive, but be decided to stay in the dark where it was safe because he wasn't ready for the responsibility of being a parent. Does he think I was ready for that when it was thrown on me out of nowhere?
   I wouldn't change the last seven years for the life of me; maybe a few minor things but nothing that would have stopped me from getting to right where I am with the same people. Being contempt with where I am in life has never came easy, I've always thought I could overcome one achievement with another without taking the time to celebrate what was just won. Now I'm finally at that point with two beautiful children, a lovely home, and a magnificent girlfriend, soon to be wife if everything goes right, and it could all come down crumbling after saying a few simple words.
I'm not your dad.
   Looking at her right now with her back turned to me, leaning against my legs as she does her math homework on the table, I wonder what she'll think of me after I tell her. Will this change her whole perception of who I am to her? What will happen if he takes her from me; will I just never see her again? Worse of all, will the memories we've made fade as she gets older?
        "Take a break for a second," I tell her, moving my leg a tad to get her attention. She drops her rainbow designed pencil to the floor and sets herself next to me. She tucks her short legs under her, moving her crazy long hair out of the way. She hasn't cut it in two years, growing it out to the bottom of her back. I loved her short hair but she insists on keeping it long.
    "This is longer than a second," she says sarcastically. Even if she's not mine she's picked up my sarcastic tongue throughout the ears and mimics my facial expressions.
    My fingers tap my knees anxiously. This could change everything for me. "I want you know first that I love you no matter what, and you'll always have a special place in my heart, moroso *sweetheart*. No matter what you always have me and you can always trust me. Okay?" She nods, picking up on my nervous energy. Here goes nothing. "Kole and I talked the other night and he told me something that really shocked me...you're his daughter."
"That's silly," she says, trying to get back down to finish her work. I take her hand, making her look at me. The fact that she doesn't believe me makes it worse.
"I'm telling the truth." She stops moving and listens to me as I explain the situation the best I can without getting myself mad. "Kole wants you to be with him instead. I want you to stay here, because I love you and nothing could change that. It's your choice though."
Would he still take her if she chose to stay? Will she want to stay knowing I'm not her dad and that the man that's practically her best friend is?
"I'll stay here," she says like it's nothing. My eyes trail off to the side. "He doesn't let me go to sleep after ten." I can't help but laugh at her reasoning for wanting to stay.
"I love you."
"I love you too, daddy."
Five days later:

"She's six, yes?" The judge asks as I sit in the little booth beside his chair. Emmy sits next to Vina, not having a single care about what's going on. Kole isn't by himself either. The mother fucker manages to find a few of my men who also have the same beliefs as him thinking that I'm not a good father for Emmy.
"She turned seven a two days ago, your honor," I say. He looks down at the papers on the table. Her entire birthday I wasn't able to think about anything other than the fact that I waited in that hospital room for hours waiting for her to be born and she isn't even mine. Fuck, I wish Dannie were still alive so I could...no, never mind, I'm happy that bitch is dead.
"How many children do you have?"
"And your girlfriend, Ms.Star, is the mother of your youngest, correct?" I nod, clearing my throat. A few minutes pass without anyone saying anything, the entire court room silent. The judge closes the file he has in front of them and hands it to the man in a police uniform beside him. "I would like to speak to Emilia alone."
"I'm not comfo-"
"I demand to speak with her alone. You, Mr.Star, and Mr.Zeon can step outside. It won't be long." My eyes lock with Davina's. She gets up, glancing over at Kole.
   "Your honor, may I speak?" He sighs, clearly annoyed by our disobedience but gesture to her with his hand to continue. "Sin and Emmy have a beautiful bond and she loves dearly. Kole has also been in her life since the beginning, he's her best friend but he doesn't come close to Sin. Not even when he could have been there he never tried helping when she was sick or sad; he's only there when things are okay. Sin has sacrificed so much for her, Kole has never done such a thing-"
    "Objection!" Kole shouts, standing up from his seat. The judge pounds his gravel on the wooden podium and looks back to her.
