Just A Little While

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Not really sure how to feel about it

Something in the way you move.

Makes me feel like I can't live without you and it takes me all the way.

I want you to stay.


Harry woke up to the sound of a cell phone ringing quite loudly. He was going to answer it. But the ringtone wasn't one of his. It was unfamiliar, yet not so unfamiliar if that even makes since. It was unfamiliar to the fact that it wasn't a normal ringtone to hear at seven in the morning. But it was familiar because he has heard that ringtone before...just not when he's in the middle of sleeping.

He felt something, that felt alot like hands, slide from around his waist and he rubbed his eyes to get a clearer view of his surroundings. He wasn't sure who's hands they were. He could have sworn he went to bed alone yesterday and no one could came up in his foggy mind at the moment to make him think otherwise. He blinked and messaged the bridge of his nose, and after a few rambles of the covers he heard a voice. No one could mistaken this voice. Not even Harry.

"Hello?" It came out sleepily. "Yeah?... I know that... But it's only seven o'clock... Okay... I'll see you then."

Harry rose quickly and his eyes were almost bulging out of his head in surprise.


Yes, Harry. That's exactly who it is.

Zayn hung up the phone and looked at Harry who was just sitting up obviously confused. "Harry... What's wrong?"

Harry wasn't sure what to ask. "Did we really..." he managed to get out through a voice that was deeper than normal, but he couldn't finish it. He started to squirm feeling uncomfortable that Zayn was looking at him, but then he realized he was naked underneath the covers.

"Yeah." Zayn answered quietly placing his hand on Harry's hand.

As soon as his skin touched his, Harry drew his hand back and looked away. "I have to go. Can you please look away?" and he turned to rise.

"No." Zayn said grabbing Harry's arm. "Don't leave now. Please?"

"What?" Harry stared at Zayn weakly and to say he was confused, was really an understatement. His mind started to go over each moment of last night even though he would have preferred not to.

He remembers coming to Zayn's house to hang out and drink with all of the boys for a while until Liam, Niall and Louis left in a taxi, all drunk off their asses. But he stayed...

He didn't drink as much, maybe just enough to lose his bearings a little, so he remembers what happened. He remembers hitting his toe on Zayn's couch, the blood that followed, and Zayn helping him to the bathroom to get it all cleaned up. He surely didn't forget the way Zayn helped him up on the counter while he used an alcohol swab to clean it, or his own chuckling because Zayn was putting the band aid on and it tickled. He couldn't help but recall to mind the smile Zayn gave him after Harry had accepted his unnecessary apologies over and over until he finally just told him to 'shut up', or the fact that for some unknown reason he returned that smile back until those shared smiles turned into stares, looking directly into each other's eyes. And not just any stare, really, but one that held the truth about how they'd tiptoed around this a very long time.

Ultimately, to sum it up, this was the stare that started it all; that lead to the kiss that lead here, Zayn's bedroom. And Zayn, though he's a bit smaller than Harry, overpowered him from beginning to end, until they were both tired, completely out of breath, and just wanting to sleep.

He remembered it all. He wished he didn't, but he did.

"Stay just a little while longer." Zayn said, and he brought his hand up to Harry's jaw turning his face toward him and looking him deep in his green eyes.

Harry was a little lost at this point. He knew how they had gotten here, but he still wasn't sure how they got...here. His head was screwed all up and over and still to this day he still doesn't know of it was soley his sleepiness talking or not. Because he's sure it wasn't him. "Okay..."

He let Zayn kiss his lips softly and slowly but didn't kiss back.

Last night escaped his mind, just a short time, while he tried pushing this one moment in instead. And when Zayn's lips left Harry's, he let Zayn pull him down beside him. "Just a little while." Harry reminded as if Zayn had forgotten already and he turned to face him.

Zayn pulled Harry so that his whole body was facing him and his fingertips streaked through his dark brown curls. "Thank you." He was satisfied with Harry's answer but just lying close to Harry wasn't enough for Zayn. So he closed his eyes intertwining his legs with Harry's.

Harry finally smiled, when he felt his touch. Beause he was soft and warm, just like the personality inside that no one really knew about. No one exept Harry of course, because he can see right through him like transparent glass. Zayn slid his hand down from Harry's hair to his waist rubbing gently at his hip bone, and shuffled his top half closer to Harry so their torsos touched, still never opening his eyes. Harry just kept smiling and staring at his perfect skin, perfect hair, and perfect eyelids. Zayn Malik is perfection. He always has been. He's just never been this close to it.

There are no more words spoken between the two of them after this. Just their steady breathing and Zayn's rhythmic rubbing at his waist.

What's funny is that Harry had originally said 'a little while', but now that he's finally back this way, maybe he'll give this one exception to Zayn. Maybe he'll stay here until Zayn is ready for him to leave.

Eventually Zayn's soothing touch forced Harry's sleepiness to return making his eyes close and soon Zayn was fast asleep along side him. But what makes this moment just right and even more perfect than it already is, is that neither of them know that while they are sleeping so peacefully and tranquil against one another, their heartbeats seemed to be thumping at the exact same time.


Each of these one shots in this collection are my own. So please do not steal anything from them. :)

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