•Ephesians 6:12•

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Ephesians 6:12- "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Ephesians 6:12- "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places"

                     Three months later
                           ~Sin's POV~

         "The last report we have of them is from Seattle, so not very far from us," Enzo tells me, stacking the papers on his desk. I lean against his side table, trying to think of anything in the news that's happened there or if there were any shipments picked up in Seattle anytime soon. If there was any interruptions with my business I would have been told.
     "Has there been any reports of missing women, preferably around the ages of sixteen to thirty. They like to have a wide range," I ask. He straightens up, fixing his shirt.
    "Not that I know of, but I can get in touch with the SPD to find out. Do you want a certain time frame?"
    "I want from mid September to now. Any missing reports, that includes boys and minors," I tell him. He nods, picking up a small yellow sticky note and writing down what I said in black pen. He nods at me and sticks it to the top of his computer. "Get back to me about that tomorrow evening if possible. You need to come with me to the house so we can finish patching up the shit that went down last night with The Venses."
    "The Venses? I thought it was a random." I shake my head. "Do you think this could be linked to the men that left us for the Marbelo's?"
    "There's a small chance, they would know when and where he load. Two Venses tried taking off with a few pounds of cocaine a few hours before we were set to go in and store everything in the trucks. Whoever helped them had to have known what time we usually go in there and weren't expecting us to be early."
    He scratches the back of his neck, looking down at the stack of papers on his desk. I've asked him a million times if he's been able to keep up with everything and he claims he has everything under control but I can tell he's loosing hair from it all. We've been up to our necks recently, myself as well, but we manage to stay in our shit. The more stressful it gets, the harder my men work. In some ways, I look forward to shit hitting the fan from time to time as long as it's not too much to handle.
"Let me tell Maddy I'm leaving, then I'll meet you in the front," he says, walking towards the door. I had forgotten his fiancé was here, she's very quiet. She doesn't come around much because we aren't her scene at all. Her family is very wealthy and does business with some men I'm contacted with which is how they met. I had my round with her two years ago and how fast she gets attached will give a man whiplash. "Are you still planning on tonight?"
"Yeah," I say, taking my bottom lip between my teeth nervously. Just from talking about it my heart starts beating faster. Proposing was never something I pictured myself doing a year ago. With the way things are going between us now is a good time to do it. There is nothing holding us back, she's doing great in school, we already have a four person family. "Scared shitless. I still can't believe you got engaged before me though. You just turned twenty."
"We've been together for almost four years though, that's including the time we were separated. And you...you just needed someone to wake you up."
"Can't argue with you on that," I say with a laugh. He crosses his arms over his chest, his face turning pink.
"What's it like having kids? I know the situation is different because you obviously had Emmy before you two met, but do you feel like things would be better if it were different?" I don't have to think about his question before I answer. Even if we didn't have kids I would love her the same.
"No, maybe some things would be easier but not different," I tell him. A smirk grows in my face. "You thinking of having kids, now?" He shakes his head, trying to suppress a smile. I know the kid loved the women but never thought of them having kids, especially since he's practically a kid himself still. Shit, maybe she's pregnant and that's why they got engaged.
"It's been on my mind. In my family, I should already have two," he says with a short laugh.
"Take your time. I haven't had a full nights sleep in three months. We should have named her Lilith instead."
"That's a little harsh."
"Yeah, maybe."