   "Despite what his record shows or what Kole says, he would never let anything come even close to hurting neither of the girls. I swear he would give up his own life for them. Taking them away from each other would be unfair to them both, to our family, just for this man to take something from him out of jealousy."
    "As touching you're little speech was, Ma'am, I'm still going to have to speak with the child," he says. Fucker. The officer I immediately recognize as Atticus Corinthos locks eyes with me as I stand up. Davina takes my hand as we walk out of the court room, Kole and the two officers behind us. I hear him asking Emmy to go to him just as the doors close.
    "I think we have a good chance," Davvy whispers. I sit down on the polished bench, covering my face with my hands. Kole keeps a good distance, standing next to the emergency exit. Atticus and the other officer stay in front of the door, making it so we can't get in.
    "I should have taken care of my shit," I say, regretting every crime ever committed. Obviously, I wasn't proud of the before but I also didn't think about every single once every second of the day until now. I should have known this would bite me in the ass eventually like my "dad" has always told me. "Everything I've said seems to go in and straight out the judges ears. He doesn't give a shit; he's going to give her to Kole."
   "As he should," Kole says, starting to come with way. Davvy crosses her tan arms over her chest, drawing his attention down to her breasts. A grin forms on his face as she scoots herself closer to me. "How's that scar in your side healing up?" He asks.
    Her eyes flicker towards the officers, reminding herself she has to keep it friendly with them around. "Swimmingly." I squeeze her hand as I take deep breaths. Ignoring his presence usually comes so easily but now he's the center of damn attention.
    The doors open behind the officers, revealing one of them that stayed inside. That was quick, too quick. I stand up, my free hand shaking violently. Davvy raises the one she's holding and kisses the back. We get up and follow the cops back inside. It's by taking a small step in there's a dramatic difference in temperatures. Emmy sits where I was beside the judge, bobbing her head to whatever song is playing in her head.
    "Daughter or not, you've raised a wise kid, Mr.Memosa," the judge says. I remain standing next to Davina as she sits, not letting her hand go and she doesn't try taking it away either. She's all I have keeping me together right now. I'm sure she's getting tired of my gloominess the last few weeks even though she says it's what she's here for. I'm so used to being the one who she leans on that this makes me feel guilty. "She said rats aren't cute, so she's not going to be one."
   "I'm more a fan of mice." He gives her a sweet smile which makes me relax a little bit. At least I know he wasn't an asshole to her.
    "I'll admit that when this first started I was expecting it to be an easy decision," he says, glancing to Kole. My jaw clenches in anger and embarrassment. "But it was difficult. It's very clear how much you love Emilia and she's loyal to you. But with reports and sadly your own men against you, the only one on your side was me. Taking a good look at your record, if you weren't so wealthy you'd be in for quite some time. Kole Zeon, please stand."
    He fixes his short as he pushes his chair back from the desk in front of him. That cocky look on his face still hasn't left. I wish I could manage to portray myself as calm right now but there's no way I could. I get though, he doesn't have anything to lose. If he looses this this, what happens? He leaves and returns to his life. But me? I'm going to be a wreck.
     "I'm granting Mr.Zeon with full custody over Emilia Memosa," he says. And just like that I can feel my heart breaking. Nothing, and I mean fucking nothing, has ever hurt this bad. I flinch at the sound of him bringing down his gravel, the loud "boom" echoing throughout the courtroom. He looks over to Emmy who looks oblivious. "You can get up now."
    "About time," she says sassily and jumps down from the seat. When she comes running to me I can't stop the tears. I manage to hold myself up while kneeling to her height. Confusion washes over her face as I pull her into a hug, my back shaking as I sob. "What's wrong?"
