Without You (Part 1/2)

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Lana Del Rey

Boy you're so dope

Your love is deadly

Tell me life is beautiful

They think that I have it all

I'm nothing without you

All my dreams and all the lights mean

Nothing without you.


Why did I do that?

What's wrong with me?

Why do I do stupid things?

These were the questions that I kept asking myself as I sat in the coffee shop inside the mall and sipped on a cup of coffee. There was only one answer to those questions. I was such a fool. I was a fool for letting Zayn, the best thing that ever happened to me, go.

The worst part about all of it and why I was sulking right now, was that I had finally admited that it was me who was wrong. I was the one who made the mistake. But at the same time, I was just too afraid to admit that I was wrong to anyone else but myself. I was stubborn. And it was a real shame that I behaved that way.

I kept asking why I blew everything out of proportion. How did I even come to the conclusion that we should spilt up? I didn't know the answer to that, but I did know my reasoning wasn't justified.

I had come to the coffee shop to try to take my mind off of things. However, the guilt was eating at me so badly that the only thing I could think about was the first day I met Zayn. I knew the memory would torture me. But right now, memories of him were all I had left.


I had a favorite park right around the corner from where I lived. It was located just off of a bridge and there was a creek that ran right through the middle of the park along side a line of trees which the sun always set behind. I went there at the same time everyday and I would take a walk to relieve stress.

One day when I was walking my usual path, I saw a man leaning up against one of the trees. He was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen, besides the fact that he had a cigarette between his lips. This man had such beautiful features that it almost saddened me to think that I might not ever see him again.

But to my surprise, when I went walking the next day at the same time, there he was standing under the same tree and smoking a cigarette. I didn't read too much into it then because I felt that it was just a coincidence. But then the next day I came back and found him in same exact spot. Why was it that he was always there?

I wasn't curious enough to ask him but I did continue walking past him each day for the rest of that week. Eventually, I decided to be clever and ended up bringing a book with me and sitting on the bench across from him, hoping that he'd notice me. Every now and then, I'd look up to catch a glimpse of him and then quickly look away because he was too far to really pay close attention to him without being obvious that was what I was doing. And I would keep doing that until I saw him leave and head up the hill toward a host of condos just over the top.

One day, I had my head buried deep in a book when I saw two fingers rest atop of my pages and push my book down.

"I'm starting to think you're coming here just for me Mr. Styles." a voice said. I looked up to see the man standing above me.

"What? How do you know me?" I asked, trying to avoid his accussation.

He chuckled. "Everyone knows your name. I've seen your commercials." He threw his cigarette to the ground and smashed it under his foot.

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