•James 2:19•

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James 2:19- "You believe that God is one; you do well

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

James 2:19- "You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe- and shudder!"

~Davina's POV~

When I wake up I don't feel the same as I have in months. For once I feel refreshed and relaxed. Maybe it was the sex but I'm not going to think that much of it even if it was amazing. Thinking about last night everything comes back.
I knew Princess was downstairs drinking, but I thought Kole was still with her. I had been asleep for only a few minutes when Sin got up and went downstairs. When I heard him talking I got up and went down to see what was going on. Finding him close to Princess with her hand creasing his crotch made my stomach twists in ways it had never before.
I knew he wouldn't cheat on me with her, maybe someone else, but not her. Of corse I reacted the way I did because of shock, but in my heart I wanted to stay and talk right then and there to her. She's the one whose been against him and I because he's "bad for me" but yet she wants him for herself. For once I feel possessive and there isn't any way I'm letting her get her hands on Sin after everything we've been through. He's mine.
The sound of the shower in the bathroom catches my attention, making me aware that Sin isn't in bed with me. My eyes fall on the clock. I slept longer than I usually do but it's still earlier than I'm sure everyone else is. Princess will be knocked out for the majority of the day, which is good for me since I don't want to deal with her. Eventually, but I need time beforehand.
I get up and walk to the mirror in the corner of the room. I'm still naked from last nights activities, leaving my body exposed to me. My chest and neck are scattered with hickies. My hips have bruises from where his fingers had been digging in to keep a tight grip on me. My breasts are bigger than they were two months ago; I can't tell if I like them or not but Sin seemed to.
Getting a sudden burst of confidence I make my way into the bathroom while putting my hair up. Steam pours out of the bathroom as soon as the door is opened, my body heating up about ten degrees. I smile at the fact that he uses hot water now. In the beginning he only showered with cold water but I couldn't handle it when we would shower together.
Not bothering to close the door, I pull the curtain back. Sin brushes his hair back with his fingers, water spraying over his handsome face and god sculpted body. I step in and close the curtains, shooting him a tired smile.
His arms wrap around me, pulling me to his naked body. He immediately hardens against my stomach, fingers creasing the small of my back. I press myself harder against him, running my fingers down his side. To my delight he shivers, giving me the reaction I want. The fact that I can make him feel the way he makes me feel let's me know I hold some amount of power. Not a lot, but some.
"You seem happy this morning," he says, pulling back a little to look down at me. I smile, shrugging. He reaches over and grabs my poof and body wash. He does what he needs to before lathering my body, spending more time than needed in my swollen breasts. I moan as his knuckles brush against my nipples.
"Sensitive?" I nod shyly. "I can have fun with that later."

"What are you planning to do with Princess?" He asks, buttoning his shirt while looking at me. During the shower I didn't get much time to think of what I was going to do about the situation, but I know I have to do the logical thing. "If you want to talk things out with her-"
"I do, but even after that I don't want her anywhere near you," I tell him. He smiles to himself, his signature cocky expression on his face.
"Possessive are we?" I nod. I wasn't possessive before, maybe that was a part of the problem. I want to feel secure with him, to know he's just as mine as I am his. This man owns me in ways he doesn't understand and I want the same feeling back. "Be possessive, it's sexy."
The door swings open just as he's about to kiss me, Emmy running in with Enzo coming in after her. Sin steps back with a smile, face heating up. Enzo sighs, giving up on trying to get her. She's dressed cute with black leggings, a white knitted sweater and maroon rain boots. It's not raining but Sin likes when she wears them because he thinks they're cute.
"She's fine," Sin tells his second. She gets on the bed and sits down, swinging her legs back and forth and sticks her tongue out at Enzo. He rolls his eyes and walks out of the bedroom. She has some unspoken hatred against him from what I've been able to tell since I came here.
"I need to go find Princess," I Sin while slipping into my flats. He nods, finishing buttoning the cuffs of his shirt. Emmy starts rambling about something to him as I walk out and start towards the guest bedroom. The door is open when I reach it. The bed is freshly made and there isn't any sign of her ever staying in here.
On the nightstand is a piece of paper that was ripped out of a notebook. I immediately know it's from her because of the horrid handwriting. Her handwriting is worse than most guys I've seen.
I didn't want to embarrass myself anymore than I did last night. I had Kole take me home. I'm sorry -Princess
I sit down on the bed, putting my head down. The letter slips from my fingers and to the floor. This isn't how I wanted this vacation to go. I was hoping Sin and her would learn to be friends and we could have a good tile spending time together, not her trying to sleep with him while eating ridiculous things like I "took him from her."
Part of me knows what she was talking about on that part. She wanted him first. That day we ran into him at the coffee shop she was who flirted and put herself out there. Whenever I brought him up afterwards she would fall into some trance that made me want to change the subject. It wasn't my plan to fall for him, especially after he freaking kidnapped me, but it happened and I don't regret anything.
"Are you okay, Miss Star?" A deep voice says. I tense at the sound, looking towards Enzo. I get up, bending over and grabbing the letter. He reaches over to the tissues set on the dresser and hands me on. Now that he's made me aware I feel the wet spots of my face from where my tears fell.
"I'm okay," I tell him, wiping my tears away.
"Congratulations on the pregnancy," Enzo says, walking up with his hands behind his back. I give him a warm smile. He looks around, probably checking if Sin is anywhere near. He puts him on edge. He might be almost at the same position, but he's also the youngest and could get knocked down if Sin chooses.
"Thank you, Lorenzo. And please don't call me that, you can call me Davvy or Davina," I tell him. He nods, the look on his face telling me that he's not going to switch it to either one of those. "What happened to your eye?" I ask, gesturing to the very prominent black eye.
"Emmy threw a doll at me."
"May I ask how you know I'm pregnant?"
"Sin told me before I came here in the hall. He also told me to tell you he's in the kitchen. He looks happy about the growing family," he says.
"I hope he is."
A week later

