•Romans 8:31•

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Romans 8:31- "She who kneels before God can stand before anyone."
(If you not mature enough to handle religious beliefs, this chapter is not for you.)

~Davina's POV~

Walking into church, my head hurts and my heart is heavy. I have two days before I meet up with Sin. This entire time I've wished for nothing but to go back to him, but now that talking about things is getting closer I want to put it to the side. All my morals and self control goes out the door when he's around. On Monday, just seeing him for less then ten minutes through me for a loop.
I kiss him like crazy, seeing him the other day gave me some peace but also left my heart heavy. It's true what they say about loving someone, you give them a part of your heart and they keep it. Problem with that is, he has all the power to make it crumble to pieces and not care about the aftermath. I'm the one left to pick it up and try to heal and when I heal he comes back.
"Davina," Pastor Allen says, coming out from behind the curtain of the stage. I force a small smile, it's all I can muster. This is the last place I want to lie, so I don't bite my tongue. Coming to him with my problems can either be what helps me or gets me in trouble. I don't think Sin would be happy with me if he ever found about me coming here when there is no service, but just to talk. For now, I have to see him as my Pastor not Sin's "dad."
"Pastor Allen, are you here alone?" I ask. He nods, fixing the cuffs of his suit. Featuring to the first pew he sits down in the one opposite of it. Sitting, I let out a deep breath. "You're a Pastor, and that's what I need right now. Putting what happened last Sunday behind us, I need someone to talk to without judgement."
"There is no judgement here, you know that." Even he has to know how judgement this place truly is. These people are so high on their high horse about being "holy" that they forget that gossiping is a sin. Coming here every Sunday now, each time I hear someone say something about my appearance, trying to see if I'm starting to show it not. One women even said that I was and that my ankles were even getting thicker. It's true, but I would rather it not be talked about by someone who knows nothing about me or the situation.
"A lot has happened this year and it seems now that it's getting worse," I confess. His hands fold in his lap, looking at me with brown in brows, focusing on what I have to say. It amazes me how Sin and I know two completely different sides of this man. "I can't-I can't stop thinking about how disappointed my parents would be if they seen me now. My whole life I've wanted to make them proud even though they can't be here to celebrate my accomplishments."
"What makes you think they would be disappointed?" He asks, leaning in on his elbows. "You're a wonderful young women, Davina. You've grown up in this church, I've watched you grow into a strong, beautiful, smart women. They would be so proud of what you've become."
"I'm pregnant," I blurt out, saying it much louder than I was expecting. He sits up, lips parting in shock. Saying that out loud to someone get rid of some more bricks that have been laying on my shoulders. "Surprise, you're gonna be a grandfather."
"It's Sinith's?" He asks. I nod, licking my dry lips. Standing up, he lets out a deep breath. There isn't anything I can do to make this situation sound better. It's messy and will continue to get worse until I tell Sin or makeup my mind about what I should do. Livvi wants me to talk to him before I make any decisions, and while I understand that he should have a say, I'm terrified to hear his opinion.
"Yeah, sadly. I have no idea what to do. Him and I aren't on good terms, although, he wants to be. We're taught how horrible committing adultery is, how am I just supposed to forgive him for such a thing?" He blinks in shock, taking all of this in at once. I knew it would be hard for him to separate his relationship with Sin from being a pastor. "I'm also terrified to have this child, for reasons that you know. I don't want to bring a kid into this situation."
"Children are a blessing," he starts, sitting back down with a serious expression, knowing the direction my thoughts are in. "You will not face anything you can not handle, for you will always have the strength of God. As for adultery, that's a great sin. I see it as something that may not ever be forgiven. Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." You can see that however you feel fitting."
"Maybe I can endure the pain he caused and move on?" It sounds like I'm ignoring every part of that verse except the ending, but he nods.
"If that's how you feel. He will give you the strength to endure the pain until you're free of it." My chest tightens, tonight's racing through my head. "For the child, the one thing I have always respected about Sinith is the way he is to his daughter. He's a wonderful dad, a better one than I could have ever been to him. This is coming from a personal place...talk to him. My son is a lot of things, but he not someone who could just over look this."
~Sin's POV~

Laying down in the hotel bed, I can't get Davina out of my mind. Ever since I ran into her and her loud friend she's been the only thing I can think of. The work I'm here for has been sloppy, getting me into some trouble here and there but nothing I can't handle. I should have done the mature thing and stayed at a hotel in the actual town I'm doing business in.
The situation I'm in with work is shit that shouldn't have been gone down. Men that I should have known better than to send out left a fucking mess, tracking every police officer in the area to the crime scene that was supposed to be left clean. Finger prints were left with some blood and other things that could give them I.D..
Not only did they leave a mess, but they also got the wrong people. These were people we were allies with, the fucking Los Asesinos. Zenith is going to tear down the whole damn town until he gets his hands on some information. Every person who was in bar at the time of the attack was dead, so the only information he can get is from the cops. It's my job to get that information before he does.
      My phone rings of the nightstand next to me. Reaching my arm over, I grab my phone and turn the power on to see who's calling. My heart stops for a second when I see Davina's make across the screen. Not wasting any time, I pick up the call and put it in speaker. My hands are already getting sweaty from my nerves.
   "Hello?" She says from the other line. The corners of my mouth tilt upwards at the sound of her voice. The only time I would hear it was when Emmy would talk to her over Kole's phone. Her voice was always muffled from the distance. Seeing her in that coffee shop made me realize that I'm not as important as I thought I was.
    Yes, she may have loved me, but he happiness doesn't depend on me. My ego, as always, got the best of me and I was expecting her to come crawling back like other women have tried to do after only a one night stand. Instead, it's me crawling back to her, begging on my knees to just have a conversation with her.
     "Hey," I say, trying to keep my voice as steady as I can. She has to know how much I've been effected by this time time apart, so there's no real use in hiding my emotions.
    "I thought about Saturday and I think it would be a good idea to talk. There's a lot that needs to be talked about before can decide on something," she says, starting very quietly, probably in her room trying to keep her brother from hearing her.
    "I agree, just text me the time and place."
    "Okay," she says. Both of us go silent. Am I supposed to say goodnight? That I love her? It almost feels wrong if I don't.
    "I love you," I say, waiting anxiously to hear her response.
    "I love you too, Sin. Goodnight."

     AN: The next chapter is coming soon! Maybe not tomorrow but maybe the next day. I really hope you guys enjoyed!
     Question: What do you think now of Pastor Allen after this chapter? How do you think their talk will go?

 I really hope you guys enjoyed!      Question: What do you think now of Pastor Allen after this chapter? How do you think their talk will go?

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