    I see Kole's shoes start coming this out out of my peripheral. Straightening up I wipe my tears and sit down next to Davvy. I shoot him a look to keep him off to the side so I can talk to her. Is this the last conversation we're gonna have? Will I see her again? What the fuck is going to happen?
    "Can we go home now?" She asks. When will they come get her stuff? The house is going to feel weird with an empty room. It's going to be too quiet. She's who sets the energy and brings the noise.
    "No, baby, no," I tell her. Kole walks up behind her but doesn't say anything. I know it's his way of telling me to keep my mouth shut but what's he going to do about it if I don't? I could kill him, get sent to prison, and come straight back out cause guess whose in control of that shit? Me. "Remember how I told you I'm not your real dad?"
    "Yeah," she says. "I said I would stay with you and momma." Davina let's out a sound that sounds like she got punched in the stomach. I nearly forgot she was here and I don't remember letting go of her hand. Glancing at her, there are uncontrollable tears running down her face. Emmy's brows pinch together in the center, showing her concern.
   "I would give anything for you to come home with us, but you're not allowed to," I tell her, trying to keep my voice steady. There are a few cracks but it's as good as I can manage in this emotional state. "Kole is your dad now. You...you have to go with him."
    Placing a hand on her shoulder she spins around and looks up at him. She just looks confused and I can't blame her. She's smart and we often forget how young she really is, but she's only seven. She doesn't really understand why she can't be with me anymore if she has her entire life.
    "I don't want to," she says.
    "If was anything I could do I would do it to keep you with me," I tell her, blinking my tears away. He gives her a smile that she doesn't return and instead glares down. The Judge gets up from the panel with papers in his hands and comes over. "I love you so much. Never forget that, okay?"
    "I don't want to go," she says, tears forming in her eyes. Don't cry, God please, don't cry. A tear slips from her eye that she doesn't even try wiping away. She looks at Davvy and jumps onto her lap, wrapping her arms around her as tight as she can. "I'm not going."
   "No," she snaps at Kole. He lets out a deep breath. If he can't handle her like this how is he supposed to handle her natural attitude? This isn't going to be good. "I'm staying."
   "You can't," he tells her. The Judge sets the papers down in the desk in front of us.
    "These papers are for you, Mr.Zeon," he says. "I have someone waiting in the hall for you, Sinith, to sign over your rights, stating that he now has full legal custody of her. I don't like to keep my people waiting."
    "Then you try fucking expla-" Davina nudges me with her arm, stopping me from saying anything else. Emmy still sits in her lap in the same position, her head resting in the crook of her neck. They haven't had enough time together. They've had too much of leaving each other since Davvy came into the picture.
   "I'm kindly asking you to leave," he says. I don't do well with kind people. Kole reaches down and tries taking Emmy off of Davvy's lap but she keeps her hands clasped around her neck securely. I know what I'm going to do will hurt and I'm never going to forget this moment.
    Standing up, I gently undo her hands and pick her up myself. She relaxes for a second in my arms until I set her down next to Kole. He takes one of her hands to keep her there while the other holds mine.
   "I love you," I tell her. She looks up Davina who hasn't stopped crying and I don't think she will for a while.
   "I love you too," she tells her, her voice cracking. The Judge sends me a hard look, telling me again it's time for me to go. Davina laces her fingers with mine as I bend down, kissing the top of Emmy's head.
    "I don't want to go, daddy," she mumbles. The sound of her voice makes me wish I had more people with me to back me up if I tried attacking the judge but that would never work with the cops and Kole in here. I have to figure something out, this isn't going to work. I'll drive myself crazy and fucking send myself into a depression I'm sure.
"Be good. I'm going to love you forever and ever, no matter what. Okay?" She nods, trying to shake her hand out of Kole's but he has her locked.
"I love you," she tells me, taking her hand out of mine and wiping her tears. I take a deep breath before quietly telling her I love her one more time. Davvy looks up at me, knowing we have to go. Kole and I look at each other one last time before I turn around. It takes all my strength not to turn back around when I hear her start crying loudly.
