This Time I Will

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This is a one shot I have had in mind for literally years based off the song below but never actually wrote it out. I finally got the inspiration to write it... though it's probably as long as a short story now. Hehe

Chris Brown

Why am I mad

I don't get it

Seems like every time you give me signs and I miss it

I did it again

I admit it

I left you standing there and now I regret it


I should have kissed you

I should have told you

Told you just how I feel

And next time I won't stop

I'll listen to my heart

Cause what I feel is real


The first time Zayn ever saw the most beautiful boy he ever laid eyes on was in the hallways of his dorm building at the start of his senior year. He was moving in one of them. Zayn had only spoken briefly as he passed him and his friend that was helping him move in. But when he was clear of them, he couldn't help but look back at him. He was so stunning with his amazing lips and curls and he wondered why he hadn't ever seen him around before. Surely he wouldn't have missed that.

He didn't have time to stop and greet him and ask him anything because he was on his way to meet a friend who was also moving in. So he scurried off and wondered if he'd see him again when he came back.

He didn't.

It wasn't until a night of smoking weed with friends that he did. It was off campus on the square.

"Z, it's your turn. You got cash?" Zayn's best friend Liam asked.

He reached into his pocket for his wallet and opened it up. "Um... Yeah."

"Enough for a dozen of those amazing doughnuts?" Louis, his other close friend, asked.

He counted through the money. "Yeah. I think so, man."

"Alright, let's go inside."

They went inside the bakery, making quite a ruckus. But it was late so hardly anyone was there except an older couple and a lady at the drink station getting a straw for her smoothie.

They went up to the counter but even in his high state, Zayn recognized the boy who worked there.

"Wow. You're from my building." He saw his name tag and read it out loud. "Harry."

Harry raised his brow. "Can I help you?"

"Um... yeah. Just a dozen please."

"A dozen what?"

"Doughnuts. Duh?"

"But what kind of doughnuts?"

"Oh. Right." Zayn faced the others. "What kind of doughnuts?"

"Just a dozen." Liam said. "Whatever."

Zayn faced him and smiled. "You choose."

Harry looked slightly annoyed. But since they had plenty of glazed doughnuts left, he gave them twelve of those.

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