•Psalm 34:18•

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       Psalm 34:18- "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

                         ~Davina's POV~

      Walking in the doors of home felt like I had been given an oxygen tank and could finally breathe again. Unlike what I thought, he let me come home with little argument, just said that I couldn't leave him. I know it sounds wrong, but there's a twinge of thankfulness that he did. I'm not good at making decisions, I'm a mature person with a stupid mind, I need someone to make decisions for me and now would be a great time.
      Everything in me wants to end everything between Sin and me, but deep down I wonder if there is somehow still hope. In my way of thinking, he and I are over; I broke up with him. He's not gonna stay with way, he's just giving me the time I asked for to getaway.
    "Thank you," I tell Kole as he sets my suitcase on my bed. Sin tried driving me here, but Kole offered on his way out anyway. He knew if he argued, the fact that we're having problems would be too obvious, so he just rolled his eyes and said fine. Leaving, I was shocked when I heard those familiar three words leave his mouth; I was hoping he wouldn't say them. How am I supposed to believe that he loves me after this?
     "It's no problem. I noticed the...tension," Kole says, tucking his hands in his pockets. His hair is slicked back today for a change; usually, some parts fall in front of his face but not today. His muscle right t-shirt sleeves end at the bottom of his forearms, hugging his biceps and chest. I'm so not checking out, just observing.
    "You and Sin. You two weren't that quiet last night either. I'm really sorry," he says. I sit down, my shoulders slumping. "He's the type of person who's never needed anyone, and if I'm being honest, I think a huge part of his problem is that he needs you."
    That makes no sense to me. If he needs me you would think that would make him do everything in his power to keep me, not to things that make me leave. He doesn't need me, at least he doesn't seem to. He's independent, to the point where it's unhealthy, so there is no way that's a possibility. Him needing someone is like a fish needing to be out of water.
     "If he needs me he should act like it. I'm done and don't care anymore," I tell him. His eyes tell me he knows that's not the truth. He literally seen me come up after the first time, he doesn't think they'll be a difference.
    "He needs you and it scares him, so he tries to pushes you away. Davina, when you're gone it's like watching a man being strong controlled. You're around he's this family man, then he gets to work and he's Sin. He doesn't know how to balance it when you're gone," he says, looking into my eyes intensely. I shrug, trying not to act like his words didn't cut deep into a wound that's already open.
What if he does need you and you left him? He tried getting me to stay. Now guilt is rushing to the surface for coming back.  Knocking on the door makes us turn in that direction. My brother gives me an awkward smile, probably figured something happened if I wanted to return early after wanting to leave so bad.
     "Dinner is done. You're welcome to stay if you like to eat, Kole," he says kindly before walking out. I cock a brow at Kole.
   "Stay a little?"
   "I can eat."
               ~Two days later: Sin's POV~

     "You look like shit," Jacob says, setting his coffee down on his desk. I roll my eyes and look at his computer screen. "Like it makes me feel awkward." I didn't even bother giving myself a proper look over in the mirror before walking down here. I'm a mess and I know I look like one, no use in covering it up today.
    "You make me feel awkward," I snap back. He puts his hands up, setting away towards his wall while I look at what he's working on. He's the top gun when it comes to how we control our shipments and have everything under control in that department. "Everything looks good. Caleb should be here soon to talk things over with you, we spoke yesterday and I don't think there should be any problems. If there is let me know."
    He nods, looking at me cautiously. "Are you sure you're okay?" I nod, taking in a shaky breath.
   "I'm fine."

