Any time you see the truth (16)

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Harry's POV

Ignoring Nick. That's what I have been doing for the past few days. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe I wasn't handling the situation like an adult should. Well maybe he shouldn't accuse my boyfriend of being a murderer!

"Haz!", I heard Dee shouting my name and reluctantly turned around, just to be faced not only with her but Nick and what looked like Nick's father.

"Dee I gotta go. Zayn is waiting for me", I quickly spoke, not wanting to have to listen to whatever they had to tell me.

"Harry wait!", Nick yelled, pulling me by my sleeve.

"Nick I don't have time for this", I tried again, but with no use.

"I'm sorry my son here is seeming to bother you so much", Mr. Grimshaw said, holding out a hand for me to shake, which I took, not wanting to be rude towards him.

"Well sadly Harry he told you the truth", he spoke further, sighing.

"Yeah whatever", I still refused to believe their story. I mean maybe this was some fucked up prank...?

"Here take a look", Mr. Grimshaw held out what seemed to be a file, with a picture of Zayn on it.

"What is that?", I rudely questioned, even though I kind of knew what it could be.

"It's Zayn Malik's file. I know I'm not supposed to show it to strangers, but my son is very worried about you so I figured I'd make an exception."

Not wanting to believe all of this, I still reached for the document.

Hesitantly turning to the first page.

Zayn Malik

Committed Crime: Murder

Those were the only words I made out, when my sight started to get blurry. This couldn't be true!!! He wouldn't do that!

"I'm sorry Harry. He spent two years in jail and got out because of good behavior. And I know that he probably isn't dangerous anymore, but if he lied to you... I don't know. Nick just thought you should know about this...", Mr. Grimshaw rambled on but I didn't register the rest of what he was saying.

He spent two years in jail...

I was dating a criminal. I was dating someone who had killed another human. WHY ME? WHY!

"Haz, I'm sorry", Dee tried to comfort me and I could feel her putting an arm around my shoulders. I barely even noticed it, just having enough strength to shove it off, to run.

Run away from my problems. Run away from this crazy people. But where to go? To sit lonely in my room, hoping that all of this was just a stupid dream?

Before I knew it I found myself in front of Zayn's dorm once more. Tears were streaming uncontrollably down my face, but I didn't care. I wanted to confront him. Right now. I deserved to know the truth!

So I knocked quite heavenly on his door and when he still hadn't opened I almost broke down. God damn it!

I was just about to leave when the door finally got opened, by none other than Zayn himself. His hair was looking messy and he was wearing sweatpants and a black tank top, which signalized he must have been sleeping.

Usually I'd drool over his look right now, but all I could think about was about how hurt and angry I was.

"Curly what's wrong?", his soft voice asked. While he tried to pull me in for a hug.

Zayn's POV

"Don't you dare touch me", Harry cried, taking a few steps back. He looked like a crying mess and absolutely broken. I wanted to be close to him, kiss him to make his pain go away. But the way he had flinched I knew something big had happened, something that even made him put a distance between us and back away from me.

"Harreh", I tried once more to reach out for him, but he withdrew again.

"Just tell me if it's true?", he demanded, silent tears still streaming down his face. And I knew what he was talking about.

Seeing him like that broke my heart. This was all my fault. Why did I always have to fuck everything up? Why couldn't I just have a normal life? Whatever that was...

"Just tell me!", Harry demanded again and now I was on the edge of crying myself. He knew! My biggest fear had proven itself to become true.

"You know what Zayn!? Forget it! I shouldn't even have come here! Your silence is speaking for itself", he bitterly spoke, turning around to leave.

"Wait!", I exclaimed, wanting to say something, needing to say something, so he wouldn't leave me. So he would stay.

"Why should I wait? You fucking lied to me! And now you can't even open up your damn mouth and admit it! And I thought being a murderer means that you're heartless and powerful. But all you seem to be is a coward", Harry continued and every word was like another cut into my heart.

"Harreh I...", I tried desperately to say something, anything. But what was there to say? Nothing would make him feel better!

"Seriously Zayn. You're pathetic! And there is nothing you can possibly say to make me stay! Nothing!"

Harry's eyes were looking at me, filled with so much hate, so much hurt. It was hard to hold his gaze.

I needed to do something. This was my only chance. I had to take it. So I took all of my courage and finally said the three words that I had never ever said to someone else, but to my family. Hoping they would help. Hoping he'd not run from me. Even though it would be better for him leave. Because he should run from me. He should let me go! Even if I needed him, even if I pleaded. I already was a broken home. A broken soul that would only break him too. If I hadn't already done that.

"Harreh I love you!", I pleaded and it sounded like a helpless cry.

"Don't you say that to me now! If you'd love me you wouldn't have lied!", he screamed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Please don't leave me", I begged, trying to reach for his hand, needing to feel it intertwined with mine only one more time.

Even if Harry flinched, he didn't pull it away. He just stared at our hands. So I used this opportunity to step closer towards him and just when Harry had seemed to notice our close proximity, I pressed my lips on his. Salty tears mixing themselves with the bitter sweetness of our tongues tasting each other.

Frantically I tried to savor this moment. Savor his taste, the plumpness of his lips and the way they molded together with mine so perfectly. Wanting to remember it all. My hands had found themselves tangling his soft curls that I used to play with so many times.

When we both run out of air, we parted again. The both of us still crying.

"I hate you Zayn! Just know that! We're done", was all he spat at me, deciding to really leave this time.

And I just watched him walk away. Knowing I had lost. Knowing I had messed it all up. Knowing there was no way to fix this.

And it was suddenly all too much for me. So I just broke down, sinking down on the floor, putting my hands on my face, trying to stop the tears from rolling down. Trying to stop the nagging pain from my shattered heart.

Just two hearts.

And one soul.

Just two hearts.

And one let go.

Reluctantly ran away,

Couldn't bear to stay.

Left his half,

In order to be okay.

There were two hearts.

And one soul.

You probably all saw this one coming...

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