My hand leaves Davvy's as I start walking faster, needing to get the hell out of this building and find some way to cool off. She stops in front of me when I reach the car. My breaths come out shaky and uneven.
"We'll get her back," she tells me. I shake my head, trying my best to not cry. She reaches into my pocket and takes out the keys. "I'll drive. You just-"
"I'm fine," I say, taking them back. She sighs, looking down. "Get in, I wanna go home." Neither of us say anything the entire drive. The only noise is the the car and low music coming through the radio. Every now and then she reaches over rubs my shoulder. My eyes glare at the road, thinking of all the ways I would love Kole to suffer.
    Enzo and Valentino stand up from the couch looking absolutely exhausted. Valentino looks like he's been in a messy fight and Enzo looks like he hasn't slept in days. My eyes land on Eve whose sleeping peacefully on the couch, the table pulled against the couch so if she rolls over she won't fall.
    "What happened?" Enzo asks, trying to look past me outside. Davvy comes in and closes the door behind her, locking the deadbolt like I always tell her to. Valentino's eyes widen when he realizes Emmy isn't with us.
   "QUESTO È CAZZATE *THIS IS BULLSHIT*!" He yells. Eve immediately wakes up and starts crying. Davvy sets her bag down on the side table and reaches over the couch to pick her up. "I'm sorry. How the hell did he when in court?"
    "They seen my record," I tell him. He pulls at the ends of his hair, turning around and pacing back and forth rapidly. Enzo's face is paper than it was when we first come in and there's a lost look on his face.
   "She doesn't get any say?" He asks. I shake my head.
    "If that were the case she would be with us," I tell him. I take Eve from Davvy and gently bounce up and down, shushing her as she slowly stops crying. I hold her tight, pressing my lips to the side of her head. "What happened while we were gone? You guys look horrible."
    "We're two men without kids writing a baby," Enzo says, rubbing his eyes. True. I remember when Emmy was first born...god I mentally punch myself for reminding myself of another memory. The more I think about it the more it hurts. I wish I could just go numb. "Kole shouldn't have her, he's jut her dad. What's gonna happen now? You don't ever get to see her again?"
    "I have no idea," I say. Davvy rests her head on my arm. I wrap my arm around her waist and hug her to my side. "You two can go. I'll be at the house in the morning to talk over some stuff. How long until you leave for Italy?"
   "Two days," he says. I'll admit that I'm upset he's leaving. I knew his stay here was permanent. It felt nice to have someone around here that I don't feel like punching in the throat. Sure, I'm cool with Enzo but Valentino is like a brother, Enzo is like a son. "Ritorneremo presto però *We'll be back soon though.* My Melissa likes it here, she wants to come back."
    "Like move?"
    "Si. And now that I'm partnered with you I have more business here than there. My second can handle the business in Verona," he says. We quickly say our goodbyes and they leave. The house is completely silent as Davvy and I walk down the hall. I stop by the nursery to lay Eve down. On my way to the room I spot Davvy sitting on Emmy's bed.
    "It's so quiet," she says. I walk in and sit next to her, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees. I wonder what the plan is with all her belongings. Will Kole come and get everything or will be starting her all over? My baby must be miserable right now and there's nothing I can do about it.
    "I was a good dad to her, right?" She snaps her head in my direction, nodding to my question. "I don't know what the fuck to do. I want to go kill him but I don't trust no one would find out. It would be too obvious I did it."
    "My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus, Philippians 4:19. I know you're not the most religious, and if you're ever doubting it it's now more than ever, but I do believe there is a plan to everything; including this. If she is meant to be with us, with you, then there will a way for her to come back. We have to have trust, Angel."
    I snicker, the corners of my mouth tilting up for a second. "Angel? That's my name for you. Most people compare me to the Devil."
    "The Devil was once an angel."

Isaiah 14:12Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt