•Ephesian's 4:2-2•

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    Ephesian's 4:2-2- ""With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace

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    Ephesian's 4:2-2- ""With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
Six months later
                          ~Davvy's POV~

    Present time:

      "What are you doing?" I ask, letting my eyes search his for the first time in two hours. His phone drops from his hand and onto the bed. My eyes stay on him, noticing how...done he looks. There are so emotions behind his eyes and I was expecting a million. He holds himself strongly, his shoulders square at his sides. I slowly stand up, swallowing down the nervous lump in the throat.
     "I'm taking a blanket and sleeping on the couch," he says, finally answering my question and showing me the thick winter blanket in his hands. My lips part in shock. He can't be serious.
    "Don't you think you're overreacting?" I say, finding that this is too far. Why sleep ok the couch when nothing really happened and he has a bed?! If Emmy wakes up and sees him laying there she's going to ask questions.
   "How am I overreacting about this, Davina?" He says, taking a step back from me. My eyes drop down to the soft carpet. The way he's looking at me is too much. There wasn't anything in his eyes before, but now there is; hurt. "Goodnight," he says before awkwardly turning on his heel.
   "I love you," I say just as he reaches the door. His tattooed shoulders slump, his head hanging. For a second, I think he's going to turn around and come to bed with me but he doesn't. Instead he looks back at me and tells me he loves me too very quietly and walks out.
   Five hours earlier:

           "You know how much I love and adore everything you do?" Sin asks as he wraps his arms around my shoulders from behind. The spoon I was using to stir the chocolate milk falls into the sink. He's been nice the last three days, like really nice, almost too nice.
    I've asked him what he's up to but he says he's not doing anything. I've even asked if he messed up again and is trying to butter me up before he comes out with it, but he promises he hasn't. If this were two years ago I would be suspicious that he's lying, but he literally doesn't have time to be with another women. He's either at the old house and has Emmy with him when he does to work, with one of the guys on work, or here.
"You always show me that you do," I say. He spins me around and leans down. Our lips slowly move together until the sound of footsteps echo throughout the house. Emmy comes in holding Eve. He steps back with a large smile and picks her up. I hand the chocolate milk to Emmy and lean against the counter.
"Enzo's coming to pick you and Eve up in about ten minutes. So make sure your stuff is ready and put your slippers on," he tells her. My brows pull together in confusion. Her shoulders slump.
"Why him?!" I chuckle, gently gripping the top of her head and turning her towards the hall. Eve picks her head up and leans towards me. I take her from Sin and sit down at the dining table. Her small hand wraps around my finger. She sways its back and forth, her eyes following it intensely. My lips tilt upwards into a smile. She's so beautiful.
Her eyes are the exact same as Sin's but she has my skin color. Her hair is turning out very hard and her lips are the same shape as his. When you put Emmy and her next to each other you wouldn't think they had different mothers. I wonder if when she gets older she'll figure it out.
    "Why is he getting the girls?"
    "So we can celebrate our anniversary," he says. I'm surprised he remembers with how busy he's been. "I have the whole night planned."

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