•Jeremaiah 29:11•

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Jeremaiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you," declared the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

~Davina's POV~

"It's great to see you again, Davina," Mr.Hugh's says. I haven't seen him since the day I was taken by Sin almost a year ago. My plans after graduation was to start working here so I could be an editor, at the time Mr.Hugh's was all for it so I hope that hasn't changed.
     When I was with Sin I never thought about what I would do if we stayed together. So now, I'm thinking of what I'll do if we get back together. My plans if I leave him for food with remain the same; stay here, work my way up to publishing and not editing. Sin is the kind of man who would rather his significant other not work and stay alone where he knows they're safe, I'm the opposite.
    I've always been independent until Sin came around. He didn't do things because I asked him to but simply because that's what he wanted. Thankfully I didn't get used to it and didn't exactly enjoy it. Working is something I used to look forward to because it gave me some purpose and it'll feel good if I can get that back.
     "You too," I say, pulling out the chair in front of his desk as he sits too. My hands are clammy at my hands, nervous to hear if he'll offer me a position. I clear my throat, thinking out what to say. "I'm here because if you have any open positions, even my old one, I'd love to take it. Recently, I moved back and things have been hectic."
    "You were a very trusting employee, that is until you up and left without any notice."
    "That was unexpected and under circumstances that I can't explain. It was a very messy time and things are starting to clear up again," I tell him. Tapping his fingers together, he leans back in his chair.
   "Your old position has been filled, but the Editor's one isn't. I have no doubt that you're capable or doing the job but you're going to have to prove yourself trust worthy again," he says, leaning forward and pulling his keyboard closer to the end of the desk before starting to type and move the mouse around. "I'll print out some paper work for you and have it mailed, by that time I can work everything out. Are you still staying with your brother?"
    "Yes," I answer, grabbing my bag from the chair leg beside me and setting it on my lap.
    "Have Jenna make a copy of your I.D. when you go downstairs. I'll call with some more information," he says. I nod, standing up. He gets up too, walking around his desk to meet me at the door. "Happy to have you back."
    "Thank you."
        "You look a little pale," Princess says as we stand in front of the pick up line to get our coffees. Looking around, every one looks a little pale due to the lighting. They've tinted the windows for whatever reason so there isn't much light being let in and the lights they do have it here are dim.
    "Everyone in here is and I'm exhausted," I reply. It's true about what they say about being pregnant and being tired all the time. No matter how much sleep I get I never feel refreshed and like I need more sleep.
    "Princess!" The girl at the front shouts as she sets our coffees down on the counter. Walking forward we grab them and start towards where the napkins are.
     "It's awesome that Hugh is willing to give you a position again," she says, grabbing some for herself and then handing me a few. "I'm happy that your stepping back into your old self. You've always looked forward to actually working for him." I nod, looking down my coffee. This is the first day I haven't gotten any morning sickness for a week and I have a feeling that this coffee is pushing it and going to cause me major heart burn.
    "I am excited, it's just going to be an adjustment, going from having very little freedom to having a whole job is a lot to take at once," I tell her. Her brows pull together when I say I didn't have much freedom. In her eyes it seems that I was being "kept" by Sin and was miserable. Even though it wasn't always great there, I loved it. There, I had a sense of belonging, like I was where I was supposed to be.
    "We should go out to-fuck!" She says loudly, cutting off her own sentence. Coffee stains and run down her white tank top. Looking up, I feel sick when I see Sin with his now spilt coffee. "Is it just me or an I getting some serious deja vu right now?"
    "W-what are you doing here?" I ask, my voice and hands shaking. Noticing this, he takes my coffee and sets it ok the empty table beside him.
    "Work. Are you okay?" He asks. I nod, clearing my throat. His eyes move over to Princess whose looking at him in disgust. "Is there a problem?"
   "Yeah, how about the fact that you can't keep your dick in your pants?"
       "Excuse me?" Shit. They already aren't the biggest fans of each other, her starting a confrontation isn't going to help that at all.
    "You heard me. All you care about is getting your dick wet. Davina is the best you'll ever find and you're so stupid to lose her. I'm sure you're infested with STD's at this point, I'm scared to even stand too close. One day you're gonna lose all these good looks, who the hell am I kidding, probably not, but then you'll be left with nothing!" She says, her voice getting louder and louder. The older couple sitting the corner looks at her with wide eyes. "What the hell are you looking at?!"
     "We should go," I say, grabbing my coffee and grabbing Princesses arm.
    "Can we meet sometime before I leave? Maybe Saturday?"
    "NO!" Princess says, answering for me.
    "I'll think about it." With that I start yanking Princess out of coffee shop despite her attempts to get away to get "one good shot at him."
    "Sleep with one eye open, cochino! CRAZY LATINA BEST FRIEND DON'T PLAY NO GAMES!"
      AN: For any of you who don't know what cochino means, look it up because there are literal meanings and Spanish slang 😂 Brought them back to where it all began...maybe a few other "deja vu" moments are too come 👀 I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: What do you think of Princess? Would you like to see more of her?

maybe a few other "deja vu" moments are too come 👀 I really hope you guys enjoyed!     Question: What do you think of Princess? Would you like to see more of her?

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Isaiah 14:12Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