Without You (Part 2/2)

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Justin Timberlake

Now how about I be the last voice you hear tonight

And every other night for the rest of the nights that there are.

And every morning, I just wanna see you staring back at me

Cause I know that's a good place to start


Don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me.


It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me.


One of the most special things a person can ever experience is being with someone who is capable of reminding them of what it is to be normal, have feelings, and be the real person they are. And I myself can honestly say that I have had someone like that.

When I was younger, I didn't think I'd ever allow myself to fall hard for anyone. But along came Harry Styles and he changed all my plans. He took me, stole my heart, then broke me like a toothpick. And I didn't even see it coming. But no matter how much he hurt me, I still found myself sitting on the front porch of his house in the middle of October, waiting for him to come home.

As for my choice of words, I hadn't decided what to say yet. Maybe I'd tell him that I'd be willing to wait longer for him to love me back. But that sounded too desperate. It had been a week since the incident and it needed to be something truly special. Harry needed to know that I really wanted him to be mine again and that I was sorry for the the things I said to him.

It seemed like it took me forever to figure out what to say, but after a while, I finally got it together. However, the more things I thought of to say, the more I realized I had been sitting nearly two hours and Harry still hadn't shown shown up.

I began to worry at first. But then I wondered if maybe Harry knew I was here. What if he drove up without me noticing and went on past when he saw I was here? It was sometime close to six o'clock now and I knew that if Harry went to work today, he'd usually be home by now. That's when I began to reason that it was true. Harry was avoiding me and I felt like a complete fool.

I slowly stood up from the steps and headed towards home. I had gone there expecting to tell him I was sorry and that I was wrong for the way I treated him a week ago. But now it was obvious that wasn't going to happen. I now knew what it felt like to lose someone I loved for good. I didn't like the feeling.

By the time I got home, my cheeks were stained with tears and the cold air had dried them as quickly as they fell. I couldn't help but wish things were the way they used to be. When I was right next to the person I cared about. I wanted that again.


Waking up next to Harry was the best thing in the whole world and if I had one wish, I would've wished for that every morning. It was something about turning over to see those dimples and that smile that made me the happiest man alive. And I felt exactly like that when I opened my eyes one morning to see Harry covering his face.

"I didn't mean to stay." He told me and I could see him smiling underneath his hands. We'd had a wonderful night the night before. Harry was only supposed to only eat dinner with me and go home, but the very fact that we were lying naked underneath the covers gave away that it led to more.

"I wanted you to." I told him.

"Yeah, but I have some important people coming over today to meet with. And I have to get back."

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