You're too late (19)

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Harry's POV

"I said don't fucking touch him!", Zayn furiously yelled, shoving Louis against the wall.

"Oh is the coward finally trying to stand up", Louis laughed heartlessly, apparently finding the situation amusing.

"Shut up or I will...", Zayn started but got cut off by Louis.

"Or what Zayn? You'll kill me?"

Zayn didn't reply but his entire composure changed. His shoulders sank and he furrowed his eyebrows in frustration and anger.

"I thought so", Louis chuckled, and pulling out a shiny object out of his pocket and before Zayn could realize that it was a knife, Louis stabbed him right in his heart.

"ZAYN!", I shouted from the top of my lungs, running towards the weak body hovering on the ground that slowly bleeding out.
"What Harry? You suddenly care for him? For that coward?", Louis asked scornfully and I wanted to cry out in desperation.

"Just leave! Please just leave", I begged and his body vanished into thin air.

"Zayn can you hear me?", I frantically questioned, checking if he was still breathing.

"Curly I'm so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am", he apologetically spoke and his voice sounded so weak but soft and sincere at the same time that I wanted to cry.

"Zayn you can't leave me now! You hear me? You have to fight to stay!", I yelled, pressing my hands above his wound to stop his body from bleeding out.

"It's too late Harreh. You're too late", he murmured, his eyes already having lost all of their color and brightness, his skin looked so pale, he looked absolutely broken, almost dead. But he couldn't die! He wouldn't die! I needed to prevent this! I needed to safe him. I just needed him!

God damn it!

"Zee please. I'm such an idiot!", I cried, grasping for his two cold hands, intertwining them with mine, "Zee I'm begging you to stay. Please stay for me. For your Harreh. I need you."

"You don't need me Harreh", was his weak reply. His eyes were now closed and I could tell he had no energy anymore to keep them open. My heart sank at the side in front of me. This couldn't be true. There had to be a way out of this!

"Zayn", I sobbed, shacking him by his shoulders, but a reply never came.

"ZAYN", I shook him a bit harder.

That's when it hit me. Zayn wouldn't be answering me. Not now. Not ever. Zayn just died.

"Zee", I cried, my tears falling down onto the lifeless body in front of me.

"Oh Zee", I sniffled kneeling down next to his beautiful face, cupping his cheeks in my hands and pressing a short but gentle kiss onto his cold lips.

"I love you Zayn. I love you", I finally spoke out the words that I hadn't been daring to say out loud. Hoping that somehow he still heard them. Because he couldn't die without my telling him how I felt. Yes I felt betrayed. Yes I felt hurt and angry and confused. But all that didn't change my feelings. My heart that was only beating for him.

Abruptly I sat up, my body sweating and my breathing rapidly. What the fuck just happened?! I was still shivering from this dream. It had felt so real. Everything I saw was so vivid as if it actually happened.

My first thought was to call Zayn and make sure that he was alright. But first of all this was out of the options and secondly he probably wouldn't be as glad to be woken up by his boyfriend, I meant ex-boyfriend in the middle of the night, because he had a bad dream.

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