"Kole," I say, stopping him in the hallway. He turns around to face me, his hands tucked in his pockets. He was the last person to see or talk to Davina, she wouldn't say a word to me when she left, not even a goodbye. "You haven't been around for the last two days."
"You didn't call; I figured there was no reason to," he says, shrugging his broad shoulders. He's the youngest of all my guys, but the highest up and most mature. The way he holds himself demands respect, different from how the rest look sometimes wonky; he has a natural edge.
"Did Davina tell you anything when you dropped her off?" I ask, cutting to the chase. Neither of us is ones for small talk. He shakes his head.
"I overheard everything that happened; she didn't have to tell me anything," he says. The point is that you know. His arms cross over his chest. "It's none of my business, but you really fucked up a good thing." I'm taken back by shock. He never voices his opinion on anything. I've always hated how he lets people walk over him because of that, never speaking his mind.
"I know that."
"Yeah, but I don't think you understand it. She's really hurt and seriously left you, even though I know you won't let that slide. What are you gonna tell Emmy?" He asks. I hadn't thought about what to tell Emmy if this goes on longer than New Years. She just thinks Davina wasn't feeling good and had to go home to see a doctor, but could still come for Thanksgiving. I'm always amazed at how well she comes up with excuses and reasonings with Emmy when I never know what to say anymore. The older she gets, the more clueless I am.
"That's none your business. I just wanted to know if she spoke to you," I tell him, looking down the hall. He rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, she did. She said she was done," he tells me and walks away, shoulder brushing against mine. I stand frozen in place for a few seconds, my thoughts jumbled together. She said she was done. She can't be serious about being over. And if she thinks I'm giving up without a fight she has another thing coming. I work my hardest to get that angel back in my arms.
Continuing on my way down the hall to Jacob's office, the blurry silhouette of a woman comes into view. The long black hair lets me know who it is before I even get too close. If I stop now it'll just make it worse. She straightens up from leaning against the wall when I'm close enough for her to notice me. The smile that forms on her face is one that would satisfy me if I had alcohol in my veins. I miss the way Davina's reached her eyes; Bella's are soulless, like a snake.
"Nice to see you're still alive," she says, arms falling to her sides. The bracelets on her wrists make an annoying chiming sound when they fall together. "You never called."
"I never do," I tell her. I'm surprised she thought I would; it's just a routine to say that before you're done fucking someone you know you want to avoid forever after that night. She should know that just as well as me. "What are you doing here?"
     "Caleb is still in there talking; I decided to tag along in hopes of seeing you. They were fulfilled...well half ways," she says with a grin. She steps closer, licking her lips. Her eyes violate my body.
     "I have a girlfriend."
     "That didn't stop you before," she says, playing with the top buttons of my shirt. I step back, grabbing her wrists and taking them away. We need to get out of this hallway before someone walks down and sees the way she's touching me. "Your mood is as shitty as you look right now."  
    "I have a girlfriend, or-or whatever the fuck she is at this point, I don't need you all over me. I'm trying to do her right," I tell her, my voice rising with irritation. I don't know why I felt the need to throw in that one part. She just laughs, placing her hands on my biceps when I let her wrists go.
   "So I take what she didn't know did hurt her eventually. Just makes it easier for us with her out of the way," she says with a smirk.
   "Daddy?" Oh fuck. I turn around to see Emmy looking up at me with her thin brows drawn together. Even with my daughter right here I have for shake Bella's hands off me. Her bright eyes move to Bella, narrowed in concentration.
     "What's wrong?" I ask, hoping she didn't overhear anything. It seems like she has to tear her eyes away from the women in front of her.
    "I couldn't find you," she says. Since Davina left she's wanted to know where I am at all times. "Who's that?" She asks, gesturing to Bella with her head. I look at her in disgust, not liking the way she looks at Emmy.
    "Just someone here for business. Go to your room, I'll be in there in a minute," I tell her, hoping she didn't see Bella playing with the buttons of my shirt or touching my arm. God, if she heard anything we said she's so smart I wouldn't doubt if she thought she was never seeing Davina again. And I don't know, maybe that's true after Thanksgiving, but I'm hoping I can turn things around.
       Her eyes linger on Bella when she turns around on her heels and jogs down the hall. I sigh, my shoulders relaxing. Bella crosses her arms over her chest, chewing on the inside of her cheeks.
    "She's a cute kid," she tells me. "Definitely gets her looks from her daddy, Daddy." I mentally gag.
     "If you'll excuse me, I have to go make sure she didn't see or hear anything," I tell her, wanting to get the hell away from her as soon as possible. It's so weird, without alcohol in my system she isn't the least bit tempting. My mind is only on Davina and wondering what the hell is going to happen.
     She doesn't say anything when I turn around and head to Emmy's room. The hallways seem more quiet than usual, or maybe it's because I'm trying to focus on anything other than my thoughts and I'm just now noticing the silence. Pushing her bedroom door open, she looks up at me from her dollhouse, sitting on the ground. The pink skirt she wears flows over the ground, looking like a pile of sparkles.
     "I don't like that girl," she says, breaking the silence first. I close the door and sit down on the bed. Her voice is sad along with her expression. She hasn't been the same since Davina left and that's my fault. I didn't notice how much having Davina in the house affected Emmy when she was here, she made her happier. "She was...touching you weird."
     "What do you mean?" I ask, hoping she didn't see anything specific. I don't want to have to make up an entire story, just a small excuse.
    "Her arm." I sigh. I had a feeling that's what she saw, she walked in just at the time Bella touched me there. "Mo-Davvy doesn't like other people touching you." My eyes widen in surprise, both from what she said about Davina and almost calling her mom naturally. She called her that before, but only a handful a time so we never thought anything of it. It was always in mindless situations when she was laughing hard and oblivious.
     "She doesn't?"
     "She rolls her eyes," she tells me, smoothing down her dolls hair. I would love to see Davina roll her eyes at another girl touching me; I can't even imagine it. She never seemed to have a problem with girls advances, but I guess I just never noticed. My five-year-old is more observative than me. "Is she coming back?"
   "Yes, you'll see her tomorrow," I assure her. I only hope that's true. Davina might be mad at me, but she wouldn't break her promise to Emmy. "I miss her too."
     "I know."

     AN: Okay, so I'm not trying to justify cheating in any way, I don't find it okay at all and there is no excuse for it in my personal opinion. Sin is also not trying to make excuses for himself but is simply explaining his side. Obviously, this is going to be romanticized because this is a wattpad book, so it's not really gonna go down how it would be in real life so be prepared. I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    PS: This isn't the only time Emmy and Bella cross paths, the next time will be in a different situation I promise. She's a little ball of sass!
     Question: How do you think Thanksgiving will go? What would you like to see happen?

 She's a little ball of sass!      Question: How do you think Thanksgiving will go? What would you like to see happen?

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