•2 Kings 19:35•

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     2 Kings 19:35- "Then it happened that night that the angel of the Lord went out and struck 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians; and when men rose early in the morning, behold, all of them were dead."

          {•Unedited•}                           ~Sin's POV~

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                          ~Sin's POV~

       "Vi ho già detto ragazzi, non me ne frega niente delle conseguenze *I already told you guys, I don't give a fuck about the consequences," I seethe at Valentino and the man beside him. I haven't taken the time to meet all his men individually, haven't had enough time to care. All my time the last three months has been spent searching for Davvy and taking care of the girls.
    I thought raising one alone was hard, raising two alone is worse. Especially since I know I shouldn't have to. Davvy should be here experiencing all of this with me and it would make it enjoyable. Every first Eve has is hardly enjoyable because I'm thinking of the fact that she's missing all of it. She missed Eve's first word, which was of course "dadda."
    "Non possiamo oltrepassare il confine, Sinith. L'ultima volta che ho provato è stato un bagno di sangue. Quel fottuto messicano ha ucciso circa trenta dei miei uomini * We can't go across the border, Sinith. The last time as tried it was a blood bath. Those fucking Mexican's killed about thirty of my men*," Valentino says.
    "Contatterò la pattuglia di frontiera, vedremo se riusciremo a entrare facilmente senza che nessuno ci chieda troppo. Non andare se non vuoi, ma ti stai perdendo una merda di soldi *I will contact border patrol, see if we can get an easy way in without anyone asking too much. Don't go if you don't want to, but you're missing out on a shit ton of money.*"
      He looks towards the man beside him and gestures him back with his head. I sigh, setting the five missing women's reports on my desk.  Within the last month five women in Washington alone have been abducted without a trace of being found. Going to Mexico brings us closer to where we know they are, at least where their top guy Arsenio, Armando's older brother, is.
    He doesn't do the dirty work himself which keeps him clean and out of the pen. Most of his men are so afraid of him that they will take the rap if he were to ever get caught. Finding where he was was a one in a million but with Enzo looking through reports and me searching through almost every fucking big business in Mexico we were able to find his name. It was accessing the businesses we seen his name to that was difficult.
     No one who works for his is stupid enough to get him on the phone when asked. There was a mass amount of car rentals in his companies name, leading us to his current city of Reynosa. Kole is going over with the other guys are plan of attack and making sure everyone is physically prepared. I never thought I'd be putting so many of my men at risk for a women.
    "La ragazza è davvero così importante? *Is the girl really that important?*" he asks. I don't even have to think twice about my answer anymore. Fuck yeah, she is. I never imagined myself having someone I would risk my men and my empire for, but she had to waltz her pretty little way into my life; actually, that was me, I came into her life.
    During the time she's been gone I've thought about how much easier her life would be if I had left my attraction to her alone. She wouldn't be missing by sex traffickers that's for damn sure. In a way I feel I forced myself on her, this life on her. She didn't want me in the beginning, that was all me, she wanted simple.
     "Dimmi, Valentino, se la tua Rose fosse stata rapita da uomini disgustosi che potrebbero averla violentata? * Tell me, Valentino, if your Rose was kidnapped by disgusting men who could possibly be raping her?*" His Adams Apple moves as he swallows nervously.
    "Non vivrebbero per vedere un altro giorno *They wouldn't live to see another day*," he mumbles, his head hanging. He's torn between what he wants to do for himself and his guys  and keep them safe. I'm offering a shit ton of money for their help; I don't trust anyone else. He's the only other level headed man I know in this business. "Parlerò con Franco e vedrò cosa pensa prima di prendere il voto completo * I will speak with Franco and see what he thinks before taking a full vote.*"
    "Grazie. So che sto chiedendo a molti di voi e dei vostri uomini *Thank you. I know I'm asking a lot of you and your men." He clasp a hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eyes.
   "Non c'è mai troppo che puoi chiedere a qualcuno se è per il bene della tua famiglia * There is never too much you can ask of someone if it's for the sake of your family*."

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