Last Night

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Katy Perry

There's a stranger in my bed

There's a pounding in my head


This Friday night,

Do it all again


"Harry, you have no idea what I want to do to you right now." Zayn said breathed out as he shoved harry against the wall of his hallway, lifting Harry's shirt up above his head.

Harry raised his arms so that Zayn would have no trouble taking it off at all. "And you have no idea what I want you to do to me right now." Their mouths met into a kiss for a short while, one that was sort of desperate and needy. That is, until Zayn pulled away.

"Was that permission to take you to my bedroom, Mr. Styles?" Zayn replied rather seductively.


"And I can do what ever I want to do to you?"

Harry nodded and whispered. "I want to scream your name."

Zayn felt his dick stiffening the moment those words flowed from Harry's mouth. "Then let's go." He dragged Harry down the rest of the hallway into his bedroom and after they had finally undressed each other and fallen onto the bed Harry planted a big wet kiss against Zayn's neck. Then he sat up. "Are you sure we're not going to mess up your silky gray sheets?" His words slurred a bit.

"I don't care." Zayn spoke, his tone thick with lust. He pulled Harry down to him, so their faces touched. "I just want you."

Harry smiled against Zayns's lips and spoke one last time. "Then you can have me."


Zayn woke up with a slight headache the next morning and he could barely even open his eyes. He was drained, but at the same time, so refreshed. He could hear someone sleeping peacefully next to him and he felt something tucked at his side. So he came to the conclusion that he must have brought someone home with him. He knew he went to a bar yesterday. Maybe it was one of the ladies he met there.

He sat up with a yawn and rubbed his eyes, slowly adjusting to the light that shown through the window. His ears seemed to be ringing too, mostly as a result from all the drinking. When he could finally see clearly, he turned to see who was lying beside him. All he needed to see were curly hair and a set of bare shoulders that never looked good on anyone else but him. "Harry?" he whispered.

He backed out of the bed, widening his eyes and he almost fell to the floor. He quietly searched the room for his underwear and found them thrown on the chair in his room. Another pair of unfamilar underwear were randomly under the little table next to his chair. He guessed those were Harry's and he almost fainted when he figured out what they must have done. He slid on his boxers and from there, he was completely clueless on what to do next.

But he wondered if he really had sex with Harry, the guy he worked with. The guy he always flirted with every Monday through Friday. He wasn't completely sure, but he was willing to bet everything he had, that he did. Because a person doesn't normally wake up naked in bed beside a person that they didn't sleep with. At least he didn't.

Zayn didn't want to stay in that room pondering about last night. So he turned for the door. But as he did, he heard shuffling in his bed. When he looked in that direction, Harry was sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

He gasped when he saw Zayn. "What am I doing here?" he asked cuddling himself up under the sheets when he realized he was naked. "Am I at your place?"

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