Walking out of the garage, I remove my gloves and throw them in the trash can. The house is cold from the windows being opened, the flames of the lit candles on the kitchen counter tops swaying back and forth violently. I fix the cuffs of my shirt while walking to the nursery, hoping to catch Davina somewhere in the hall.
Th natural lighting in the room is bright, the light pink walls opening up the space. Eve rocks back and forth on her stomach in her crib, her eyes still closed. Just as she starts crying, I pick her up. Me holding her when she's crying never helps, Davvy deals with the tears because I guess she has magical cry stopping powers or some shit.
I walk out of the room, holding Eve protectively in my arms. Her wailing doesn't stop but does get quieter. The further walk down the hall to our bedroom I get more confused. Davvy can usually somehow hear Eve crying from anywhere and goes running to her. I don't hear soft, rapid footsteps coming our way or her even walking.
I push our bedroom door open to see her not in there either. Out of instinct, I start looking for anything that's been broken or messed up for signs of struggle. There is nothing; our bed is still nicely made, everything is still neat on our tv stand and dresser. As I walk around the house, even going upstairs even though she never goes up there, I walk faster. My nerves spike after I go in a room and not see her there.
I make sure to hold the back of Eve's head as I practically jog down the stairs. Kole stands in the dining room with a bottle of water, Enzo leaning against the table next to him. They don't look my way but don't say anything as I go towards the back door to see if she's in the yard. I would have seen her when I was outside if she was in the front and she wouldn't go far without Eve with her.
    "Where's Davina?" I ask, walking back to the front and turning to Kole. Enzo must have left since he's no longer where he was before. Enzo's lucky I haven't killed him yet but I'm holding that grudge until I have time. With everything with the Marbelo's and having a new born he's been my last priority. He shrugs, tucking his hands in his pockets. "I've looked everywhere for her, she's nowhere!"
    "Don't yell at me, I don't watch her every step," he defends himself. My eyes narrow in hatred; you probably do. Lorenzo walks through the front door and smiles widely at Eve making her smile and laugh, her crying finally coming to an end. They get along perfectly, him and Emmy on the other hand is another story.
    "Have you seen Davvy?" I ask. He shakes his head.
    "She should be here, right?" He asks. Thank god someone else is thinking like me. "You sure you just missed a room?"
    "No, I checked everywhere and couldn't find her, that's why I have Eve. She wouldn't do something like this," I tell him. He nods, Kole looks between us with concerned eyes.
    "Where's Emmy?" Enzo and him ask at the same time in a panic.
    "She's at a sleep over. Check the cameras and see if there's anything." Kole nods and walks outside. Enzo follows me down the hall. My eyes bounce around the walls of the nursery when I lay Eve back down.
"She wouldn't just fucking leave!" I say, my voice well above indoor level. My hands ball into fists at my sides. "Something must have happened." He nods, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I don't want to go too far, but I think we know what this could be if we can't find her, Sin," he says, his eyes locking with mine. My jaw clenches, my anger rising to its boiling point. If I were in another room there would be a whole in the wall and a whole lot of throwing things around.
"I don't want to go there yet. The Marbelo's wouldn't be stupid enough to take Davina. It's too reckless and they would know I would find out and-"
"And come looking for her so they kill you, which is what they've been wanting," he says. I shake my head, running my hands down my face. "She's knocked back out," he says, pointing to Eve. I sigh in relief, grabbing the little speaker monitor and walking out of the room. We go out to the garage and into our security room.
"Shit," I curse under my breath. Kole is knelt down next to our new security camera monitor, Erick. He's laying on the floor breathless and hands shaking at his chest. His face is covered in dirt and a little bit of blood on his mouth and nose. "What the fuck happened?"
"Seven is the Marbelo's," Kole tells me, gesturing to one of the large computers that's green is separated into different parts of the front and side yards. The scene is on repeat, at this point it's Davina walking up and a group of men, maybe six with masks over their faces coming up behind her. My hands and arms shake as I watch two of the grab me and the other three pick her up. The one holding the top of her up is covering her mouth with his arm, pushing her head further back. She's trying to thrash around but she's not strong enough to wiggle out.
"Where the fuck were you when this happened. You're set up here incase anything big happens!" I yell at him through clenched teeth. Enzo clears his thrust, stepping to the side. He's learned over time to let me be on my own when I'm angry with whoever we're dealing with. He's more easy going than I am, always to negotiate, but he failed at his job at the price of my wife.
"There was one of me and like seven of them," he tells us, pushing himself off the ground. Kole helps him steady himself. "I tried fighting, but that just got me thrown in the electrical closet...did I mention I was wet?"
My eyes widen when he pulls at his black shirt that I hadn't noticed is sticking to his body in some spots. The majority has dried, but they must have got him wet with the hose and them threw him in there hoping he would be electrocuted. My fingers tug at my hair irritatedly, my head hurting.
"FUCK!" I yell, turning away from them. "We have no way of knowing where she is now. The cameras don't give us shit except for this because of the angles. They must have someone who worked close with us before to know exactly where our cameras cut off." Scoffing makes me spin back around. My beaten up guard shakes his head.
"One of your guards just got beat half to death and almost killed, shouldn't that be on your list of things to worry about?" Enzo shakes his head at the guard, silently telling him he shouldn't have said that. Kole turns and walks towards the door.
"Erick, right?" He nods. "You're new, you've only been here three months, meaning you don't understand how things are ran around here. Every one of you I could replace in a heartbeat, you are all secondary to my family. So no, I'm not worried about what happened to you, if you had died I would have just hired someone new; don't think you're special."
     He doesn't say anything else as I turn towards Enzo and gesture to the door. "Babysit him for a little bit while I do something," I tell Kole on the way out. I push the front door open forcefully, causing the knob to hit the door, creating a small hole. "Listen for Eve," I tell Enzo as I place the monitor in his hand and jog upstairs.
     Opening the door to one of the guest bedrooms, the tears immediately start over flowing. They are hit running down my cheeks. My shoulders shake as I bring himself to sit down in the perfectly made bed. I'm choking on my own breath, making myself feel as if I'm going to throw up.
    I'm too worried, angry, and heartbroken that this has happened that I'm going to make myself sick. I can't remember the last time I cried like this. Even after my own fathers death I didn't. What the fuck am I supposed to hell Emmy; she's going to have a million questions and I can't answer them.
     Knowing who took her but not knowing where will eat me alive until I find her. God only knows what their doing to her. They could have her in the back of a car tied up, torturing her, working out a sell for her, touching her. And it's my fault.
    If it hadn't been for my position, she wouldn't have been such a target. Of course trafficking is all around us, but I made her more susceptible. I've thought this whole time I was keeping her safe with staying home where we have guards who just happened to be off duty at the time. Whoever knows the ropes around here still has them fresh in their memory.
    Knocking on the door makes me jump up from the bed. Enzo peels his head in. I run under my eyes, praying that my eyes aren't run but they are and sore underneath. His shoulders slump when he sees me like this, opening the door for her and checking behind him.
    "S-she woke up," he says, waving the monitor in his hand. I take it from him and release a deep breath. "We're going to find her, Sinith. Everything is going to be okay."
    "I fucking hope so."

     AN: So happy time finally get into this part of the story. This section of the story is going to be intense and all over the place. I'm not sure how many chapters follow this certain situation but I know it's for while so hang in there 😂 I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: What do you think will happen?

 I'm not sure how many chapters follow this certain situation but I know it's for while so hang in there 😂 I really hope you guys enjoyed!      Question: What do you think will happen?

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Isaiah 14:12Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