It took some convincing and promises to get Sin to come to church with me. I knew he wouldn't want to be because of his relationship with his dad but he agreed to negotiate with me. Emmy wanted to come and I'm excited for her to see where we're from.
The whole ride Sin was quiet. He didn't talk unless Emmy said something to him and his body has been tense since he woke up. If I had known coming would have such an affect on him I would have told him it was okay to not come. He would probably much rather be doing work or even just being home bored than here.
There are whispers when we walk in and stares in our direction. I squeeze Emmy's hand the same time Sin squeezes mine. We walk through the walkway until we get to the middle rows and slide in. Usually I would sit at the front but I'll do what works for him at this point.
Emmy settles herself between Sin and I, a content smile on her face. Her fascinated eyes roam over the church, examining the art of the paintings and stain glass windows. I wonder if she's ever been inside a church with Sin's religious stance. She chooses to pray on her own and he has no problem with that. Sometimes she makes him stand in her room while she does it and tried combing him to join her.
Everyone quiets down when Pastor Allen takes his place at the front, holding the Bible at his side. He's stressed nicely with a blue button down and black dress pants. His shoes are so shiny you could see them from a mile way. His hair is done neatly with gel. There isn't a big resemblance between them but you can tell they're apart of the same blood line.
His eyes scam over the pews before speaking, staying on us. His expression turns surprised when he notices Sin. Emmy hangs onto his every word as he goes over the night Jesus was born and recites passages from the Bible. He tells everyone they're welcomed to come up and pray just like every other service. Emmy looks at me and Sin, probably expecting us to go up.
I've always prefers to pray on my own. To my surprise Sin stands up, holding his hand towards Emmy. She immediately takes it and follows him to the front where people are kneeling. I'm waiting for a hostile look to come from either Sin or Pastor Allen towards each other, but he just watches as his son helps his daughter kneel and gets down next to her, showing her the "right way" to pray.
She bows her head but looks towards him after a few seconds to see if he's still doing it. I get up from the pew and make my way over, smiling at the two of them. "I don't know what to say," she tells him. "Why don't you do it?" Sin...pray? I won't live to see that happened because it never will.
"I'll try." Pastor Allen walks over and stands beside me, giving me a warm smile. I honestly think that if it hadn't been for him I would have stayed away from Sin. Sometimes you need others to explain things that you can't understand yourself.
"I've missed seeing him like this," he whispers. I don't pay attention to what Sin says, just that he's doing it. I could care less if he prays or not, or believes or not, it doesn't affect how much I love him. Hell, the man runs an Italian mafia ring and I'm still here.
They get up after they say their amens and come over. Sin stops misstep when seeing Allen. He doesn't look mad or like he wants to shoot him so I take that as a good sign.
"Hello," he says casually.
"Hi, Sin," he says, eyes lowing to Emmy. She smiles brightly. "I'm Pastor Allen."
"I'm Emmy," she says happily. They talk for a few minutes before Sin interrupts to say we need to get going. I'm happy when it doesn't come out as rude. Tomorrow is Christmas and it isn't a short drive. By the time we get home it'll be five, maybe six if we have to make any stops.
"I'm happy you came," Pastor Allen says. Sin gives him an uncomfortable smile before shaking his hand. "Have a merry Christmas." I gesture for Emmy to turn around and help her ou her jacket on and beanie. It's freezing to the point where it should be snowing but we don't get that here.
     When we get outside, Sin opens the door for Emmy and makes sure she buckles herself. Looking at him, my eyes start watering and I can't stop the tears from falling. I can't believe I got so lucky to have someone like him. Yes, he's fucked up more than once, but he's still somehow perfect to me.
"Baby, why are you crying?" He asks, taking my hands from my face. Tears runs down my face and I can't tell what emotion they're from.
"You actually prayed. I don't know, it's stupid but seeing you with Emmy like that it made me emotional. And...and I'm really happy to be with you," I tell him. He runs his hands down my arms, kissing my forehead as I continue to meaninglessly cry into his chest.
"There isn't anything I wouldn't do for my girls," he tells me, making me cry harder. What the heck is wrong with me?!
"I love you so much," I tell him. He squeezes his arms around me, making me feel all sorts of happy and content.
"Now are you done hormone crying?" I pull back, my eyes narrowed at him. Did he really just blame my emotions on my freaking hormones?! I have my hormones perfectly inline!
"Yeah, I guess I am. The next time I hormone cry I just won't bring it up with you, Jerkface!"

    AN: The next two or so chapters will have small drama but not anything big. There are some things coming through, so be prepared 😈 I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: What would you like to see in upcoming chapters?

 There are some things coming through, so be prepared 😈 I really hope you guys enjoyed!     Question: What would you like to see in upcoming chapters?

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Isaiah 14:12Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang